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Based on the book “Teaching Kids Authentic Worship”

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1 Based on the book “Teaching Kids Authentic Worship”
presented by- Based on the book “Teaching Kids Authentic Worship” By Kathleen Chapman

2 What keeps kids interested in God?
Children that know only of God vs. knowing God personally tend to reach an age where they no longer want to go to church What is it that sticks kids to Christ for life? Authentic worship is the glue that holds them to the truth

3 What is Authentic worship?
True (authentic) worship is adoring God alone without ever mentioning yourself. There is a different between worship and praise Worship speaks only of God, not about our needs or feelings Praise is about our response to what God has done for us

4 Adoration Worship is about God- all adoration, awe, devotion, homage, honor, reverence and wonder for who God is and what He has done Worship is thinking on purpose, with a genuine heart, interest and knowledge about God The glory, attribute, creations and practices of God

5 The Priority of Worship
Worship must come first and foremost Worship first then service Service flows out of worship Service as a substitute for worship is idolatry Where what we are doing gets more focus than who God is

6 Are children capable of worship?
It is easy for children to worship things that fascinate and interest them, examples are singers, athletes, collections, and video games Information (know vs. know about) doesn’t equal worship The “adoration for the sake of adoration” element must be part of the equation.

7 Have we presented Christ in such a way that kids are fascinated by Him?
Children are perceptive, they will sense if we know Him, they will sense our adoration and awe. The specific attribute of God fascinate children if they are communicated in kid friendly language. Knowing leads to understanding, believing is the next step

8 Knowing God through the Word
There are over 100 names of God in scripture. Each name describes an attribute of God. To study and know these from memory is a exciting act of worship Understanding the meaning of each name of God will draw you closer to Him

9 Emotion and Worship Are our kids so taken with God they “glow” when they talk about him? When was the last time just thinking about His greatness and love made tears run down your face? Have your kids ever shed tears over the things of God? When was the last time you showed such depth of emotion?

10 “Let your tears run down like a river day and night;
Give yourself no relief; Let your eyes have no rest… Pour out your heart like water before the presence of the LORD. Lift up your hands to Him For the life of your little ones Who are faint because of hunger.” Lamentations 2:18-19

11 Teaching how to Worship vs. Leading Worship
Communicate vital concepts in kid friendly language- salvation, worship, the names of God, the attributes of God Ask them lots of questions to evaluate understanding and spiritual condition and growth Children have to be taught how to focus on God, and not just lead in worship

12 The Art of Focus Children learn focus in school
Homework requires focus Music lessons require disciplined focus Playing sports requires focus Musical theatre takes focus Why should we settle for less discipline and concentration when it affects kid’s relationships with God? If we are to obey God’s Word, we must teach this truth to our children.

13 Familiarity Spiritual familiarity doesn’t just happen!
If a child accepts Jesus as personal Savior at five years of age, wouldn’t it be wonderful if he or she automatically acquired a passion and desire to be in God’s house? Wouldn’t it be trilling to see a child beg to worship? It doesn’t happen that way, we must teach them what to do next and repeat it over and over

14 How can we Not? The question is not how can we teach our children to have a worship relationship with God, but rather how can we not? We must give children the opportunity To be so familiar with this knowledge that they will experience a lifelong bond with our Savior.

15 A Plan for Worship Planning is the key to successfully teaching a child in any area On purpose planning Create a worship place- a sense of quiet structure Allow three to four minutes to start for worship moments adding gradually

16 more tips … Worship takes practice
note: do not use the word worship unless you are going to immediately focus on God Use creative worship moment formats When children grasp this concept, this looking at God, they begin responding to this closeness. This relationship begins to shine

17 Worship Moment Formats
Worship Songs A worship song is one that talks about God, not us. Remember this clear-cut explanation helps teach children the meaning of worship. Read the lyrics of the songs carefully. Look for songs that don’t have a lot of “me”, “us”, “we”, “our”, or “I” A worship song allows children to sing about God without mentioning any form of self.

18 Worship With Hands Done to music without singing. Worshipful choreography with hands and arms. Learning sign language will add to your movements Worship Dance Worship Drama- the content must focus on God, pointing children to God Bible Stories- try telling a Bible Story from God’s point of view Worship Activities Worship Object Lessons

19 The Benefits of Worship
When you worship you are face to face with the Miracle Worker

20 Worship …. Blesses- “A faithful man will abound with blessings.” Proverbs 28:20 Heals- “For I am the Lord who heals you” Exodus 15:26 Empowers- “He is my strength, my shield from every danger. I trusted in Him, and He helped me.” Psalm 28:7 Is spiritual protection- “You will keep him in perfect peace, who’s mind is stayed on you.” Isaiah 26:3 Ensures purity- “…whatever is pure … meditate on these things [think, focus, familiarize, worship] on these things.” Philippians 4:8

21 Children need this worship relationship in order
to survive the temptations that will inevitably come their way.

22 Worship Moments to Share
After singing worship songs ask children what they heard about God in the lyrics Learn sign language for a worship song Lead a child in worship dance, then let them express themselves Act out “Paul and Silas in Prison”, then worship in the dark (or with flashlight) Seek out or write other worship dramas

23 “You are” activity- have children list as many things about God as they can, addressing it to God himself Have them find scripture with as any names of God as they can find Tell Bible stories from God’s point of view Cut out pictures that could illustrate the nature or character of God Object Lessons (glow in the dark stars, dolls, sound effects, seeds and paper snowflakes, nature walk) discuss the imagination of the Creator Share person stories that illustrate God’s character

24 Write a worship song, use a familiar tune
Read scriptures slowly with lots of expression a passage that points to, or talks only of God Read scriptures written about the promises of God, discuss what they say about His nature Worship the God of Miracles- watch video clips or read stories about miracles and healing, sharing attributes Worship and the Cross- tell the story of the crucifixion stressing “God is love” Pray that God will show you countless ways to teach children how awesome our God is! Pray for zeal and passion to share with others!

25 Teaching kids authentic worship will keep them close to God for life!

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