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Welcome to Worship Led by 1M. Welcome We begin this time of Worship in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. All: Amen.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Worship Led by 1M. Welcome We begin this time of Worship in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. All: Amen."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Worship Led by 1M

2 Welcome We begin this time of Worship in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. All: Amen

3 We light the candles To remind us that Jesus is the light which came into our world and that we too can shine his light.

4 We bring forward the offering These offerings are our gift to God. They will be used to support the Cancer Council.

5 Let’s Sing Let’s get our day and our Worship started by singing “This is the day”. Please stand up and have a go at the actions while you sing.

6 What’s this? A short play

7 Our Inspiration Item Puzzle Pieces Puzzle – something that is hard to understand or work out. People do puzzles for fun. Jigsaw puzzles have pieces which need to be fitted together to make a picture.

8 Rattling 1 – Parts of the body

9 -God made people with different parts like a puzzle. -In the Bible it talks about each part of the body being important to the whole body. -It also says that God’s church is like a body with different parts which need each other and are all important.

10 Rattling 2 – Part of the world and creation

11 -When God created the world he made different countries, oceans and places. -All these fit together like a puzzle too. Can you imagine if it wasn’t all there – a gaping big hole in the earth’s surface?

12 Dance When we dance in worship it is an expression of our love and praise to God. Please listen to the words in the song. God of Wonders – Third Day

13 Rattling 3 – People make different parts of the world

14 -We saw good morning and good bye in different languages. -Godan daginn is good morning in Icelandic and Zaijian is goodbye in Chinese Mandarin. -There are many different people in the world who fit together into their countries like a big people puzzle.

15 Rattling 4 – Pieces of the Bible

16 -In Christian Studies we have been learning all about the Bible. -It has been written by different people, at different times, in different ways. -But it all fits together like a puzzle to make a great big amazing book for us to read.

17 Prayers

18 Let’s Sing Please join with our next song “Supernatural”

19 Blessing May God be with us today and always. You are all a piece of the puzzle which makes up our lives.

20 Candles

21 Have a great day! Thank you for joining us for Worship this morning. Children wait for teacher’s instructions Parents and friends are invited to stay for coffee and a chat

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