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We worship. What Is Worship? Worship Includes 4 Components: An Object An Attitude A Posture (In Body or Heart) A Form.

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Presentation on theme: "We worship. What Is Worship? Worship Includes 4 Components: An Object An Attitude A Posture (In Body or Heart) A Form."— Presentation transcript:

1 We worship

2 What Is Worship? Worship Includes 4 Components: An Object An Attitude A Posture (In Body or Heart) A Form

3 The 5 Concepts of Worship To Kneel To Bow (Literally: Kiss the earth) To Offer Wages & Service To Publicly Serve The Kingdom To Confess Agreement

4 The 5 Concepts of Worship To Kneel: (gónu) – “a gesture of worship which also symbolizes the inner attitude.” Genuflection: Bending the knee or kneeling. – “It passed into the early church as an established practice in both individual and common prayer.” Key Passages: Luke 22:41, Phil. 2:10 Key Concept: Gesture to express humility, need, respect, submission, and adoration.

5 The 5 Concepts of Worship To Bow: (proskuneín) – Literally: Kiss the earth A visible act to a visible diety. – Declares: You have Total Claim to all that I am and all that I have. – Directed To Jesus: Matthew 14:33, 28:9, Highest Place, “…and worship at your feet.” Refused To Men – By Mordecai, Esther 3:3 – By Paul, Acts 10:25-26

6 The 5 Concepts of Worship To Bow: (proskuneín) Literally: Kiss the earth Usage: Almost Exclusively in the Gospels & Revelation. – Such a powerful and meaningful response that Christians reserved it for being literally in the presence of God. (Revelation 15:4) Key Passage:1 Cor. 14:24-25 – The former pagan will respond as if God were literally among them. Key Passage: John 4:20-24 – Question of a given gesture at a given place. – Jesus shows the place is irrelevant, but does not reject the gesture.

7 The 5 Concepts of Worship To Offer Wages & Service (latreú ō /latreía) – Service based on “an ultimate decision or committal of the heart.” Brings a new sphere of thought into our worship. – “The performance of acts associated with the cultus [the collective worship] seems to be the main connotation.” (See Hebrews 9:1) Key Application: – In Prayer: Luke 2:37, Acts 26:7 – In The Gospel: Romans 1:9 – In Life: Acts 24:14, Romans 12:1

8 The 5 Concepts of Worship To Publicly Serve The Kingdom (Leitourgia) – “rendered primarily to God, liturgy was a national institution of benefit to the whole people.” Key Passages: Hebrews 9:21, 2 Cor. 9:12, Phil. 2:17 Noun: A person who renders service. – Christ: Hebrews 8:1-2 – Epaphroditus: Philippians 2:25 *Special Note: A description. Not an official term for apostles, teachers, elders or deacons. Not an office for ‘works of a priest.’ For example: It does not set song leaders or other worship facilitators over other saints.

9 The 5 Concepts of Worship To Confess Agreement (Homología) – “the acceptance of vows or more commonly the confession of sin.” “In the New Testament…solemn declaration.” – “Admission of sin becomes acknowledgement of the grace and power of God.” Key Passages: – 2 Corinthians 9:13 – Hebrews 11:13 – Matthew 10:32 Key Concept: The faith of the heart leads to the confession of the lips. (Rom 10:9)

10 The 5 Concepts of Worship To Confess Agreement (Homología) – Its use builds in intensity from the confession of sin, to the confession of praise and prayer to God, to the central confession of Jesus and all the facts and doctrines relating to Him. – “As in the OT, homology is the praise of God which culminates in the heavenly anthems and in creation’s acknowledgement of Jesus Christ as Lord.” (Romans 14:11)

11 The 5 Concepts of Worship To Kneel: Teaches Humility To Bow: – Teaches His Presence & His Total Claim To Offer Wages & Service: – Teaches You Freely Give To The God You Love To Publicly Serve The Kingdom: – Teaches You Are His Vessel To Confess Agreement: – Teaches You Declare Your Sin, Savior, & God’s Ultimate Worthiness

12 God Is Worthy of The Worship He Desires Question: What attributes did Paul say made God so worthy of worship? – Acts 17:22-31 Let Us Always Worship With Gratitude – Hebrews 12:28 Let Us Never Turn To Forms of Worship God Finds Foolish – Psalm 115:1-8, Colossians 2:23

13 We worship

14 How Should We Worship God? Exodus 19: Moses travels up and down Mt. Sinai to hear from the Lord. – Trip 1: If you keep my covenant… (Vs 3-7) – Trip 2: Agreement to covenant (Vs 8-14) – Trip 3: Reinforce bounds, Get Aaron (vs 20-25) Exodus 20: The Lord speaks to the entire crowd, and elaborates on proper worship. – Idols Forbidden in Worship. Exodus 20:18-23 – Instructions for Acceptable Worship. 20:24-26

15 Learning God’s Plan Trip 4: Moses 40 Days (Exodus 24:1-2,9-18) Question: What special command does Moses give in verse 14? Question: They likely expected Moses to return in a few hours. Instead, he was gone for 40 days! What would the people guess had happened to him?

16 Learning God’s Plan Moses Is Actually Getting Instructions – Instructions About The Tabernacle, Priests & Sacrifices. Many directly about Aaron! – “When He had finished speaking with him upon Mount Sinai, He gave Moses the two tablets of the testimony, tablets of stone, written by the finger of God.” (Exodus 31:18) Exodus 32: The People’s Big Idea…

17 The Golden Calf They Worship God As Seems Best To Them – Exodus 32:1-6 Question: What elements do they include in their worship? Question: What influences lead them to incorporate these activities into worship? – Exodus 12:12

18 The Problem Question: How can we repeat history, making the same mistakes? Some Problems We Must Avoid: – People look to those who don’t know God to determine how to worship God. – People get impatient with God’s plans. – People fear something’s wrong with God’s system. – People choose to disregard God’s commands. – People incorporate practices that appeal to them. – People find leaders who will go along. We Must Never Forget Worship Is A Privilege!

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