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Exploring the Quadrennial Theme

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Presentation on theme: "Exploring the Quadrennial Theme"— Presentation transcript:

1 Exploring the Quadrennial Theme
Bishop Darryl B. Starnes, Sr., Presenter

2 Exploring the Quadrennial Theme
Fortifying Our Faith While Focusing on Our Future Through Worship Leadership Discipleship Stewardship

3 Faith is our trusting response to what God has promised or commanded.
Fortifying Our Faith Faith is our trusting response to what God has promised or commanded. Dynamic Faith Head Faith Temporal Faith Saving Faith

4 How then is faith fortified?
Fortifying Our Faith How then is faith fortified? Faithful attendance to the appointed means of grace The Ministry of the Word The Public and Private Worship of God

5 Fortifying Our Faith Prevenient Grace Saving Faith Justifying Grace
Means of Grace Sanctifying Grace Dynamic Faith

6 Fortifying Our Faith The Means of Grace Personal Prayer Personal Study
Sunday Worship Sunday School Prayer Meeting Bible Study Class Meeting

7 Focusing on Our Future Our Storied Past From 1 Church in 1796
To thousands of Church on 5 Continents The Freedom Church Frederick Douglas Harriet Tubman Sojourner Truth

8 Focusing on Our Future Our Promising Future

9 Worship Authentic Worship Right Object (God)
Right Objective (Pleasing Him) Right Relationship with God

10 Worship Inspiring Worship- In proper balance In Spirit In Truth

11 Leadership Transformative Leadership Leaders Are Transformed
Congregational Transformation Community Transformation

12 Leadership Empowering Leadership Empowers others to lead and serve
Equips the saints for their ministry Helps people discover, develop, and use their spiritual gifts Uses nominating power to help people find their place in meaningful ministry

13 discipleship Disciple-Making Evangelism: sharing the gospel
Baptism: initiating and assimilating new converts into a loving church Teaching: training converts to obey the commands of Christ

14 discipleship Small-Group Discipleship
Henderson: the class meeting was the most influential instructional unit in Methodism Beecher: The greatest thing John Wesley ever gave to the world is the Methodist class- meeting. Moody: The Methodist class-meetings are the best institutions for training converts the world ever saw.

15 Stewardship Faithful Stewardship
The stewardship of our time, talents, treasures, and temple The stewardship of God’s mysteries, our ministries, and our management of His Church The stewardship of the care of souls

16 Stewardship Tithing God’s plan For financing His Church
For the support of its ministries For meeting the needs of the community For the evangelization of the world

17 Conclusion Isn’t it time?

18 Conclusion O Zion Haste!

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