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Lesson 11: Worship in the Early Church (Continued) Conversion of Constantine: A New Era Begins.

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1 Lesson 11: Worship in the Early Church (Continued) Conversion of Constantine: A New Era Begins

2 “On a day called Sunday, there is a gathering together” “The memoirs of the apostles or the writings of the prophets are read” “The president in a discourse admonishes and urges the imitation of these good things” “We all rise together and send up prayers”

3 “Bread is presented and wine and water” “The president in the same manner sends up prayers and thanksgivings” “The people sing out their assent, saying the ‘Amen’” A distribution and participation of the elements…is made to each person” “do this in remembrance of me” Lk 22:19 EucharistThanksgiving

4 BAPTISM NT practice seems to be immediate baptism upon acceptance of the gospel By 2 nd century ritual included period of instruction, prayers, and fasting How did the 2 events designed to bring the church together in worship become such a battle ground in Church History? Who should be baptized? Presbyterians – infants of believing parents Roman Catholics & Eastern Orthodox – all infants Baptists – only conscious believers after profession of faith

5 METHOD OF BAPTISM Baptist - immersion Eastern Orthodox – triple immersion Presbyterians/Methodist/Anglican/Lutheran/RC - sprinkling DIVISION BETWEEN BAPTISM AND REGENERATION Lutherans, Anglicans, and Catholics – baptismal regeneration (baptism effects forgiveness of sins) Presbyterians – sign and seal of the covenant of grace Baptists – obedience to the command of Christ

6 DEBATE OVER INFANT BAPTISM BEGAN EARLY IN THE CHURCH Tertullian First explicit reference to infant baptism (200) Argues that it should not be practiced Origin (mid 3 rd century) Infant baptism is the tradition of the apostles and should be practiced Cyprian (late 3 rd century) Defends the validity of infant baptism Joachim Jeremias Infant Baptism of the First Four Centuries Kurt Aland Did the Early Church Baptize Infants? Paul K Jewett Infant Baptism & The Covenant of Grace G.R. Beasley-Murray Baptism in the New Testament

7 DISCIPLINE 1.Maintain purity in the church 2. Restore the sinner to usefulness Purpose: Result of discipline: Developed the practice of penance Restoration of the sinner was a process that took time!

8 The Age of Constantine The Church moved from the “apostolic age” to the age of “Christendom.” Conversion of Constantine the Great resulted in the greatest change the church has ever undergone External Internal Very different interpretations of Constantine: Western Christians Eastern Christians

9 Constantine b. 272/73; died in 337 Prominent family Helena Constantius I Chlorus Early taken to court of Emperor Diocletian

10 The “tetrachy” of Diocletian: Divided control of the Empire between two “Augusti” and two “Caesars”


12 Battle of Milvian Bridge in 312 Constantine and his troops camp outside of Rome near Tiber river Conversion of Constantine Chi Rho Did Constantine become a Christian? labarum Eusebius Ecclesiastical History Life of Constantine

13 Edict of Milan (313) Jointly issued by Constantine and Licinius Allowed all religions to practice their faith freely with the Roman Empire The Triumph of Christianity Paradigm shift:Christianity went from unknown to major recognized religion in the empire The church could now turn its attention to theology Council of Nicea (325) The church supported by the state could rebuild it’s buildings and resume outward ministry

14 Negative Results Rise of religious complacency Cultural captivity of the church H. Richard Niebuhr Christ and Culture Early“Christ against culture” After Constantine“Christ of culture” Movement from martyr to inquisitor Blending of church and state

15 Positive Results Persecution came to an end Church buildings were returned or restored Clergy were granted special privileges Sunday observance was recognized Official sacrifices ceased Crucifixion was abolished as a form of execution for criminals Infanticide was discouraged and repressed Slavery became more humane Gladiatorial games were brought to an end Christian theology could develop freely

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