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Review –Chapters 9-11 are prophetic – What about the nation of Israel? –Paul’s heart for his unsaved brethren. (9:1-3 & 10:1) –The question comes up, Since.

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Presentation on theme: "Review –Chapters 9-11 are prophetic – What about the nation of Israel? –Paul’s heart for his unsaved brethren. (9:1-3 & 10:1) –The question comes up, Since."— Presentation transcript:

1 Review –Chapters 9-11 are prophetic – What about the nation of Israel? –Paul’s heart for his unsaved brethren. (9:1-3 & 10:1) –The question comes up, Since God has given the covenants and promises to Israel, (Rom. 3:1-4, 9:1-6) what has happened to the nation as a whole? –So far in Chapters 9 & 10 how has Paul responded to this question? Not all of Israel is spiritual Israel God sovereignly chooses on whom He will have mercy, making them part of spiritual Israel, and hardens whom He wants. Israel sought righteousness through self-righteousness in the law and not through faith –National Israel did not believe God but pursued the law of righteousness through works Did not arrive at it because of unbelief (9:32) Christ is the end of the law of righteousness (10:4) Christ had done it all for them but they did not believe Romans Grace Revisited 10:6-13 Lesson # 79 Jim Pool, April 22, 2007 1 of 6

2 ‘But’ - verses 6-13 are in strong contrast to verses 9:30-10:5 –The righteousness based on faith says this... The righteousness based on faith and the righteousness of God are synonymous (9:30, 10:3 x2, 10:6) The Gentiles attained this righteousness (9:30) Why? –Because they believed Therefore if the righteousness of God is based on faith, to be attained by faith then “do not say in your heart”...(Deut. 9:4) Verses 6b-7 – Quote from Deut. 30:11-14 –Who will ascend into heaven? Is equivalent with, to bring Christ down –Who will descend into the abyss (deep)? Is equivalent with, to bring Christ up from the dead –If Paul is saying don’t say this in your heart then it is important to know what these statements mean. What do you think? Christ has already descended into the earth, risen from the dead and ascended into heaven. His death and resurrection were satisfactory to God and do not need to be repeated. In fact it is impossible for this to be repeated. It is not necessary and it is humanly impossible Romans Grace Revisited 10:6-13 Lesson # 79 Jim Pool, April 22, 2007 2 of 6

3 Verse 8 – continues quote from Deut. 30:11-14 –In the Old Testament the word was near to them, not far off. What is the ‘word’ referring to in the OT? word of the commandment or law –In the New Testament the word was also near to them. What is the ‘word’ referring to in the NT? word of faith –This is ‘grace revisited’ – the good news of the death, burial and resurrection of Christ Don’t try to bring Christ down from heaven so you can crucify Him again, but believe in the fact that He has already been crucified, buried, raised and ascended. And this ‘word’ is near to you. –Christ had come just as the Old Testament said He would –Christ was not remote from them –Christ had come among them –He died and rose again in their midst –The resultant righteousness was available to them – in their very mouth and heart because Paul and other disciples were teaching and preaching the word –They had no excuse Romans Grace Revisited 10:6-13 Lesson # 79 Jim Pool, April 22, 2007 3 of 6

4 Verses 9-13 –Believe used 3 times –Call upon Him/the Lord used 2 times –The issue is they are without excuse and need to believe and call on the Lord That or because if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord –Confess – to speak the same thing, to agree with what the scriptures say about Jesus as Lord –Similar idea as confess your sins to God – means simply to agree with God about your sin and thank Him for forgiveness –“To confess Jesus as Lord includes a heart belief in His deity, incarnation, vicarious atonement and bodily resurrection.” Wuest Believe in your heart, God raised Him from the dead you will be saved. (confess and believe are aorist, active, subjunctive) –This is in contrast to just an oral confession or intellectual decision –Verse 8 talks abut the gospel being near them, in their mouth and hearts, so he is simply saying to confess with their mouths what is already in their mouths, but it is not just an outward oral confession of something but it is an inward belief with the heart that results in salvation. Romans Grace Revisited 10:6-13 Lesson # 79 Jim Pool, April 22, 2007 4 of 6

5 John 12:42-43 –If one is not willing to outwardly confess then do they really believe? Caution –Oral confession is not a second requirement for salvation –Belief in the heart is the critical requirement –Confession is the outward manifestation of the inner response of faith –Context proves this! Verses 9:30-10:15 – faith/belief are mentioned 11 times while confess is mentioned 2 Verse 10 –Reiterates the same points with different word order –Verses 9 & 10 are a chiasm –Verses are emphasizing the same point of believing with the heart the gospel and confessing with the mouth –Verses 9 & 10 are personal and 11-13 are universal Verse 11 - Whoever believes in Him will not be disappointed –KJV uses the word ashamed for disappointed –This word is also used in 5:5 and the same quote from Isaiah 28:16 is in 9:33 Romans Grace Revisited 10:6-13 Lesson # 79 Jim Pool, April 22, 2007 5 of 6

6 –Being ashamed of the Lord is not what Paul is communicating –The idea is that the sinner who believes in the Lord will not be defeated or disappointed. –Romans 1:16 – ashamed of the gospel, means he is not afraid that the gospel will be defeated. He knows that he will not be disappointed in the gospel. –The person who trusts in the Lord will not be put to shame, defeated or disappointed –Why? Because of Romans 5:1-5 Verse 12 - There is no partiality with God –All are sinners – God shows no partiality in dealing with sin and He shows no partiality when people are calling on Him as Savior –In this dispensation God is not working specifically with Israel but with the church where there is neither Jew nor Gentile. Gal.3:28, Col. 3:11 Abounding in riches for all who call upon Him – Rom. 2:4, Eph. 1:7 & 2:7, Col. 2:9 & 10, Eph. 3:14-20 Verse 13 – Quote from Joel 2:32 to drive home the point Romans Grace Revisited 10:6-13 Lesson # 79 Jim Pool, April 22, 2007 6 of 6

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