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By: Dima Richards.  There are many countries that are violating basic human rights. Iran is one of the countries that has the biggest violations in these.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Dima Richards.  There are many countries that are violating basic human rights. Iran is one of the countries that has the biggest violations in these."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Dima Richards

2  There are many countries that are violating basic human rights. Iran is one of the countries that has the biggest violations in these rights.  A few of the rights that they’ve violated were  basic human freedoms  free speech  right to religion  Along with that, they have  public executions  authorities that brag about their aggression and violence habits  At this point the US and other countries are working to figure out some kind of solution to this problem without causing a big war.

3  In the 1980s, Iran executed many political prisoners and they won’t allow the members of their families to visit their graves.  If they do visit the graves, then they are taken by the Iran Intelligence Agency and interrogated. . One of the mothers of the executed people claimed it was her right to visit the graves of her lost ones. She was later arrested and charged with propaganda because she formed a “mourning mothers” group.

4  in some Iranian prisons, some prisoners are forced  If they didn’t confess, their chances of parole would be taken away, experience harsh punishments and/or put to death.  They want people and other countries to think that they have a really bad crime rate and they do something about it, but in reality, they arrest people for simply trying to defend their rights.

5  Iran is very prejudice against certain religions.  Citizens are punished for converting religion. When they’re being interrogated, they’re tortured more than usually interrogated.  Called names  Beaten  Treated like animals

6  On death row, depending on their crimes, their execution is public.  When someone convicted of rape was executed; he was hung in the middle of a large public soccer field with hundreds of people watching.

7  One presidential candidate(Mohammad Baqer Qalibaf ) bragged about his direct role in violence.  While running for president, he took pride in this as if that would win him popularity.  Because he said this, the International Community is planning on arranging travel bans against him.

8  There are a few solutions to these problems:  The UN could invade Iran and try to set up a new constitution and friendlier government.  The problem with that route is that it would start another war and drag more countries into it.  Send people over there and talk to the government leaders and say that we’d attack them if they don’t change their ways.  Some citizens might go on strike and not go to work until the government changes.  Might end up like what happened in Egypt; the military butts in and settles it by force.

9  The situation in Iran is very bad:  They’re denying people their rights  Forcing people to confess to false crimes  Denying people of other religions their respect  They’re performing public executions  Political leaders that brag about their role in violence.  Something must be done…

10  -mother/ -mother/  aee_shahr-2/ aee_shahr-2/  unni_rajaee_shahr/ unni_rajaee_shahr/  halibaf_tape/ halibaf_tape/

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