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The Gospel of John. Difference between John and Synoptics More spiritual, theological (Eagle soars above others) Contains info the others do not have.

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Presentation on theme: "The Gospel of John. Difference between John and Synoptics More spiritual, theological (Eagle soars above others) Contains info the others do not have."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Gospel of John

2 Difference between John and Synoptics More spiritual, theological (Eagle soars above others) Contains info the others do not have (wedding at Cana, bread of life discourse, Nicodemus, woman at the well) Miracles are seen as signs (only 7) Synoptics are more for initial proclamation, John “fills the gaps” Chronology – Synoptics mostly over the northern ministry. John has Jesus go to Jerusalem 3 times Divided into the “Book of Signs” and “Book of Glory”

3 Prologue (Be able to cite!)

4 Themes in Prologue that continue throughout the entire gospel Light/darkness Testimony/believing Word of God Truth The Preexistence of Jesus Life The world

5 The Word of God (Logos) The Word of God is seen as being gradually revealed in: Creation (God created with his Word) Law is the Word of God Wisdom literature personified the Word of God Prophets spoke the Word of God

6 In Jesus the Word of God is fully revealed The Word of God became Flesh (Incarnation)

7 Wedding at Cana Mary’s intercession “Do whatever he tells you”

8 Jesus’ hour His time of suffering on the cross and glorious resurrection

9 Typology at Wedding at Cana Woman – Mary is seen as the New Eve Mary is the mother of all Jesus’ followers

10 Cleansing of the Temple Typology Jesus is new Temple throughout John’s gospel

11 Nicodemus Pharisee who came to see Jesus in secret at night (Nic at night) Symbolizes spiritual darkness Jesus tries to bring him from darkness to light

12 How are we born again?

13 Samaritan Woman It was unusual for Jesus to talk to her because she was: A sinner A woman A Samaritan

14 Samaritan woman typology She represents Israel. 5 foreign gods. They knew the real God but were not faithful to him.

15 Feeding of Multitudes typology OT=manna NT=Eucharist (v. 11-Took, gave thanks, distributed) 12 baskets left – 12 tribes restored and nourished

16 John 6:22-71. Bread of Life Discourse Jesus actually meant what he said! Eucharist actually becomes Jesus’ body and blood (transubstantiation) The apostles believe but don’t understand until the Last Supper

17 Good Shepherd typology Leaders in OT – referred to as shepherds David

18 Raising of Lazarus Prefigured Jesus’ resurrection

19 Washing of Disciples’ feet Jesus shows how to serve others

20 New Commandment (Jn 13:34) Love one another as I have loved you

21 Vine and Branches Jesus’ relationship with his disciples

22 Last Supper Discourses Themes Joy Persecution Faith in Jesus Coming of the Paraclete (Holy Spirit) Following Commandments Love one another

23 Peter’s betrayal By a charcoal fire

24 CCC 598 Who made Christ suffer and die?

25 Us! We are worse than the Jews because they did not know who he was. We claim to know but still sin.

26 Inscription on the Cross Jesus the Nazarene, the king of the Jews

27 John and Mary Jesus gave us Mary to be our mother (mother of the Church) He spoke to John asking him to care for her

28 Jesus drank the cup of Consummation on the Cross

29 After the resurrection 1 st to see Jesus – Mary Magdalene John let Peter go in tomb first (Peter’s primacy)

30 John 20:19-23 Locked doors, in fear of the Jews Reconciliation – Jesus gives the power to forgive sins to his apostles. Since God is the only one who can really forgive sins, they can do it only through the power of God. They have handed this power down to their successors. (Bishops/priests)

31 Why confess to priests when we can go directly to God? Priests can’t forgive unless they hear the sins Jesus tells Peter, “Whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.” (Mt. 16:17-19) If someone is sick, the presbyters (priests) should pray over him and if he committed any sins, they will be forgiven. “Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another that you may be healed.” (James 5:13-16) It is good for us to do an examination of conscience and to have someone advise us in our errors It is helpful to actually hear that we are forgiven Grace!

32 Thomas The apostle who doubted Jesus’ resurrection until he could see it himself

33 153 fish Symbolic of all fish in the world “Fishers of Men”

34 Commissioning of Peter Charcoal fire Jesus asks Peter 3 times if he loves him (opposite Peter’s denial) Jesus is giving Peter a chance to “undo” his denial “Feed my Sheep” At Jesus’ ascension, Peter becomes the head of the Church – the 1 st Pope!


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