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The Life of the New Man Ephesians 4:17-32. The Process (Ephesians 4:20-24)  Put off the old man Vs. 22  Filthy garment that needs to be shed  I ’ m.

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Presentation on theme: "The Life of the New Man Ephesians 4:17-32. The Process (Ephesians 4:20-24)  Put off the old man Vs. 22  Filthy garment that needs to be shed  I ’ m."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Life of the New Man Ephesians 4:17-32

2 The Process (Ephesians 4:20-24)  Put off the old man Vs. 22  Filthy garment that needs to be shed  I ’ m not going to do things I know are wrong!  Be renewed in the spirit of our minds Vs. 23  Change direction of our moral & spiritual being  Whole new way of thinking 2 Corinthians 5:7  Put on the new man Vs. 24  Good intentions aren’t enough  A totally different person  I ’ m going to do the things I know are right!

3 The Application (Ephesians 4:25-32)  Our Speech Vs. 25  Put away lying  Put on truth speaking  Renew mind in showing respect & reverence

4 The Application (Ephesians 4:25-32)  Our Speech Vs. 25  Self-Control Vs. 26-27  Put off anger that causes sin  Put on anger that is manageable  Renew our mind understanding that anger gives place to devil

5 The Application (Ephesians 4:25-32)  Our Speech Vs. 25  Self-Control Vs. 26-27  Our Attitude Towards Stuff Vs. 28  Put off stealing  Put on hard work  Renew mind with attitude of giving not taking; sharing not hoarding

6 The Application (Ephesians 4:25-32)  Our Speech Vs. 25  Self-Control Vs. 26-27  Our Attitude Towards Stuff Vs. 28  Our Attitude One To Another Vs. 29  Put off tearing people down  Put on building people up  Renew mind by replacing desire to be critical with desire to be encouraging

7 The Application (Ephesians 4:25-32)  Our Speech Vs. 25  Self-Control Vs. 26-27  Our Attitude Towards Stuff Vs. 28  Our Attitude One To Another Vs. 29  Our Disposition Vss. 30-32  Put off meanness  Put on kindness  Renew mind by remembering what God has done for us

8 Conclusion Being a Christian is about a complete change A never-ending process Well worth the struggle!


10 What Must I Do To Be Saved? You believe in God, believe also in Me. John 14:1 Unless you repent, you likewise will perish. Luke 13:3 Confess Me before men, and I ’ ll confess you before My Father. Matthew 10:32 He that believes and is baptized shall be saved Mark 16:16 Be faithful unto death... Rev. 2:10

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