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Yale University Fleet Safety CCIC MEETINGS 07-14-05 Presentation by Peter J. LeMay, Asst Risk Mgr

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Presentation on theme: "Yale University Fleet Safety CCIC MEETINGS 07-14-05 Presentation by Peter J. LeMay, Asst Risk Mgr"— Presentation transcript:

1 Yale University Fleet Safety CCIC MEETINGS 07-14-05 Presentation by Peter J. LeMay, Asst Risk Mgr

2 3 Years of Study What did we learn? & Still Learning! There’s no white rabbit in the hat! No magic Fixes What did we fix? Not Nearly Enough What are we still fixing? Department Attitudes Accountability & Responsibilities of Drivers and Departments

3 WHY BE CONCERNED ? Health and Safety of Yale’s Students, Employees and Public 360 + Vehicles on the Road rain or shine 100’s of rentals Country and Worldwide every Week Self Insured Underlying & Multilayer Excess Insurance 100+ Loss Incidents/Year

4 What are we trying to control? VEHICLES Around Campus ? School Buses, Specialty Transports Police, Fire, Mail trucks, Delivery trucks, Small Vans, Garbage Trucks, OH Buckets Sedans, Pick Ups, Field Trips ? Commercial Buses, Vans, Rentals Personally Owned Vehicles

5 DRIVERS STAFF- Full Time, Temps, Casuals Local Drivers and campus Operations FACULTY and RESEARCHERS USA and Worldwide Trips STUDENTS- Undergrad and Grads Campus Organizations & Research Trips

6 Control Measures Policies & Procedures Auto Fleet Program Policy 1705 Yale Travel Policy Driver Safety Awareness Training Required of ALL Regular Drivers & ALL Students 2 Hours Using the Smith System with Post Test MUST Pass to be on Approved List

7 Post Loss – Claims Management 1 st PARTY AUTO Department Involvement- choice of repair shop, reimbursed for damages less Deduc Require 24 hr Reporting, Incident Form & Police Report 3 rd PARTY AUTO Use of TPA w/limit of Authority & Guideline

8 2005-2006 Projects $ Premium Allocation to Departments Increase Deductibles- Possibly bear PD $ Establish Charges for late reporting Increase Deductibles as Departments Continue to Incur more losses Fleet Safety Committee Driver Discipline Program Driver Handouts, Safety Rodeo

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