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Theory of Germs Imam Jafar Sadiq (as) Reference: The Great Muslim Scientist and Philospher, Jafar As-Sadiq.

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Presentation on theme: "Theory of Germs Imam Jafar Sadiq (as) Reference: The Great Muslim Scientist and Philospher, Jafar As-Sadiq."— Presentation transcript:

1 Theory of Germs Imam Jafar Sadiq (as) Reference: The Great Muslim Scientist and Philospher, Jafar As-Sadiq

2 Three kinds of diseases Student asked: “What are your views about sickness. Does it come by order of Allah or is it accidental?” Imam: Diseases are of three kinds: 1. Some from Allah 2. Some are our own creation 3. Some caused by tiny living beings

3 1. From Allah Old age is an example of sickness from Allah. There is no escape from it. Sooner or later everyone must suffer from this disease.

4 2. Our own creation These diseases are caused by our false desires. Example: Overeating can lead to many diseases. This is why we have been warned in the Quran not to indulge in excessive eating and drinking.

5 3. Tiny living beings (Germs) Imam said: “Many diseases are caused by enemies of human body. These enemies are so small that we cannot see them with our eyes.” “To help us fight these enemies, Allah has provided us with a large number of ‘guards’.” “The guards fight these enemies and when our guards succeed we recover from illness.”

6 Germs contd. Student: “Who are these enemies?” Imam: “They are of many kinds but their constituents are limited.” Student: “I do not understand. How can they be of many kinds but made of limited things?” Imam: “A book may have thousand words but all words made of limited letters. There maybe thousands of animals but all are made of flesh, bones and blood. Similarly these enemies are of many kinds but with limited constituents.”

7 Imam Sadiq described the theory of germs 1400 years ago. However, scientists discovered germ theory only 150 years ago when Robert Koch discovered in the 19 th century that small beings can invade a human body. This theory has revolutionized medical science.

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