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1 Care For Your Voice! How to protect and make the most of your voice in Language Teaching!

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Presentation on theme: "1 Care For Your Voice! How to protect and make the most of your voice in Language Teaching!"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Care For Your Voice! How to protect and make the most of your voice in Language Teaching!

2 2 TALK, Chatter, gossip, Everyone All things to all people All day long, every day Whether you feel like it or not!! Amounting to a lot of….


4 4 Common Vocal Challenges in LanguageTeaching Variety of interactions Problem spaces Challenging situations Learners’ needs The need to keep on top of everything Very little voice training

5 5 FUNDAMENTAL RESOURCE Healthy Flexible Protected Over worked Neglected Abused

6 6 Poor reception by student! Lack of clarity Weak carrying power Restricted vocal variety Reduced tonal quality


8 8 How stress affects the voice Difficulty swallowing Aching neck Backache & muscle tension Fatigue Frequent urination & diarrhoea Immune system reduced Indigestion Clarity problems

9 9 PROFESSIONAL STRESS!!!!!!!!!! Leading to.. Over preparation and over work Lack of effectiveness Confidence problems

10 10 Left unchecked this can lead to.. Vocal strain Vocal problems Voice Loss

11 11 The Vocal Tract

12 12 What do vocal folds look like? BREATHING Vocal Cords are Open SPEAKING Vocal cords close and vibrate

13 13 Vocal Folds Opening and Closing

14 14 Many Times! Men 110 Cycles/Second (Hz) LOWER PITCH Women 180-220 Cycles/Second MEDIUM PITCH Children 300 Cycles/Second HIGH PITCH

15 15 Vocal Cord Nodules

16 16 Keep the vocal folds moist! Sip of water for ever 15 – 20 mins speaking!! Rest whenever possible!!! DRINK TO YOUR HEALTH!

17 17 For clear speech we need…….. Power + Vibration + Resonance and ARTICULATION!

18 18 Understanding Clarity Intent Focus

19 19 Posture - make an entrance! Are you in control? Are you relaxed? Ready for action? What are my bad habits?!

20 20 POSTURE POINTS Open Balanced Free unrestricted

21 21 Vocal Restriction? Slumped Restricted Depressed

22 22 Prepare the body for speech Stretching Moving Opening the chest Relaxing the shoulders,head and neck Jaws! Face

23 23 BE PREPARED! Warm up! Tune in!! Calm down!!

24 24 BEFORE YOU BEGIN Unrestricted clothing Drop the heavy clutter Free the body – free the voice!

25 25 - A warmed voice means warm tones! Yawn with an ah to open the throat Breathe out to a ‘sh; Hum up and down a scale Me ma mo may me Many men, many men etc All I want is a proper cup of coffee made in a proper copper coffee pot.

26 26 Are my breaths big enough?! Freeing the voice Big Sound/volume Balancing our thinking Breath for speech Breath for Life!

27 27 Easy Breathing Sit with back to chair elbows on knees, chin on hands – breathe in Breath and out on fff, vvvv, zzzzz Stand in star position, breathe out on an s, as you do bend over to touch floor(allow knees to bend) pause until you feel the need to breathe. Say the months of the year (in English or Welsh) on one even breath!

28 28 Work those consonants Where do you perceive the consonants are formed? Which articulators are connecting? Both lips? Top teeth and bottom lip? Tongue and teeth? Tongue to gum ridge? Tongue to hard palate? Back of tongue to soft palate???

29 29 Consonants Clocks ticking, ticking clocks, tick tock, Five from four fives leaves fifteen Charlie chose hunky chicken chips ‘K’ kkkkk, ‘g’ggggg ‘p’ppppp bbbbb ‘t’tttt ‘d’dddd

30 30 Place and use your vowels Where are they formed? Long or short? Carrying power?

31 31 Vowels as/oo/ay/or/ah make the vowels last as long as you can Ah – chest resonance W – mouth resonance Eat up Arthur I urge you! The five parked cars are mine Ahoy there, Ahoy

32 32 Be clear! Be Heard! Be Effective! Consonants for: Clarity Audibility Impact (clout!) Vowels Warmth Mood Meaning What do need to say? How do I want to say it??

33 33 Establish your vocal territory Fix the state of mind Establish control Find breath, tone, focus

34 34 How do you sound?! Wobbly Tight Nasal High pitched Monotonous Robotic Uncomfortable? Change your tune Match your ‘music’ to the message

35 35 And your tone? This is an interesting topic? You’re going to enjoy this I’m so lucky to be doing this It’s so lovely to see you all

36 36 Muscularity Energy in words Vitality of voice Power rather than projection !

37 37 Vocal Variety – Increase your Personal Presence Pitch Pace Pause Pronunciation Power

38 38 Relax, Breathe and articulate the following “Oh! But he was a tight-fisted, hand at the grindstone, Scrooge! A Squeezing, wrenching, grasping, scraping, clutching, covetous old sinner! Hard and sharp as flint, from which no spark had ever struck out generous fire; secret and self- contained as an oyster.” From A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens

39 39 What must I do to make it easier? Breath support Warm ups Effort away from throat!! Anchoring when having to speak loudly Avoid shouting/clearing the throat Not competing with background noise Devising other methods of calling attention Sips of water Relaxed body – safeguarding posture

40 40 Each Day Keep a check on Posture Breathing Relaxation Articulation Reduce lecturer talking time Increase volume through resonance Use face and gesture, non verbal communication!

41 41 Problems and Warning Signs Breaks in the voice Changes in pitch or volume Changes in vocal quality Changes in the body Increased effort Recurring loss of voice Sensation of ‘lump in the throat’

42 42 DANGER! Talking or singing at a high or artificially reduced volume levels Talking or singing with cramped neck position, distorted laryngeal position, a clenched jaw, inadequate or excessive mouth opening Throat clearing or coughing Shouting, screaming or yelling Talking or singing with insufficient air

43 43 AVOID! Keeping larynx too high in the neck or using too high or low a pitch level. Talking or singing for too long Trying to be heard over the top of other speakers or background noise. Making noises, imitating animal sounds, TV characters.(small children) Tryng to over-compensate for a vocal problem, thereby altering muscle position and tone.

44 44 Home Help Reduce voice use Increase hydration, reduce alcohol, cigarettes Voice and body rest Keep larynx and vocal tract moist – steam the back of the throat Gargle with salty water Always warm the voice before use Avoid medicated throat pastilles that kill pain

45 45 Seeking medical help Go to GP Referral to ENT ENT takes case history and visualises larynx with endoscope or laryngeal mirror If nothing sinister, refer to SLT for further assessment & advice Individual or group therapy as necessary Voice clinic

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