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Introduction to Sociology Chapter 1. What is Sociology? Definition Sociological Perspective Sociological __________ –C. Wright Mills Sociology as a ________.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to Sociology Chapter 1. What is Sociology? Definition Sociological Perspective Sociological __________ –C. Wright Mills Sociology as a ________."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to Sociology Chapter 1

2 What is Sociology? Definition Sociological Perspective Sociological __________ –C. Wright Mills Sociology as a ________ –Generalizations


4 Historical Development of Sociology

5 Auguste Comte (French) Studied Problems related to the _________________ Sociology is “most important” science!

6 Karl Marx (German) Economic Forces Owners v. Laborers Big _______ Struggle __________ Manifesto

7 Herbert Spencer (English) Society as a _______ Survival of Fittest Social _______

8 Emile Durkheim (French) Classic Study of _________

9 Max Weber (German) Society’s ______ upon the individual or group Sociologist should practice “Verstehen”

10 More Important People Minorities

11 Harriet Martineau (English) Book on Early US –Economy, law, trade, population, immigration –Class differences based on ______________ Translated ______ works into English

12 Jane Addams (American) Hull House – Chicago Research on wages, poverty, sweatshops, child labor, immigration ________ Worker

13 W.E.B. DuBois (American) Studied racial ___________ (blacks) Emphasized _______ Rights Co-founder of _______

14 Timeline 1890’s - College courses 1895 - American Journal of Sociology 1905 - American Sociological ___________ –(Association) –Lester Ward (Father)



17 Functionalist Talcott Parsons, Spencer/Durkheim Cooperating Groups __________ Shared Values _________ have a purpose

18 Conflict _________ Conflict and Exploitation ___________ –Bourgeoisie (Rich) –Proletariat (Labor)


20 Interactionist

21 Feminist Focus on _________ inequalities Past research on _____ Ideas of ____ Primarily looks at behavior on the micro- level

22 How do Perspectives view… ___________?

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