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 Developed as a field of study  1800s  Several factors led to its creation:  Social changes  Population growth  Housing shortages  Political changes.

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2  Developed as a field of study  1800s  Several factors led to its creation:  Social changes  Population growth  Housing shortages  Political changes Both a result of the Industrial Revolution  Home  factory  Pollution  Growth of factories  growth of cities  Behavior patterns start to change  Adapting to urban life  Patterns studied = early sociology  America The Story of US= 28min.

3  Early European  Auguste Comte Father of Sociology  Harriet Martineau  Herbert Spencer “survival of the fittest”  Karl Marx Communist Manifesto  Late European  Emile Durkheim  Max Weber  Americans  Jane Addams Hull House  W.E.B. Du Bois

4  Teacher turned radical writer  Moved from place to place because of his views on government.  No one wanted him to live in their country  Structure of society dictated by how its economy is organized.  Society divided into 2 classes:  Bourgeoisie  Proletariat

5  Bourgeoisie  Aka capitalists  Own the means to produce goods  Proletariat  Aka workers  Own the labor needed to produce goods  Imbalance would lead to conflict  Proletariat should overthrow bourgeoisie  Revolution speeds up change  Led to sociological perspective= Conflict Theory

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