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Poverty Rates by Age, 1975-1997. From the Mouths of Babes: Sociology of Childhood and Youth Highlights of the Semester Cross-Cultural and Historical Analysis.

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Presentation on theme: "Poverty Rates by Age, 1975-1997. From the Mouths of Babes: Sociology of Childhood and Youth Highlights of the Semester Cross-Cultural and Historical Analysis."— Presentation transcript:

1 Poverty Rates by Age, 1975-1997

2 From the Mouths of Babes: Sociology of Childhood and Youth Highlights of the Semester Cross-Cultural and Historical Analysis Observations at Pre- school and County Juvenile Detention Guest Speakers from the Community Independent Research on Topic of Your Choice Opportunities for Service Learning

3 Children’s Perspectives Are Unique and Important w The pace of social change has rendered young people’s experiences unlike any other generations’. w Children are not “cognitive misers.” All the world is their learning center and playground. w Their smaller size literally makes their perspective of the world different. w Young people are often painfully honest.

4 What Can Each of Us Do? w Work to strengthen families, especially those with small children. w Remind parents that their children need them more than they need anyone else. w During your lifetime, take responsibility for at least one child who is not your own. w Be vigilant about children’s status as a social group and be their voice when they have none.

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