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T HE I NFORMATION A GE AND S OCIOLOGY Dion “Charli” Prete Soc116 Theory Sampler.

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Presentation on theme: "T HE I NFORMATION A GE AND S OCIOLOGY Dion “Charli” Prete Soc116 Theory Sampler."— Presentation transcript:

1 T HE I NFORMATION A GE AND S OCIOLOGY Dion “Charli” Prete Soc116 Theory Sampler

2 T ELETECHNOLOGY B Y P.T. C LOUGH Teletechnology Sociological Imagination Changing of Social Space

3 C YBORG M ANIFESTO B Y D ONNA H ARAWAY The Cyborg Fractured Identity Oppositional Consciousness

4 A RTIFICIAL I NTELLIGENCE B Y R ANDALL C OLLINS Artificial Intelligence (AI) What is SOCIO The Future

5 W ORKS C ITED Collins, R. 1992. “Can Sociology Create An Artificial Intelligence” Pp. 155-199 in Sociological Insight: Introduction to the Non-Obvious Sociology. New York: Oxford University Press. Haraway, Donna. 1985. “The Cyborg Manifesto and Fractured Identities”. Pp. 527-531 in Social Theory: The Multicultural and Classic Readings, Fourth Edition. (2010) edited by C. Lemert. Philadelphia: Westview Press. Clough, P. T. 2009. “Teletechnology and the Unbundling of Social Structure.” Pp. 660-662 in Social Theory: The Multicultural and Classic Readings, (2010) edited by C. Lemert. Philadelphia: Westview Press.

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