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THE DIGITAL HEALTH PHENOMENON: PROMISES AND LIMITATIONS Deborah Lupton Faculty of Arts & Design University of Canberra.

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Presentation on theme: "THE DIGITAL HEALTH PHENOMENON: PROMISES AND LIMITATIONS Deborah Lupton Faculty of Arts & Design University of Canberra."— Presentation transcript:

1 THE DIGITAL HEALTH PHENOMENON: PROMISES AND LIMITATIONS Deborah Lupton Faculty of Arts & Design University of Canberra

2 A new research agenda Critical digital health studies Challenging techno-utopia and solutionism Identifying social, cultural, political and ethical implications of digital health Recognising both their promises and their limitations

3 Critical digital health studies: evolution of a research program health sociology social aspects of HIV/AIDS HIV/AIDS metaphors computer viruses computers, selfhood & the body critical digital health studies

4 Digital health includes telemedicine, telecare, diagnosis toolspublic health surveillancepersonalised medicine/patient engagementhealth and medical platforms + websiteshealth promotion strategiesself-tracking (the quantified self)

5 iHealth digital blood pressure monitor

6 Health vital monitoring patch for biometric data

7 Sensor-embedded trackers to ‘quantify the self”

8 Google Glass

9 Sexuality apps

10 Reproductive health apps

11 STD apps

12 Infectious disease monitoring + control

13 Google trends – AIDS searches


15 critical digital health science and technology studies social science of medicine/public health surveillance studies media, cultural and communication studies the arts and design

16 Research questions What websites, platforms and apps are valued for health-related information or patient support? What kinds of content are created and shared by lay people via social media platforms? What do corporate social platforms do with this content? How are medical and public health professionals using digital media? How are concepts of the self, health, illness and the body configured and understood via digital tech? What are the positive and negative effects of digital health tech? How might socioeconomic disadvantage and social discrimination be alleviated or exacerbated by digital health tech?

17 My recent, current + planned critical digital health projects mapping the theoretical domain of critical digital health studies the commodification of patient experiences on digital platforms sexuality and reproductive health apps medical diagnosis apps (with Annemarie Jutel) digital surveillance of children + the unborn

18 Recent, current + planned critical digital health projects use of digital tech by professionals in infectious disease surveillance control (with Mike Michael) public understandings of big data (with Mike Michael) the quantified self phenomenon big data in medicine and healthcare Google Glass – implications for medicine and public health provocative responses to health self-monitoring by artists and designers

19 Theoretical perspectives The cyborg body/post-human body From the haptic to the optic Forms of surveillance via digital tech Code acts Algorithmic identities

20 Theoretical perspectives Domesticating technologies Prosumption Technology as performative

21 More information ‘Towards a critical sociology of digital health technologies’ (blog post)blog post ‘Social aspects of digital media and health care’ ( collection) collection ‘Critical Digital Health Studies’ (Pinterest collection)Pinterest collection

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