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The Field of Gerontology & the UNC Charlotte Gerontology Program Dena Shenk, Ph.D. Professor of Anthropology & Director, Gerontology Program University.

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Presentation on theme: "The Field of Gerontology & the UNC Charlotte Gerontology Program Dena Shenk, Ph.D. Professor of Anthropology & Director, Gerontology Program University."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Field of Gerontology & the UNC Charlotte Gerontology Program Dena Shenk, Ph.D. Professor of Anthropology & Director, Gerontology Program University of North Carolina Charlotte Gerontology Program

2 Gerontology Deals with the processes of aging including the physical, mental and social aspects of life. Not only the physiological & sensory changes that occur with aging, but also the social roles & expectations, stereotypes, & unique social & economic issues which the define the aging experience. Gerontology Program

3 Geriatrics Is a specialty within such fields as medicine, pharmacy, nursing, dentistry, clinical psychology, social work, nutrition and rehabilitation Includes the study of health and disease in later life and the care and treatment of older persons. Gerontology Program

4 Gerontology & Geriatrics Although gerontology and geriatrics have differing emphases, they share the goal of understanding aging so that people can be helped to maximize their functioning and achieve the highest quality of life Gerontology Program

5 The field of GERONTOLOGY Is both Multidisciplinary and Interdisciplinary Gerontology Program

6 Multidisciplinary Includes the perspectives of numerous disciplines concerned with the physical, mental and social aspects of life. Including anthropology, biology, business, criminal justice, counseling, education, ethics, human services, library science, psychology, public policy, and sociology Gerontology Program

7 Interdisciplinary Brings together information from multidisciplinary sources Integrates theoretical and applied concepts in gerontology Gerontology Program

8 UNC Charlotte Gerontology Program Educational programs include: Undergraduate minor in Gerontology Master of Arts in Gerontology Graduate Certificate in Gerontology Gerontology Program

9 Graduate Program in Gerontology All core courses taught in the evening Students attend full and part-time & come from diverse professional backgrounds Includes a combined academic and applied focus Gerontology Program

10 UNC Charlotte MA in Gerontology-1 36 graduate credits Required core including Practicum Selection of Elective courses Thesis or Applied Project Gerontology Program

11 UNC Charlotte MA in Gerontology-2 Required Core Courses: Current Issues in Gerontology Sociology of Aging Psychology of Aging Physiology of Human Aging Research & Methods in Aging I & II Practicum Gerontology Program

12 UNC Charlotte MA in Gerontology-3 Electives including: Public Policy and Aging Administration of Aging Programs Aging Programs & Services Families and Aging Older Individual and Society Topics courses (dementia, spirituality, transportation, environment) Gerontology Program

13 UNC Charlotte MA in Gerontology-4 MA students also complete either: Thesis OR Applied Project Gerontology Program

14 UNC Charlotte Graduate Certificate Used in multiple ways: For those who already have a graduate degree in another field Completed along with a graduate degree in a related field Stands on its own Gerontology Program

15 UNC Charlotte Graduate Certificate 5 courses (15 graduate credits) Is a subset of the MA Program Required course: GRNT 6600-Current Issues in Gerontology Gerontology Program

16 Aging Education in a Global Context Gerontology Program

17 Planning a Gerontology Program Working with Universidad Catolica de Santa Maria And colleagues throughout Peru To determine needs & resources & develop a model program for Peru Gerontology Program

18 Resources available Through AGHE Association for Gerontology in Higher Education 1030 15th Street, NW, Suite 240, Washington, DC 20005 (202) 289-9806/(202) 289-9824 (fax)

19 AGHE Together, AGHE and aging-studies programs in institutions of higher education strive to (1) prepare service delivery personnel who will work directly with older adults; (2) train educators who specialize in the physical and social attributes of aging; (3) educate society at large about the processes of aging and the implications of an aging society; and (4) instruct older adults seeking to maximize their options in a complex and challenging age. We invite you to join us in fulfilling this important mission. Gerontology Program

20 AGHE Standards & Guidelines for Gerontology Programs, 4 th edition, 2005. $20 AGHE members; $40 non-members. Gerontology Program

21 Gerontology & Geriatrics Education the official journal of AGHE Gerontology & Geriatrics Education is published in print format and electronically. email: uct.asp?sku=j021 uct.asp?sku=j021 Gerontology Program

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