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Presentation on theme: "HUMAN RESOURSE MANAGEMENT"— Presentation transcript:


Managing HR important because HR are heterogenous Modern employees more educated Himself determines what he contributes Drucker---Of all the resources available i.e.mgmt. of materials,methods, money machine most M for MEN

3 HR is the total knowledge, skills, creative abilities, talents & aptitudes of an org’s workforce,as well as value, attitudes &beliefs of the individuals involved. Flippo “Personnel management is the planning, organizing,directing,controlling of the procurement, dev.,compensation.integration ,maintenance &separation of human resources to the end that individual,organizational & societal objectives are achieved

4 HRM is concerned with most effective use of people to achieve org
HRM is concerned with most effective use of people to achieve & individual goals. Acc. To National Institute Of personnel mgmt. in India “it is that part of mgmt which is concerned with people at work & their relationships in the org. It seeks to bring together men & women who make up an enterprise, enabling each to make its own best contribution to its success both as individual & as a member of working group.

5 Features Individually oriented---to develop potential,encourage &motivate Action oriented----problems of employees solved, not just record keeping. People oriented---both as individuals & groups. Future oriented Pervasive force----+nt in all the org.& at all levels Development oriented

6 Integrating mechanism
Comprehensive function—concerned with many decisions which has an impact on workforce\potential workforce Auxiliary service----to assist & advice the line mgrs. Inter-disciplinary function---inputs from psychology,sociology,anthropology, economics Continuous function

7 Importance of HRM attract and retain talent
train people for challenging roles develop skills and competencies promote team spirit develop loyalty and commitment increase productivity and profits improve job satisfaction enhance standard of living generate employment opportunities Good HR Practices help

8 Functions of HRM P/HRM Operative Functions Managerial functions:
Procurement Job Analysis HR planning Recruitment Selection Placement Induction Internal mobility Development: Training Executive development Career planning Succession planning Human resources development strategies Motivation and Compensation: Job design Work scheduling Motivation Job evaluation Performance and potential appraisal Compensation administration Incentives benefits and services Maintenance: Health Safety Welfare Social security Emerging Issues: Personnel records Personnel audit Personnel research HR accounting HRIS Job stress Mentoring International HRM – Planning – Organising – Directing – Controlling Integration: Grievances Discipline Teams and teamwork Collective bargaining Participation Empowerment Trade unions Employers’ associations Industrial relations

9 Shifts in HR management in India
Emerging HR practice Strategic role Proactive Key part of organisational mission Service focus Process-based organisation Cross-functional eams, teamwork most important People as key investments/assets Traditional HR practice Administrative role Reactive Separate, isolated from company mission Production focus Functional organisation Individuals encouraged, singled out for praise, rewards People as expenses


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