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Department of Industrial & Systems Engineering Florida International University Cyber Manufacturing Blueprint Version 2 November 2, 1998.

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Presentation on theme: "Department of Industrial & Systems Engineering Florida International University Cyber Manufacturing Blueprint Version 2 November 2, 1998."— Presentation transcript:

1 Department of Industrial & Systems Engineering Florida International University Cyber Manufacturing Blueprint Version 2 November 2, 1998

2 Department of Industrial & Systems Engineering Florida International University Cyber Manufacturing - built on Concurrent Engineering Distributed Manufacturing Agile Manufacturing Virtual Manufacturing Virtual Enterprise Cyber/Electronic Commerce Internet-enabled CAD/CAM/PDM

3 Department of Industrial & Systems Engineering Florida International University Cyber Manufacturing - to further Customer Satisfaction Quick Market Response Systems Integration Concurrent Engineering Distributed Manufacturing Virtual Enterprise Shared Production/Manufacturing

4 Department of Industrial & Systems Engineering Florida International University Cyber Manufacturing (CM) Community Types of CM members: product design/engineering firms fabricators suppliers engineering tool (CAD/CAM) providers manufacturing equipment providers engineering information providers buyers Types of CM members: product design/engineering firms fabricators suppliers engineering tool (CAD/CAM) providers manufacturing equipment providers engineering information providers buyers Internet Member Agent CM Community Service Provider CM Community Service Provider CM Member CM Member CM Member CM Member CM Member CM Member

5 Department of Industrial & Systems Engineering Florida International University CM Community Service Provider (CSP) CM member CM viewers CM operators agent Functions: Register new CM members Communicate with members Serve CM viewers Serve CM operators CM members to be CM member webpage

6 Department of Industrial & Systems Engineering Florida International University An Agent Controlled Architecture for a CM Enterprise Internet/Intranet Resource Enterprise (member) agent Internal agent CM Community Service Provider CM Community Service Provider Production Design/Engineering Finance/ Accounting Administration Sales/ Marketing

7 Department of Industrial & Systems Engineering Florida International University An Agent Controlled Architecture for a Engineering Department Engineering Station NC Programming Station NC Program Validation Station PDM Station PDM Station Process Planning Station Resource agent Dept agent... Resource agent Resource agent Resource agent Resource agent Design Station Resource agent

8 Department of Industrial & Systems Engineering Florida International University Level 1 -- Enterprise Agent Level 2 -- Department Agents Design Engineering Production operations Sales/Marketing Finance/Accounting Administration Level 3 -- Resource Agents Labors Manufacturing equipment (hardware) Engineering tools (software) Information repositories... Enterprise agent Internal agent The Hierarchy of Multi-Agents inside a CM Enterprise

9 Department of Industrial & Systems Engineering Florida International University Relationship between an Agent and the Person in Charge Agent Unit control Person in Charge override to other agents For an enterprise agent, it is a department agent(s). For a department agent, it is a resource agent(s). For a resource agent, it is a resource(s). For an enterprise agent, it is a department agent(s). For a department agent, it is a resource agent(s). For a resource agent, it is a resource(s).

10 Department of Industrial & Systems Engineering Florida International University Enterprise Agent Functions: request services/evaluate external bids receive/respond (bid) to external requests register department agents communicate with departments agents schedule tasks and assign to departments monitor and control enterprise workflow interface with enterprise manager Functions: request services/evaluate external bids receive/respond (bid) to external requests register department agents communicate with departments agents schedule tasks and assign to departments monitor and control enterprise workflow interface with enterprise manager Enterprise manager CM Community Service Provider CM Community Service Provider Department agents Dept. Agent List: ID Capabilities Enterprise Agent

11 Department of Industrial & Systems Engineering Florida International University Department Agent Functions: request services receive/respond to service requests register resource agents communicate with resource agents schedule tasks for departmental resources monitor and control departmental workflow interface with department manager Functions: request services receive/respond to service requests register resource agents communicate with resource agents schedule tasks for departmental resources monitor and control departmental workflow interface with department manager Department manager Enterprise Agent Resource agents Res. Agent List: ID Capabilities Department Agent

12 Department of Industrial & Systems Engineering Florida International University Labor Agent Functions: receive/respond to service requests schedule tasks for workers monitor and control workflow interface with labor supervisor Functions: receive/respond to service requests schedule tasks for workers monitor and control workflow interface with labor supervisor Labor Agent Department Agent Labor supervisor

13 Department of Industrial & Systems Engineering Florida International University Manufacturing Equipment Wrapper Manufacturing Equipment Agent Functions: receive/respond to service requests schedule jobs for the equipment monitor and control the operations interface with the person in charge Functions: receive/respond to service requests schedule jobs for the equipment monitor and control the operations interface with the person in charge Department Agent Manufacturing Equipment Agent Person in charge

14 Department of Industrial & Systems Engineering Florida International University Wrapping a Manufacturing Equipment * Manufacturing Equipment Wrapper Agent Input and Function Execution Monitor and Control * No wrapper for interactive operation manner Person in charge

15 Department of Industrial & Systems Engineering Florida International University Engineering Tool Wrapper Engineering Tool (Software) Agent Functions: receive/respond to service requests schedule jobs for the tool system transmit input/output data of the tool control the execution of the tool interface with the person in charge Functions: receive/respond to service requests schedule jobs for the tool system transmit input/output data of the tool control the execution of the tool interface with the person in charge Engineering Tool Agent Department Agent Person in charge

16 Department of Industrial & Systems Engineering Florida International University Wrapping an Engineering Tool * Engineering Tool Wrapper Agent Input and Function Execution Transmit Output * No wrapper for interactive operation manner Person in charge

17 Department of Industrial & Systems Engineering Florida International University Data Management Tool Wrapper Information Repository Agent Functions: receive/respond to service requests schedule jobs for the data management tool access/transmit the the required information control the execution of the data management tool interface with the person in charge Functions: receive/respond to service requests schedule jobs for the data management tool access/transmit the the required information control the execution of the data management tool interface with the person in charge Information Repository Agent Department Agent Person in charge

18 Department of Industrial & Systems Engineering Florida International University Wrapping a Data Management Tool * Data Management Tool Wrapper Agent Input and Function Execution Transmit Output * No wrapper for interactive operation manner Person in charge

19 Department of Industrial & Systems Engineering Florida International University CM Browser (for Viewers/Operators ) commercial browser Remote agent interface Remote control panel Community Webpage CM Member Webpages link to homepage link to agents and resources Resource Agent

20 Department of Industrial & Systems Engineering Florida International University Service Request member agent CM Community Service Provider CM Community Service Provider request Request Form Header information … Contents …

21 Department of Industrial & Systems Engineering Florida International University Header Information of a Service Request Service requester – name – ID – address – IP address Recommended by – name – ID – address – IP address Date

22 Department of Industrial & Systems Engineering Florida International University Contents of a Service Request Request Type * Service (& Trade) Classification * Service Specifications Inspection/Documentation Requirements Method Requirements Constraints * used as a key to match member’s capabilities

23 Department of Industrial & Systems Engineering Florida International University Request Types Conduct a design/engineering task – product design – engineering analysis – testing and evaluation – process planning Fabricate a product Purchase materials/components Rent an engineering/manufacturing resource – engineering tools – manufacturing equipment – engineering information

24 Department of Industrial & Systems Engineering Florida International University Service Classification Manufacturing (Sector 31-33*) Fabricated metal product mfg. (Subsector 332*) Machinery manufacturing (Subsector 333*) Transportation equipment mfg. (Subsector 336*) Wholesale (Sector 42*) Retail (Sector 44-45*) Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services (Sector 54*) Professional and technical services (Subsector 541*) * R efer to the North American Industry Classification System: United States, Executive Office of the President, Office of Management and Budget, 1997

25 Department of Industrial & Systems Engineering Florida International University Service Specifications For product design –product specifications For product fabrication – product design – process plans For material/component purchase –material specifications For resource usage –resource specifications

26 Department of Industrial & Systems Engineering Florida International University Inspection & Documentation Requirements inspection – procedure – inspection tools – criteria documents – for product design: engineering drawings, CAD files, test data, product specification, user’s manuals, maintenance manuals – for product fabrication: quality certification – for resource usage: none – for material purchase: quality certification

27 Department of Industrial & Systems Engineering Florida International University For product design: modeling tools, analysis tools, testing methods, evaluation and validation methods For product fabrication: refer to the input of process plan and QA plan For purchase: none For resource usage: none Method Requirements

28 Department of Industrial & Systems Engineering Florida International University Due date & penalty Government regulations Trade regulations Constraints

29 Department of Industrial & Systems Engineering Florida International University Agent Architecture (for Manufacturing Equipment) Communicator Scheduler Agent Controller equipment Dept. Agent, or Person in charge

30 Department of Industrial & Systems Engineering Florida International University Agent’s Communicator Capture Commands User Interface Info. Receiver Classify Commands Respond to Commands User Interface Info. Transmitter Scheduler & Controller Command Types: assign a new job edit the job schedule inquire into job status abort a job preempt a job pause a job resume a job Dept. Agent, or Person in charge

31 Department of Industrial & Systems Engineering Florida International University Agent’s Scheduler & Controller Communicator Scheduler Schedule jobs Decompose job into tasks Job-Task Relationships Controller Control task workflow Transmit operation commands and data Check equipment status Receive parameters Constraints equipment

32 Department of Industrial & Systems Engineering Florida International University An Example Schedule J1 J3J4 J5 J2 Task 1 Task 2 Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 2 Task 3 Task 1 Task 4 Task 2 Task 3 Task 2 Task 4... Now Ready Not Ready T

33 Department of Industrial & Systems Engineering Florida International University A Workstation Controller Controller Material Handling Device NC Machine Tool Cutting Tool Loader

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