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APNOMS ’99MIC The Strategic Plan for Fostering New Business in the Information and Communication Industry September 2, ’99 Jong-Tae Leem Ministry of Information.

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Presentation on theme: "APNOMS ’99MIC The Strategic Plan for Fostering New Business in the Information and Communication Industry September 2, ’99 Jong-Tae Leem Ministry of Information."— Presentation transcript:

1 APNOMS ’99MIC The Strategic Plan for Fostering New Business in the Information and Communication Industry September 2, ’99 Jong-Tae Leem Ministry of Information and Communication Republic of Korea

2 APNOMS ’99MIC  Emergence of a Knowledge-Based Society  Information and knowledge is the prime source of added value  Korea’s Vision for a Knowledge-Based Information Society  Cyber Korea 21 is the Korean Government’s blueprint for building an Information Society by 2002 Introduction of Cyber Korea 21

3 APNOMS ’99MIC  Increasing the share of GDP of the knowledge-based industries to that of the OECD countries by 2002.  Becoming one of the top ten advanced information societies in the world by the year 2002  Increasing the share of GDP of the knowledge-based industries to that of the OECD countries by 2002.  Becoming one of the top ten advanced information societies in the world by the year 2002 Vision and Objective Construction of a Creative Knowledge-based Nation Improving National Productivity Establishing the Informaton Infrastructure Creating New Business & Facilitating IT I ndustry Creating New Business & Facilitating IT I ndustry

4 APNOMS ’99MIC Key Initiatives of Cyber Korea 21 Establishing the Information Infrastructure for a Knowledge-Based Society Increasing National Productivity by Utilizing the Information Infrastructure Creating New Business & Facilitating the IT Industry

5 APNOMS ’99MIC The New Business Policy of the 21st Century in the Information and Communication Facilitating the S/W Industry Fostering the IT Parts & Components Industry Fostering IT Human Resources

6 APNOMS ’99MIC  Establishment of a Business Friendly Environment  Concentration of S/W Companies  Intensive Investment in the R&D of S/W Technology Fostering the S/W Industry(1)

7 APNOMS ’99MIC Fostering S/W Industry(2)  Promotion of Penetrating Foreign Market s  “The Silicon Road Project”  Fostering the IP, Video Game and Animation Industries Fostering the S/W Industry(2)

8 APNOMS ’99MIC  Encouraging International Joint Research  Optical & Wireless Equipment Parts & Components  Optic Storage Device Sector  Non-Memory Chip(ASIC) Intensive Assistance in the R&D of Critical IT Parts and Component

9 APNOMS ’99MIC  Improving IT Education & Research Environment  Providing IT Job Training  IT Education Program for Women, Peolpe in uniform and the Disabled Fostering Related Human Resources

10 APNOMS ’99MIC  Five Year Master Plan for Technological Development of Information & Communication  Supporting New Start-up Venture Business  Vitalizing E-commerce  Promoting Digital Broadcasting Additional Initiatives of Cyber Korea 21

11 APNOMS ’99MIC Thank You

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