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Cyber- Bullying. CYBER-BULLYING Cyber-bullying is being cruel to others by sending or posting harmful materials using cell phone or internet.

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Presentation on theme: "Cyber- Bullying. CYBER-BULLYING Cyber-bullying is being cruel to others by sending or posting harmful materials using cell phone or internet."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cyber- Bullying

2 CYBER-BULLYING Cyber-bullying is being cruel to others by sending or posting harmful materials using cell phone or internet

3 CYBER-BULLYING Bullying Behavior/Actions -Behavior intended to hurt or harm and occurs repeatedly -Actions can be physical, direct verbal, or indirect relationship aggression

4 CYBER-BULLYING Direct verbal forms consist of: -Flaming -Harassment -Cyber-stalking -Happy-slapping (physical) Indirect relationship aggression consist of: -Denigration -Impersonation -Outing / Trickery -Exclusion

5 CYBER-BULLYING Profiles: -Aggressive bullies -Social Climbers -Target -Bully victims -Bystanders

6 CYBER-BULLYING Technology use among Teens: -87% (approx. 21 million teens) go on-line once a day -61% (13-17 yrs-olds) have personal profiles -45% (approx. 11 million teens) have cell phones, 10% have internet access from cell phone (Stats from PEW Internet & American Life Project)

7 CYBER-BULLYING -43% of teens say they have been bullied -53% of teens admit to sending hurtful/harmful messages about others -Only 10% of victims actually report (stats from PEW Internet & American Life Project 2006) -More girls are involved in cyber- bullying -Boys engage in more physical bullying

8 CYBER-BULLYING -69% of targets know the bully -36% are friends/acquaintances -22% are from school -13% are anonymous

9 CYBER-BULLYING Bullying can be motivated by: -hate/bias -gender bias -sexual orientation -race -physical appearance -religion -loss of friendship - revenge (Freda)

10 CYBER-BULLYING On-line behavior: -You can’t see me / I can’t see you -Rationalize and excuse behavior -Role play

11 CYBER-BULLYING Related on-line risky behavior: -Disclosing personal information -Group recruitment and gangs -Violent gaming

12 CYBER-BULLYING Responding to Cyber-bullying: -Don’t respond/answer -Don’t delete text, email, profile -Tell a trusted adult

13 CYBER-BULLYING Parent response: -Communicate w. child -Monitor usage -Research -Block communications -Report to ISP, School, or LE School response: -Internet use policy -Bullying policy -Educate staff and students -Resource/Counseling information -Report to LE

14 Sexting article article What is Sexting? Possible consequences –Sender –Receiver

15 Support and Intervention Programs for Behavior PRYDE: Pepperdine Resource, Youth Diversion, & Education SMART: School Mobile Assessment Resource Team Parent Project: Mission Viejo Police Services, 470-8433

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