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National Center for Supercomputing Applications Cloud Resources in Production Cyberenvironments for E-Science Virtual Organizations GridChem/ParamChem.

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Presentation on theme: "National Center for Supercomputing Applications Cloud Resources in Production Cyberenvironments for E-Science Virtual Organizations GridChem/ParamChem."— Presentation transcript:

1 National Center for Supercomputing Applications Cloud Resources in Production Cyberenvironments for E-Science Virtual Organizations GridChem/ParamChem Interoprability NSF Cloud ComputingWorkshop Arlington, VA 17-18 Mar 2011 Sudhakar Pamidighantam NCSA, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

2 National Center for Supercomputing Applications Acknowledgements

3 National Center for Supercomputing Applications Acknowledgments Jayeeta Ghosh, NCSA, ParamChem Suresh Marru, Indiana U. OGCE Ye Fan, Indiana U. OGCE Kenno Vonnommeslaeghe, U. Maryland/Paramchem, Narendra Polani, UKy, Middleware/ParamChem Michael Sheetz, UKy, Application Interfaces/ ParamChem Vikram Gazula, UKy, Server Administration Tom Roney, NCSA, Server and Database Maintenance Nikhil Singh, NCSA, Paramchem Liu Yang, NCSA, GridChem Scott Brozell, OSC, Applications and Testing Rion Dooley, TACC Middleware Infrastructure Stelios Kyriacou, OSC Middleware Scripts Chona Guiang, TACC Databases and Applications Kent Milfeld, TACC Database Integration Kailash Kotwani, NCSA, Applications and Middleware

4 National Center for Supercomputing Applications Outline Historical Background : --- Grid Computational Chemistry Production Environments Current Status Web Services Usage:Grid and Science Achievements Cloud in Hybrid Environments Interoperability Future

5 National Center for Supercomputing Applications Motivation Integrating Services for E-Science and Engineering in Research, Education and Training Software - Reasonably Mature and easy to use to address chemists questions of interest Community of Users - Need and capable of using the software Some are non traditional computational chemists Resources - Various in capacity and capability - Distributed and heterogeneous

6 National Center for Supercomputing Applications Extended TeraGrid Facility

7 National Center for Supercomputing Applications NSF Petascale Road Map Track I Scheme Multi-petaflop single site system to be deployed by 2011 at NCSA BlueWaters Track 2 Sub-petaflop systems Several to be deployed until Track 1 is online SystemOSCores Dell PowerEdge(NCSA)EM64T9600 SGI-Altix(PSC) IA64 768 SGI UV-Ice(NCSA)EM64T1568 IBM Power4 Cluster(NCSA)Pwr448 IBM PowerPC(Indiana)Pwr41536 Sun Constellation (TACC)EM64T 50000 Additional Systems to be online soon (currently being allocated ) SGI UV-Ice(PSC)EM64T4096 FutureGrid Diverse on demand

8 National Center for Supercomputing Applications Grids and New Opportunities Alliance to TeraGrid Homogenous Grid with predefined fixed software and system stack was planned (Teragrid) but it was difficult to keep it homogenous Local preferences and diversity leads to heterogeneous grids now! (Operating Systems, Schedulers, Policies, Software and Services ) Openness and standards that lead interoperability are critical for successful services Grid Hard- ware Middleware Scientific Applications

9 National Center for Supercomputing Applications User Community Chemistry and Computational Biology NRAC AAB Small Allocations As of Oct 04 #PIs 26 23 64 #SUs 5,953,100 1,374,100 640,000 TeraGrid Allocations in 2010 Discipline # PIs Initial Alloc. SUs PhysicsPhysics 125 920,254,700 Molecular BiosciencesMolecular Biosciences 308 689,733,465 ChemistryChemistry 264 255,479,494 Chemical, Thermal SystemsChemical, Thermal Systems 143 232,905,769 Materials ResearchMaterials Research 207 210,602,367 2101 Users using Chemistry Software 230 ASC 30 AST 18 ATM 8 BCS 30 CCR 28 CDA 653 CHE 11 CTS 1 DBS 2 DEB 805 DMR 10 DMS 18 EAR 1 ECS 23 IBN 2 IRI 153 MCB 10 MSS 3 NCR 4 OCE 37 PHY 6 SEE 5 SES 3 STA

10 National Center for Supercomputing Applications

11 Computational Chemistry Grid This is a Virtual Organization Integrated Cyber Infrastructure for Computational Chemistry Integrates Applications, Middleware, HPC resources, Scheduling and Data management Allocations, User services and Training

12 National Center for Supercomputing Applications Other Resources Extant HPC resources at various Supercomputer Centers, Cloud resources (Interoperable) Optionally Other Grids and Hubs/local/personal resources These may require existing allocations/Authorization

13 National Center for Supercomputing Applications

14 Grid Middleware Proxy Server GridChem System user Portal Client Grid Services Grid applicationapplication Mass Storage http://

15 National Center for Supercomputing Applications Applications GridChem supports some apps already –Gaussian, GAMESS, NWChem, Aces3 Molpro, ADF, Quild, QMCPack, Castep, DMol3, Amber, Charmm Schedule of integration of additional software –Crystal –Q-Chem –Wein2K –MCCCS Towhee –Others... Workflows

16 National Center for Supercomputing Applications Gridchem Middleware Service (GMS)

17 National Center for Supercomputing Applications GridChem Resources Monitoring

18 National Center for Supercomputing Applications Application Software Resources Currently Supported SuiteVersionLocation Gaussian 03C.02/D.01Many Platforms MolPro2006.1NCSA NWChem5.0/4.7Many Platforms GamessJan 06Many Platforms Amber8.0Many Paltforms QMCPack2.0NCSA

19 National Center for Supercomputing Applications GridChem Software Resources New Applications Integration Underway ADF Amsterdam Density Functional Theory Wien2K Linearized Augemented Plain wave (DFT) CPMD Car Parinello Molecular Dynamics QChem Molecular Energetics (Quantum Chemistry) Aces3 Parallel Coupled Cluster Quantum Chemistry Gromacs Nano/Bio Simulations (Molecular Dynamics) NAMD Molecular Dynamics DMol3 Periodic Molecular Systems ( Quantum Chemistry) Castep Quantum Chemistry MCCCS-Towhee Molecular Confirmation Sampling (Monte Carlo) Crystal98/06 Crystal Optimizations (Quantum Chemistry) ….

20 National Center for Supercomputing Applications GridChem User Services Allocation Community and External Registration Reviews, PI Registration and Access Creation Community User Norms Established Consulting/User Services Ticket tracking, Allocation Management Documentation, Training and Outreach FAQ Extraction, Tutorials, Dissemination Help is integrated into the GridChem client

21 National Center for Supercomputing Applications Users and Usage 433 Users under 221 Projects Include Academic PIs, two graduate classes And about 15 training users More than a 2, 000, 000 CPU Wallhours More than 35500 Jobs processed 5 Dissertations, More than 50 Publications

22 User Research National Center for Supercomputing Applications

23 Science Enabled Azide Reactions for Controlling Clean Silicon Surface Chemistry: Benzylazide on Si(100)-2 x 1 Semyon Bocharov et al.. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 128 (29), 9300 -9301, 2006 Chemistry of Diffusion Barrier Film Formation: Adsorption and Dissociation of Tetrakis(dimethylamino)titanium on Si(100)-2 × 1 Rodriguez-Reyes, J. C. F.; Teplyakov, A. V. J. Phys. Chem. C.; 2007; 111(12); 4800-4808. Computational Studies of [2+2] and [4+2] Pericyclic Reactions between Phosphinoboranes and Alkenes. Steric and Electronic Effects in Identifying a Reactive Phosphinoborane that Should Avoid Dimerization Thomas M. Gilbert* and Steven M. Bachrach Organometallics, 26 (10), 2672 -2678, 2007.*

24 National Center for Supercomputing Applications Science Enabled Chemical Reactivity of the Biradicaloid (HO...ONO) Singlet States of Peroxynitrous Acid. The Oxidation of Hydrocarbons, Sulfides, and Selenides. Bach, R. D et al. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2005, 127, 3140-3155. The "Somersault" Mechanism for the P-450 Hydroxylation of Hydrocarbons. The Intervention of Transient Inverted Metastable Hydroperoxides. Bach, R. D.; Dmitrenko, O. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2006, 128(5), 1474-1488. The Effect of Carbonyl Substitution on the Strain Energy of Small Ring Compounds and their Six-member Ring Reference Compounds Bach, R. D.; Dmitrenko, O. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2006,128(14), 4598.

25 National Center for Supercomputing Applications Distribution of GridChem User Community

26 National Center for Supercomputing Applications Job Distribution

27 National Center for Supercomputing Applications System Wide Usage HPC SystemUsage (SUs) Tungsten(NCSA)5507 Copper(NCSA)86484 CCGcluster(NCSA)55709 Condor(NCSA)30 SDX(UKy)116143 CCGCluster(UKy).5 Longhorn(TACC)54 CCGCluster(OSC)62000 TGCluster(OSC)36936 Cobalt(NCSA)2485 Champion(TACC)11 Mike4 (LSU)14537

28 Force Field Parameterization Molecular Force Fields require constant improvement as new reference data becomes available (that can not be accommodated easily with existing sets) New molecular systems become amenable for computational analysis New models/potential energy functions/Hamiltonians for force are established Coverage of force fields should constantly be extended to cover new fields of research/new functionality (nanomaterials, biomaterials and medicine,...)"

29 Cyberenvironments for Molecular Force Fields E xtension of currently available models, with the resulting parameters sets to be made available publicly Databases of experimental and quantum mechanical reference data to be used in the parameterization process Integration of computational resources for data acquisition, automation of QM reference data generation Automation Extensible infrastructure for parameterization management for rapid and systematic parameterization of novel Hamiltonians (empirical and semi-empirical) Systematic improvement of parameter optimization processes

30 Accurate Force Fields Are needed

31 Compute Resources Resource Middleware Cloud Interfaces Grid Middleware SSH & Resource Managers Computational Clouds Computational Grids Gateway Services User Interfaces Web/Gadget Container Web Enabled Desktop Applications User Management Auditing & Reporting Fault Tolerance Application Abstractions Workflow System Information Services Application Monitoring Registry Security Provenance & Metadata Management Local Resources Web/Gadget Interfaces Gateway Abstraction Interfaces Science Gateways Layer Cake Color Coding Dependent resource provider components Complimentary Gateway Components OGCE Gateway Components

32 GFac Current & Future Features Input Handlers Scheduling Interface Auditing Monitoring Interface Data Management Abstraction Job Management Abstraction Job Management Abstraction Fault Tolerance Output Handlers Registry Interface Checkpoint Support XSUL/Apache Axis2 Globus Campus Resourc es Unicore Condor Amazon Eucalyptus Color Coding Planned/Requested Features Existing Features

33 OGCE Layered Workflow Architecture: Derived from LEAD Workflow System Workflow Execution & Control Engines Apache ODE Workflow Specification Workflow Interfaces (Design & Definition) PythonBPEL 2.0 BPEL 1.0 Java Code Pegasus DAG Scufl XBaya GUI (Composition, Deploying, Steering & Monitoring) Gadget Interface for Input Binding Condor DAGMan Taverna Dynamic Enactor Jython Interpreter GBPEL Flex/Web Composition

34 Putting It All Together

35 Pegasus WMS 35

36 ParamChem-Xbaya-Pegasus Input Workflow for GridChem/ParamChem created using Pegasus JAVA DAX API -- DAX can have combinations of tasks ( like Charmm/ multiple Gaussian tasks) each taking respective input file. The tasks can be mapped to either respective specific applications (like charmm/amber/g03 or g09 )based on a simple configuration. Input data (instructions, structure, topology, parameters) will be staged from middleware using GridFTP to the execute clusters (such as TeraGrid systems Mercury and Abe at NCSA). Jobs will be distributed across the multiple execute clusters using Round-Robin or other schema. -- Any heuristics based scheduling is also possible. Output files will be staged back from execute clusters to middleware using GridFTP for post processing/archiving. 36

37 National Center for Supercomputing Applications Some New GridChem Infrastructure Workflow Editors Coupled Application Execution Large Scale Computing Metadata and Archiving Rich Client Platform Refactorization Intergrid Interactions Open Source Distribution Open Architecture and Implementation details

38 ParamChem Apache Axis2 Services NotificationService ResourceService TriggerService SessionService SoftwareService JobService Workflow Service FileService UserService ProjectService

39 Cloud HPC Interoperability National Center for Supercomputing Applications  The Cloud in our case is a part of over all resources for computing and storage  They have to be usable interoperably along with other HPC and local resources  Particular use will be for on-demand computing and high throughput computing  Certain routine sensor enabled data dependent computing hydrological event monitoring and simulation could be handled by clouds for rapid on demand prediction of short term events  The interoperability requirements that enable data and computation movement from one resource to other should be explored.

40 Imaginations unbound Questions? sarvE janAh SukhinO bhavantu May every person be happy

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