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Welcome to the Security and Privacy Assurance Research - Multiparty Computation (SPAR-MPC) Workshop Rob Cunningham 28 May 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to the Security and Privacy Assurance Research - Multiparty Computation (SPAR-MPC) Workshop Rob Cunningham 28 May 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to the Security and Privacy Assurance Research - Multiparty Computation (SPAR-MPC) Workshop Rob Cunningham 28 May 2014

2 SPAR-MPC Welcome - 2 RKC 05/28/14 SPAR-MPC Workshop: Lincoln Team Lead Rob Cunningham Katie Silveri Rob Cunningham Emily Shen Group Leader Administrative Assistant Steering Doug Stetson Team Elizabeth Michel Sophia Yakoubov Mayank Varia Arkady Yerukhimovich Ben Price Ariel Hamlin Sasha Berkoff Nick Hwang Ben Fuller Joe Cooley

3 SPAR-MPC Welcome - 3 RKC 05/28/14 SPAR-MPC Agenda Introduction Vision and Goals Crypto Research Challenges Wednesday, 28 May Numbered Breakout Sessions Prog. Languages, Compilers and Formal Methods Lunch on your own Review and Research-focused Cyber Eval Practical Challenges Thursday, 29 May Lettered Breakout Sessions Breakout Summaries and Discussion Lunch on your own Conclusions and Wrap-up

4 SPAR-MPC Welcome - 4 RKC 05/28/14 SPAR-MPC Breakout Agenda Wednesday, 28 May Numbered Breakout Sessions 1.User specification of application requirements 2.Crypto language for leakage 3.Translation between application and crypto requirements 4.Real-world implications of crypto properties 5.Crypto toolbox components and composition Thursday, 29 May Lettered Breakout Sessions A.Crypto research risks/rewards B.User language/interface design risk/rewards C.Potential SPAR-MPC program structures D.Use cases and likely impact E.Metrics for success and progress

5 SPAR-MPC Welcome - 5 RKC 05/28/14 Stratton Center (3rd floor) Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5 (Basement) Wednesday, 28 May

6 SPAR-MPC Welcome - 6 RKC 05/28/14 Stratton Center (3rd floor) Group A Group B Group C Group D Group E (Basement) Thursday, 29 May

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