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Of what?.

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Presentation on theme: "Of what?."— Presentation transcript:

1 of what?

2 OBJECTIVE… To use a matching exercise, media clips and real life scenarios to understand the dangers of cyber bullying.

3 Most will be able to explain the main effects of cyber bullying.
OUTCOMES… Grade C All will be able to recall some facts about CYBER BULLYING and define key terms relating to such. Grade B Most will be able to explain the main effects of cyber bullying. Grade A/A* Some will be able to recommend how they think the law should deal with cyber bullies and express an opinion on this issue. Your GOALS for the end of this lesson are…

4 Not all conflict is between nations
Not all conflict is between nations. People can come into conflict as individuals. One of the most common types of personal conflict is BULLYING.

5 Match up the key terms to the correct definitions...


7 On your white board mark down whether you think the following FACTS are TRUE or FALSE...
43% of kids have been bullied online. 1 in 4 has had it happen more than once. 50% of students report seeing frequent bullying online. It’s 70% Over 80% of teens use a mobile phone regularly, making it the most common medium for cyber bullying. 81% of young people think bullying online is easier to get away with than bullying in person. Only 4 in 10 victims will inform a parent or trusted adult of their abuse. It’s only 1 in 10 Girls are about twice as likely as boys to be victims and perpetrators of cyber bullying. About 45% have visited a website bashing another student. Its 75% Around one-fifth of youngsters are picked on by trolls on Twitter Those most frequently victimised are 16-year-old females It is 19 –year-old males TWITTER is the worst social networking site for internet trolling, and bullying Only 37 per cent of those who had experienced trolling ever reported it to the social network where it took place

8 OUTCOMES… Did you achieve YOUR goals?… Grade C
All will be able to recall some facts about CYBER BULLYING and define key terms relating to such. Did you achieve YOUR goals?…

9 Why do you think this is now the main form of bullying?
Why do you think this is now the main form of bullying? Cyber bullying is now the main form of bullying amongst young people and adults alike.

10 Where are they?

11 EXPLAIN the main effects of cyber bullying and how it leads to such.
PAIR Share your ideas with a partner... Jot down any they have that you didn't. THINK MIND-MAP What are the effects of CYBER BULLYING? SHARE Lets collate your ideas as a group. EXPLAIN the main effects of cyber bullying and how it leads to such.

12 Most will be able to explain the main effects of cyber bullying.
OUTCOMES… Grade B Most will be able to explain the main effects of cyber bullying. Did you achieve YOUR goals?…

13 How should the law deal with cyber bullies? Who should be held accountable? "Kids don't understand what they do on Facebook has consequences. In our case I lost my son. I found my son hanging at the bottom of the garden. I'll never get that out of my brain, all because somebody said something to him and didn't understand the consequences.”

14 Many people believe cyber bullying this is not real bullying...
What do you think?

15 OUTCOMES… Did you achieve YOUR goals?… Grade A/A*
Some will be able to recommend how they think the law should deal with cyber bullies and express an opinion on this issue Did you achieve YOUR goals?…

16 Plenary... One thing I have learnt today is...
One thing that has surprised me this lesson is... One thing I would like to know more about is...

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