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Speed Post – Performance Management Tool

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0 Speed Post – Performance Management Tool
Go to the web page link - NSPC Circle Office Program Office

1 Speed Post – Performance Management Tool
Type in your user name and password Log in User name nspc110001 Password Remember me next time Log in

2 Speed Post – Performance Management Tool
Description Allows you to enter master data (e.g., shift times) and transactional data (e.g., Articles processed per day) Data Entry Provides you with performance/management reports for sorting hub Reports Allows you to view the raw data for transit analysis Raw data for analysis

3 Speed Post – Performance Management Tool
Description D+X reports Reports on transit times between cities and within your city Scan Compliance reports Reports on scan compliance at different points in transit chain International reports Reports on scan compliance for International EMS inbound items Supporting KPIs Reports on additional KPIs for sorting hub performance Flight information Reports on Flight schedule Information

4 Speed Post – Performance Management Tool
Description Reports on overall transit times between cities and within your city D+X overall Reports on transit times between cities and within your city D+X final delivery Reports on transit times between cities and within your city  based on first delivery attempt D+X final delivery

5 Speed Post – Performance Management Tool
2.1 xxxx Mumbai Kolkata Hyderabad Delhi 2.2 Chennai 2.4 Bangalore Across city transit time Articles delivered across city Articles delivered SPC [date from to range] Transit time (D+X) across cities Articles delivered within city 1.2 1.5 Within city transit time

6 Speed Post – Performance Management Tool
Transit time (D+X) across cities – drill down by sorting hub [date from to range] SPC Articles processed Across transit time (Days) Bangalore Ø xxxx 2.4 From Bangalore To Chennai 3.2 Delhi 3.3 Hyderabad 3.4 Kolkata 3.5 Mumbai 4.5

7 Speed Post – Performance Management Tool
Description Reports on overall transit times between cities and within your city D+X overall Reports on transit times between cities and within your city D+X final delivery Reports on transit times between cities and within your city  based on first delivery attempt D+X final delivery

8 Speed Post – Performance Management Tool
2.1 xxxx Mumbai Kolkata Hyderabad Delhi 2.2 Chennai 2.4 Bangalore Across city transit time Articles delivered across city Articles delivered SPC [date from to range] Transit time (D+X) across cities Articles delivered within city 1.2 1.5 Within city transit time

9 Speed Post – Performance Management Tool
Transit time (D+X) across cities – drill down by sorting hub [date from to range] SPC Articles processed Across transit time (Days) Bangalore Ø xxxx 2.4 From Bangalore To Chennai 3.2 Delhi 3.3 Hyderabad 3.4 Kolkata 3.5 Mumbai 4.5

10 Speed Post – Performance Management Tool
Analysis by leg – Across city From Bangalore to 3.2 xxxx Chennai 2.4 Bangalore Ø Across city transit time (Days) Articles processed SPC [date from to range] 0.1 Time per leg of value chain (Days) Bangalore sorting hub bag receipt to bag open Bangalore PO booking to Bangalore PO dispatch Bangalore PO dispatch to Bangalore sorting hub receipt Bangalore sorting hub bag open to bag close Bangalore sorting hub bag close to bag dispatch Bangalore dispatch to Chennai sorting hub receipt Chennai sorting hub bag receipt to bag open Chennai sorting hub bag open to bag close Chennai sorting hub bag dispatch to PO entry Chennai PO entry to Chennai final delivery 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.2

11 Speed Post – Performance Management Tool
2.1 xxxx Mumbai Kolkata Hyderabad Delhi 2.2 Chennai 2.4 Bangalore Across city transit time Articles delivered across city Articles delivered SPC [date from to range] Transit time (D+X) across cities Articles delivered within city 1.2 1.5 Within city transit time

12 Speed Post – Performance Management Tool
Analysis by leg – Within city [data range] SPC Articles processed Within city transit time (Days) Bangalore xxxx 1.5 0.1 Time per leg of value chain (Days) Bangalore sorting hub bag receipt to bag open Bangalore PO booking to Bangalore PO dispatch Bangalore PO dispatch to Bangalore sorting hub receipt Bangalore sorting hub bag open to bag close Bangalore sorting hub bag close to bag dispatch Bangalore dispatch to Bangalore PO receipt Bangalore PO entry to Bangalore final delivery 0.2 0.4 0.5

13 Speed Post – Performance Management Tool
Description Reports on overall transit times between cities and within your city D+X overall Reports on transit times between cities and within your city D+X final delivery Reports on transit times between cities and within your city  based on first delivery attempt D+X final delivery

14 Speed Post – Performance Management Tool
2.1 2.3 xxxx Mumbai Kolkata Hyderabad Delhi 1.2 3.5 Chennai 1.5 2.4 Bangalore Across city transit time Within city transit time Articles processed SPC Overall Transit time (D+X) across cities Delivered within city Delivered across city Delivered in first attempt Delivered in multiple attempts

15 Speed Post – Performance Management Tool
Description D+X reports Reports on transit times between cities and within your city Scan Compliance reports Reports on scan compliance at different points in transit chain International reports Reports on scan compliance for International EMS inbound items Supporting KPIs Reports on additional KPIs for sorting hub performance Flight information Reports on Flight schedule Information

16 Speed Post – Performance Management Tool
Description Measure of number of scans completed against expected for a given transit Share of actual scans against total expected end-to-end Share of articles with full end-to-end scan history Indicates percentage of articles that give full end to end visibility for a given transit

17 Speed Post – Performance Management Tool
100% xxxx Mumbai 80% Kolkata 75% Hyderabad 45% Delhi Chennai Bangalore Scan analysis for across city Articles delivered across city Articles delivered SPC [date from to range] Share of actual scans against total expected end-to-end Articles delivered within city 90% 85% 40% Scan analysis for within city

18 Speed Post – Performance Management Tool
Share of actual scans against total expected end-to-end – Across city [date from to range] SPC Articles processed Scan analysis for across city Bangalore Ø xxxx 80% From Bangalore To Chennai 100% Delhi 45% Hyderabad 40% Kolkata 30% Mumbai 35%

19 Speed Post – Performance Management Tool
Share of actual scans against total expected end-to-end – Leg analysis across city [date from to range] SPC Articles processed Across city transit time (Days) Bangalore Ø xxxx 80% From Bangalore to 40% Scan analysis per leg of value chain (Percent) Bangalore sorting hub bag receipt to bag open Bangalore PO booking to Bangalore PO dispatch Bangalore PO dispatch to Bangalore sorting hub receipt Bangalore sorting hub bag open to bag close Bangalore sorting hub bag close to bag dispatch Bangalore dispatch to Chennai sorting hub receipt Chennai sorting hub bag receipt to bag open Chennai sorting hub bag open to bag close Chennai sorting hub bag dispatch to PO entry Chennai PO entry to Chennai final delivery 50% 60% 70% 80% 90%

20 Speed Post – Performance Management Tool
100% xxxx Mumbai 80% Kolkata 75% Hyderabad 45% Delhi Chennai Bangalore Scan analysis for across city Articles delivered across city Articles delivered SPC [date from to range] Share of actual scans against total expected end-to-end Articles delivered within city 90% 85% 40% Scan analysis for within city

21 Speed Post – Performance Management Tool
65% xxxx Bangalore within city scan compliance Articles processed SPC [date range] Share of actual scans against total expected end-to-end – Within city 40% Scans per leg of value chain (Percent) Bangalore sorting hub bag receipt to bag open Bangalore PO booking to Bangalore PO dispatch Bangalore PO dispatch to Bangalore sorting hub receipt Bangalore sorting hub bag open to bag close Bangalore sorting hub bag close to bag dispatch Bangalore dispatch to Bangalore PO receipt Bangalore PO entry to Bangalore final delivery 50% 60% 70%

22 Speed Post – Performance Management Tool
Description Share of actual scans against total expected end-to-end Measure of number of scans completed against expected for a given transit Share of articles with full end-to-end scan history Indicates percentage of articles that give full end to end visibility for a given transit

23 Speed Post – Performance Management Tool
100% xxxx Mumbai 80% Kolkata 75% Hyderabad 45% Delhi Chennai Bangalore Scan analysis for across city Articles delivered across city Articles delivered SPC [date from to range] Share of articles with all scans Articles delivered within city 90% 85% 40% Scan analysis for within city

24 Speed Post – Performance Management Tool
Share of articles with all scans – Across Cities [date from to range] SPC Articles processed Across city transit time (Days) Bangalore Ø xxxx 20% From Bangalore To Chennai 80% Delhi 15% Hyderabad 65% Kolkata 40% Mumbai 55%

25 Speed Post – Performance Management Tool
Share of articles with all scans – Analysis by Leg [date from to range] SPC Articles processed Across city transit time (Days) Bangalore Ø xxxx 20% From Bangalore to Delhi 15% 40% Share of articles with All scans - Across City (Percent) Bangalore sorting hub bag receipt to bag open Bangalore PO booking to Bangalore PO dispatch Bangalore PO dispatch to Bangalore sorting hub receipt Bangalore sorting hub bag open to bag close Bangalore sorting hub bag close to bag dispatch Bangalore dispatch to Chennai sorting hub receipt Chennai sorting hub bag receipt to bag open Chennai sorting hub bag open to bag close Chennai sorting hub bag dispatch to PO entry Chennai PO entry to Chennai final delivery 50% 60% 70% 80% 90%

26 Speed Post – Performance Management Tool
100% xxxx Mumbai 80% Kolkata 75% Hyderabad 45% Delhi Chennai Bangalore Scan analysis for across city Articles delivered across city Articles delivered SPC [date from to range] Share of articles with all scans Articles delivered within city 90% 85% 40% Scan analysis for within city

27 Speed Post – Performance Management Tool
25% xxxx Bangalore within city scan compliance Articles processed SPC [date range] Share of articles with all scans – Within City 40% Share of articles with all scans of value chain (Percent) Bangalore sorting hub bag receipt to bag open Bangalore PO booking to Bangalore PO dispatch Bangalore PO dispatch to Bangalore sorting hub receipt Bangalore sorting hub bag open to bag close Bangalore sorting hub bag close to bag dispatch Bangalore dispatch to Bangalore PO receipt Bangalore PO entry to Bangalore final delivery 50% 60% 70%

28 Speed Post – Performance Management Tool
Description D+X reports Reports on transit times between cities and within your city Scan Compliance reports Reports on scan compliance at different points in transit chain International reports Reports on scan compliance for International EMS inbound items Supporting KPIs Reports on additional KPIs for sorting hub performance Flight information Reports on Flight schedule Information

29 Speed Post – Performance Management Tool
Description Articles processed per man hour Productivity Productivity measure for a sorting hub reflecting throughput per man-hour Staff absenteeism Percent staff absent for a given day Share of bags without bag labels Percent of bags without bag labels Compliance Share of mis-sorted articles Percent of articles mis-sorted TD / non TD Duplicate articles Allows to download the raw data of duplicate articles for analysis Share of articles with missing PIN code Quality Share of articles booked without Pin Code information Outbound operational performance Percentage of articles booked by cutoff time and bagged by 10:00PM Outbound operational performance Percentage of articles received before cut-off time and delivered in next possible delivery round

30 Speed Post – Performance Management Tool
Share of bags without bag labels [date range] SPC Bags Processed Share of bags without proper bag labels Chennai xxxx 80% Delhi Xxxx 75% Kolkata 65% Bangalore 60% Hyderabad 55% Mumbai 45%

31 Speed Post – Performance Management Tool
Description Articles processed per man hour Productivity Productivity measure for a sorting hub reflecting throughput per man-hour Staff absenteeism Percent staff absent for a given day Share of bags without bag labels Percent of bags without bag labels Compliance Share of mis-sorted articles Percent of articles mis-sorted TD / non TD Duplicate articles Allows to download the raw data of duplicate articles for analysis Share of articles with missing PIN code Quality Share of articles booked without Pin Code information Outbound operational performance Percentage of articles booked by cutoff time and bagged by 10:00PM Outbound operational performance Percentage of articles received before cut-off time and delivered in next possible delivery round

32 Speed Post – Performance Management Tool
Share of mis sorted articles [date range] SPC Articles processed (TD) Share of mis-sorted articles (Non TD) Chennai Xxxx 25% Delhi 16% Kolkata 15% 10% Bangalore Hyderabad 20% Mumbai

33 Speed Post – Performance Management Tool
Description Articles processed per man hour Productivity Productivity measure for a sorting hub reflecting throughput per man-hour Staff absenteeism Percent staff absent for a given day Share of bags without bag labels Percent of bags without bag labels Compliance Share of mis-sorted articles Percent of articles mis-sorted TD / non TD Duplicate articles Allows to download the raw data of duplicate articles for analysis Share of articles with missing PIN code Quality Share of articles booked without Pin Code information Outbound operational performance Percentage of articles booked by cutoff time and bagged by 10:00PM Outbound operational performance Percentage of articles received before cut-off time and delivered in next possible delivery round

34 Speed Post – Performance Management Tool
Share of Duplicate Bar Codes Booked in last 15 days SPC Duplicate articles booked Total articles booked Percentage of duplicate articles booked Chennai Xxxx 0.5% Delhi 1.1% Kolkata 0.6% Bangalore 0.1% Hyderabad 0.4% Mumbai 0.8%

35 Speed Post – Performance Management Tool
Description Articles processed per man hour Productivity Productivity measure for a sorting hub reflecting throughput per man-hour Staff absenteeism Percent staff absent for a given day Share of bags without bag labels Percent of bags without bag labels Compliance Share of mis-sorted articles Percent of articles mis-sorted TD / non TD Duplicate articles Allows to download the raw data of duplicate articles for analysis Share of articles with missing PIN code Quality Share of articles booked without Pin Code information Outbound operational performance Percentage of articles booked by cutoff time and bagged by 10:00PM Outbound operational performance Percentage of articles received before cut-off time and delivered in next possible delivery round

36 Speed Post – Performance Management Tool
Share of articles with missing PIN code [date range] SPC Total outbound articles processed Total Articles processed with PIN code Chennai Xxxx 0.5% Delhi 1.1% Kolkata 0.6% Bangalore 0.1% Hyderabad 0.4% Mumbai 0.8%

37 Speed Post – Performance Management Tool
Description Articles processed per man hour Productivity Productivity measure for a sorting hub reflecting throughput per man-hour Staff absenteeism Percent staff absent for a given day Share of bags without bag labels Percent of bags without bag labels Compliance Share of mis-sorted articles Percent of articles mis-sorted TD / non TD Duplicate articles Allows to download the raw data of duplicate articles for analysis Share of articles with missing PIN code Quality Share of articles booked without Pin Code information Outbound operational performance Percentage of articles booked by cutoff time and bagged by 10:00PM Outbound operational performance Percentage of articles received before cut-off time and delivered in next possible delivery round

38 Speed Post – Performance Management Tool
Percentage of articles booked by cut-off time and bagged by 10:00 PM [date range] SPC Total Articles Booked Before 4:00 PM Total Articles Bagged By 10:00 PM Percentage of Articles Bagged Chennai Xxxx 45.1% Delhi 56.8% Kolkata 47.1% Bangalore 63.4% Hyderabad 44.5% Mumbai 38.2%

39 Speed Post – Performance Management Tool
Description Articles processed per man hour Productivity Productivity measure for a sorting hub reflecting throughput per man-hour Staff absenteeism Percent staff absent for a given day Share of bags without bag labels Percent of bags without bag labels Compliance Share of mis-sorted articles Percent of articles mis-sorted TD / non TD Duplicate articles Allows to download the raw data of duplicate articles for analysis Share of articles with missing PIN code Quality Share of articles booked without Pin Code information Outbound operational performance Percentage of articles booked by cutoff time and bagged by 10:00PM Outbound operational performance Percentage of articles received before cut-off time and delivered in next possible delivery round

40 Speed Post – Performance Management Tool
Percentage of articles before cut-off time and delivered in next possible delivery round [date range] SPC Total articles received before cut-off time Total Articles Delivered in next possible delivery round Percentage of Articles Delivered Chennai Xxxx 45.1% Delhi 56.8% Kolkata 47.1% Bangalore 63.4% Hyderabad 44.5% Mumbai 38.2%

41 Speed Post – Performance Management Tool
Description D+X reports Reports on transit times between cities and within your city Scan Compliance reports Reports on scan compliance at different points in transit chain International reports Reports on scan compliance for International EMS inbound items Supporting KPIs Reports on additional KPIs for sorting hub performance Flight information Reports on Flight schedule Information

42 Speed Post – Performance Management Tool
Yes Best flight used 9W466 Delhi Bangalore xxxx Flight used Required details To office From office Date Flight details


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