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1 Contacts

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1 1 Contacts

2 2 ETP4HPC What is an ETP? Why an ETP for HPC? Who are the founders? The members? Organisation of ETP4HPC SRA and other productions PPP & Ecosystem Why become a member? Next steps

3 3 What is an ETP?

4 4 An ETP is an industry led forum – ETPs provide a framework for stakeholders, led by industry, to define research priorities and action plans on a number of technological areas where achieving EU growth, competitiveness and sustainability requires major research and technological advances in the medium to long term – The Commission is committed to a structured dialogue on research priorities with ETPs 38 ETPs – 10 in ICT : embedded software, microelectronics, photonics, satellite, communication networks, media, software and services, robotics, smart systems integration… and HPC Production of ETPs – Vision Papers – Strategic Research Agendas

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6 6 High-Performance Computing (HPC) refers to any form of computing where the density of processing or the size of the problems addressed require more than a standard or commodity computing system in order to achieve the expected result under the given constraints, and the application of advanced techniques such as the use of multiple processors (tens, hundreds, thousands or even more) connected together by some kind of network to achieve a performance well above that of a single processor. Two traditional HPC categories are distinguished: – Capability computing refers to the use of a large and high-performing computing infrastructure to solve a single, highly complex problem in the shortest possible time. Systems used for this purpose are called supercomputers and consist of many tightly coupled compute nodes with distributed memory, all controlled by a single unit. – Capacity computing refers to optimising the efficiency of using a compute system to solve as many mid-sized or smaller problems as possible at the same time at the lowest possible cost. However, HPC is an open field with evolutions that are able to deliver the computing power needed in areas such as Cloud Computing and Big Data. HPC continuously targets the most complex and most demanding computing tasks within the reach of emerging technologies. HPC ?

7 7 Why an ETP on HPC ? A strong European technology ecosystem is mandatory to achieve the full potential of HPC in Europe Development of a sustainable European HPC industry Representation of the European HPC industrial stakeholders Expected results : – Competitive HPC solutions designed in Europe. – An economically sustainable HPC sector. – Better ability to use HPC and make it a competitive advantage for European research and industry. – Reduced reliance upon technology from other regions that are investing heavily in their HPC technology development. – Competitiveness of existing industrial sector and development of new activities. – Indirect benefits for the rest of ICT industry (extreme-edge trickle-down effects)

8 8 An answer to EC HPC policy vision February 2012… … May 2013

9 9 ETP4HPC objectives To build a European world-class HPC technology value chain that will be globally competitive To achieve a critical mass of convergent resources in order to increase the competitiveness of European HPC vendors and solutions To leverage the transformative power of HPC in order to boost European competitiveness in science and business Contribute to a vibrant and vivid ecosystem Giampietro

10 10 A dynamic European eco-system for improved competitiveness End user: academic, industry and SMB HPC Research Solution providers: Hardware and Software HPC services EU commission, Governments and Public Agencies Policy making Funding Agencies Public research on HW and SW technologies Private research on HW and SW technologies HW providers (system, network, storage, …) SW providers (sytems, tools, applications, ISVs) Designing, Building and running HPC centers Operational services (computing center, application tuning, network Jean

11 11 Who are the founders? The members? Organisation of ETP4HPC

12 12 ETP4HPC members 16 founding members Steering Board = 15 members 46 members as of Nov. 2013, inc. ISVs, service providers… 16 new members over the last 6 months

13 13 Who are the founders of ETP4HPC ? Stakeholders of HPC technology research Strong industrial focus Representation of different types of industrial stakeholders Industry : Allinea, ARM, Bull, Caps Entreprise, Eurotech, IBM, Intel, ParTec, ST Microelectronics, Xyratex Research : BSC, CEA, Cineca, Fraunhofer, FZJ, LRZ

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15 15 How is ETP4HPC organized ? Incorporated as a Dutch association Open membership for organizations having R&D based in Europe Managed by a Steering board with 15 members representing: – Research centres (5) – European SMEs (3) – European controlled corporations (5) – International companies with R&D in Europe (2) Steering board organization – Chairman – 2 Vice chairmen for Prace coordination and HPC development – Secretary-Administrator, Treasurer Virtual office – BSC, CEA, Cineca+Eurotech, ParTec Work Groups: Education&Training, SMEs, KPIs, CoEs, IP

16 16 Freedom The ETP will operate in an open, transparent and democratic manner according to its organizational rules characterised by trust and accountability among all members. It will not restrict members’ freedoms: – Freedom of association – Freedom of competition – Freedom of communication – Freedom of IP management Andreas

17 17 SRA and other productions

18 18 Global timeline June 2012 – Announcement of the creation of the ETP – Vision Paper September 2012 – Meeting with VP of European Commission Neelie Kroes June 2012 January 2013 – Strategic Research Agenda preparation February 2013 – First General Assembly H1 2013 – Discussion with European Commission on the HPC position in Horizon 2020 June 2013 – First version of cPPP proposal September 2013 – General Assembly and election of the next board – Revised version of cPPP proposal after assessment and EC interaction over the summer

19 19 What are the main findings of the Vision Paper ? (Spring of 2012) Recommendations : – to launch a research program with the aim to develop European technology in all the segments of the HPC solutions value chain – to focus this program on specific technical domains and on some operational priorities Operations : – Building on existing strengths. – Analyzing disruptions that can change the current HPC landscape and facilitate introduction of new technologies developed in Europe. – Selecting technologies with a market potential large enough for a sustainable development. – Using synergies with other IT market technologies. – Choosing technologies fitting the needs of important applications. – Creating a favorable environment for SMEs (creation of start-ups and development of existing SMEs).

20 20 Importance and impact of HPC 3 axes : – Development of HPC technology – Existence of world-class HPC e-infrastructure – Development of HPC application and use 3 key success factors – Coordination – Education and training – Focus on SMEs PPP could leverage all the stakeholder actions Budget for HPC technology development of 150 M€ Europe achieving leadership in HPC

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22 22 What is a Strategic Research Agenda ?

23 23 Strategic Research Agenda Road map to develop HPC Technology in Europe

24 24 Creation of the SRA

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29 29 A multi-dimensional HPC vision

30 30 Definition of ETP4 HPC Strategic Research Agenda PPP Putting in place the coordination and the first actions in relation with the SRA First phase of the European HPC technologies development Second phase of the European HPC technologies development YEAR201220132014201520162017201820192020 Demonstration of technologies developed: exascale system based on European technologies, broad HPC market solutions with high usability and energy efficiency,… Prototypes of disruptive technologies: hardware or software prototypes to develop the technology and user ecosystem First demonstration of technologies developed: energy efficiency system, scalable IO system, new APIs, programming models, HPC usage models…. R&D Programme - Timeline

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32 32 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Computing 100 KW/Pflops Computing 20 KW/Pflops with integrated interconnect proto type interconnect HPC SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE Ligthweight OS OS supporting hybrid, virutalisation, resilience System level API Interconnect mgt Resource, job mgt handling memory, resilience Cluster management extreme scale SYSTEM SOFTWARE Apps level API Programming model Runtime Langua ges API Benchmark mini-apps Exascale library Advanced prog models Debugging, perf tools PROGRAMMING ENVIRONMENT Technical areas (1/2)

33 33 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Cooling and energy re-use Energy bench Resiliency tool, check- pointing ENERGY RESILIENCE IO API HPC, big data IO stack proto type IO middleware with QoS Data storage system Resilient data system BALANCE PERFOR- MANCE Productivity tools IO, interconnect and memory optimized HPC Complex big data or interactive HPC Cloud HPC Big data HPC Interactive use of HPC NEW USAGES Virtualisation and resilience Seamless integration Data management Appl fault tolerance SERVICE Technical areas (2/2)

34 34 PPP and ecosystem

35 35 A dynamic European eco-system for improved competitiveness End user: academic, industry and SMB HPC Research Solution providers: Hardware and Software HPC services EU commission, Governments and Public Agencies Policy making Funding Agencies Public research on HW and SW technologies Private research on HW and SW technologies HW providers (system, network, storage, …) SW providers (sytems, tools, applications, ISVs) Designing, Building and running HPC centers Operational services (computing center, application tuning, network Jean

36 36 What is a contractual Public Private Partnership ? – Contractual agreement signed both by EC and private partner(s) – Defining: Objective(s) Governance Commitment of the EC and of the private side Monitoring of the agreement Why a cPPP for HPC ? – To highlight the importance of HPC for Europe – To put in place an ambitious plan for HPC development in Europe – To increase the coordination of stakeholders cPPP proposal

37 37 The June cPPP proposal main message (1/2)

38 38 To address the PPP goals in the timeframe of 2014-2020 a total cumulated estimated budget, covered by public and private funding and contributions: – 150 M€ per year for the Technology pilar in order to implement the actions of the Strategic Research Agenda of ETP4HPC; – Around 400 M€ for the Application pillar The June cPPP proposal main message (2/2)

39 39 What are the relationships with PRACE ? PRACE sets up a High-end Computing (HeC) infrastructure in Europe ETP4HPC defines and keeps updated a Strategic Research Agenda (SRA) aiming to identify research priorities for the development of HPC technologies Both organisations (ETP4HPC and PRACE) are part of the European HPC Governance and have complementary stakeholders ETP4HPC and PRACE both will establish coordination cross links between their organisations

40 40 Why become a member?

41 41 Who should participate in ET4HPC ? All the actors participating in the European HPC technology ecosystem – Technology providers – ISVs facing the manycores/new architectures disruption – Users looking for advanced technological HPC systems – Research centers contributing to HPC research – Computing center working on HPC technology or innovative HPC system operation Two possibilities – Full member : organizations with HPC research in Europe – Associate member : individuals or organizations not qualified for full membership

42 42 Why become a member of ETP4HPC ? To participate in the definition of the R&D HPC strategy To share your ideas about the evolution of HPC technology To influence the definition of the SRA To pool your action with the other members To anticipate evolutions related to your activity To increase the visibility and the voice of your organization

43 43 SME To leverage for our ecosystem the EU support initiaitve for SMEs – Communication of successful HPC SMEs – Facilitate HPC development and testing infrastructure for SMEs… Education and training (in cooperation with EESI and PRACE) – Consolidate educational needs – Develop education and training directions – Encourage the establishment of E&T programs… – On-going surveys: Q1 – NEEDS : Targeting Technology providers, ISV’s, Service Providers on needs for dedicated education & training in the area of HPC » Also to recognise shortcoming in wider e-Skills education Q2 – PROVIDERS To understand the landscape of all available HPC related education and training across academic, commercial or industrial providers ETP4HPC Work Groups (1)

44 44 Monitoring and KPIs – Crucial for the cPPP setup Exploitation and IPR – An important issue for industrials Centres of Excellence – How to organise dialogue with them and scientific communities ETP4HPC Work Groups (2)

45 45 What are the next steps?

46 46 What are the next steps ? cPPP negotiation Work Groups – Some first outcomes useful for cPPP, but a longer term effort SRA update: 2015, to be prepared in 2014 Recruitment of more members!

47 47 Contacts

48 48 Thank you your attention! Thank you for your interest in ETP4HPC!

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