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Because of Winn Dixie. I _____ people who are kind. A) Admire B) Admir C) Admier.

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Presentation on theme: "Because of Winn Dixie. I _____ people who are kind. A) Admire B) Admir C) Admier."— Presentation transcript:

1 Because of Winn Dixie

2 I _____ people who are kind. A) Admire B) Admir C) Admier

3 A _________ picks up nails. A) Magnit B) Magnet C) Majnet

4 The girls won the _______. A) Contest B) Conteste C) Contestt

5 Do you have a good ______ for doing homework? A) Methid B) Methud C) Method

6 It is our ________ to stand during the parade. A) Custum B) Custom C) Custim

7 We had a pep ________ before the game. A) Rally B) Ralley C) Rallee

8 Terry loves to play _________. A) Soceer B) Soccer C) Socerr

9 That car’s ________ wouldn’t start. A) Engine B) Ingin C) Ingine

10 The car made a _________ turn. A) Sudden B) Suden C) Suddin

11 I cut my _________. A) Fingir B) Finger C) Finjer

12 No one was hurt in the _______. A) Akcident B) Accident C) Aksident

13 I always seem to lose one __________. A) Miten B) Mitten C) Mittin

14 What do you _______ to do? A) Intend B) Intind C) Entend

15 The wool ______ made me itch. A) Fabrec B) Fabrik C) Fabric

16 The snowball might ________ the man. A) Flatten B) Flattin C) Flaten

17 That dog sure is a ________. A) Rascel B) Raskel C) Rascal

18 The leaves clogged the _______. A) Gutter B) Guttir C) Guter

19 A panda is a _________. A) Mamal B) Mammal C) Mammel

20 I wonder what will ________ next. A) Happen B) Happin C) Hapen ______

21 There is a ________ at the park. A) Canon B) Canin C) Cannon

22 A ________ is dark and damp. A) Dungeon B) Dungin C) Dungen

23 Glasses _______ small print. A) Magnefy B) Majnify C) Magnify

24 We had fun at the holiday ________. A) Festivel B) Festival C) Festivul

25 A tree fell during the ___________. A) Thunderstorm B) Thundersturm C) Thunderstirm

26 The doctor treated Jed ’ s _______. A) Injury B) Enjury C) Injuree

27 A. Admire

28 B. Magnet

29 A) Contest

30 C) Method

31 B) Custom

32 A) Rally

33 B) Soccer

34 A) Engine

35 A) Sudden

36 B) Finger

37 B)Accident

38 B) Mitten

39 A) Intend

40 C) Fabric

41 A) Flatten

42 C) Rascal

43 A) Gutter

44 B) Mammal

45 A) Happen

46 C) Cannon

47 A) Dungeon

48 C) Magnify

49 B) Festival

50 A) Thunderstorm

51 A) Injury

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