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Knowledge Engineering

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1 Knowledge Engineering

2 Contents Knowledge Representation Rule-Based Representation
Frame-Based Representation Semantic-Networks

3 What is frame? A frame is a data structure with typical knowledge about a particular object or concept. Followings are two typical frames with knowledge about airline passengers. Both frames have the same structure. Each frame has its own name & a set of attributes or slots, associated with it. QUANTAS BOARDING PASS Carrier: QUANTAS AIRWAYS Name: MR N BLACK Flight: QF 612 Data: 29DEC Seat: 23A From: HOBART TO: MELBOURNE Boarding:0620 Gate: 2 AIR NEW ZEALAND BOARDING PASS Carrier: AIR NEW ZEALAND Name: MRS J WHITE Flight: NZ 0198 Data: 23NOV Seat: 27K From: MELBOURNE TO: CHRISTCHURCH Boarding:1815 Gate: 4 April 15, 2017

4 Frames as knowledge representation technique
The concept of a frame is defined by a collection of slots or attributes. Each slot describes a particular attribute or operation of the frame. Slots are used to store values. A slot may contain a default value or a pointer to another frame, a set of rules or procedure by which the slot value is obtained. April 15, 2017

5 Frame-Based Knowledge Representation
How are objects related in a frame-based system? There are 3 types of relationships between objects: Generalization: It denotes “a-kind-of” or “is-a” relationship between super-class and its sub-class. For example, a car is-a vehicle, or in other words, Car represents a subclass of the more general super-class Vehicle. April 15, 2017

6 Frame-Based Knowledge Representation
Generalization CLASS: Vehicle is-a is-a is-a CLASS: Car CLASS: Airplane CLASS: Boat Superclass: Vehicle Superclass: Vehicle Superclass: Vehicle April 15, 2017

7 Frame-Based Knowledge Representation
How are objects related in a frame-based system? Aggregation: It is “a-part-of” or “part-whole” relationship in which several subclass representing components are associated with a super-class representing components are associated with a super-class representing a whole. For example, an engine is a part of a car. April 15, 2017

8 Frame-Based Knowledge Representation
Aggregation CLASS: Car a-part-of a-part-of a-part-of CLASS:Engine CLASS:Transmission CLASS:Chassis Superclass:Car Superclass:Car Superclass: Car April 15, 2017

9 Frame-Based Knowledge Representation
How are objects related in a frame-based system? Association: It describes some semantic relationship between different classes which are unrelated otherwise. For example, Mr. Black owns a car. April 15, 2017

10 Frame-Based Knowledge Representation
Association CLASS: Mr. Black owns owns owns Belongs-to Belongs-to Belongs-to CLASS: Car CLASS: Computer CLASS:House Superclass: Mr. Black Superclass:Mr. Black Superclass: Mr. Black April 15, 2017

11 Frame-Based Knowledge Representation
Advantages We can define the given problem in abstract way. Frames provide a way for the structured and concise representation of knowledge. In a single entity, a frame combines all necessary knowledge about a particular object or concept. During a search for a specific item, we go directly to the item’s instance frame that contains the desired goal. April 15, 2017

12 Frame-Based Knowledge Representation
Disadvantages Idea behind the frame based system is easy, but implementation is difficult. It can not distinguish between essential properties and accidental properties of a frame. Hence, in a complex case, it is difficult to predict how these features will interact, or to explain unexpected interactions, which makes debugging and updating difficult. April 15, 2017

13 Semantic Network SN was first proposed by Quillian in 1966, as a model of human memory Semantic network (SN) is a graph-based representation It is a directed graph A SN is a network of nodes and links to represent the definition of a concept (or a collection of concepts) The nodes represent concepts The links represent the relations between concepts April 15, 2017

14 Semantic Network In these networks, objects are shown by nodes, and links between the nodes describe the relationship between two objects, for example, Mary is an instance of trainer, and trainer is a type of consultant. A trainer trains a programmer and a programmer is an employee. Joe is an instance of programmer. From this we can clearly see the relationship that may exist between Mary and Joe. April 15, 2017

15 Example Draw a diagram representing the relationships between Mary and Joe, indicating the relationship between a trainer, consultant, programmer and employee. April 15, 2017

16 Example Such a diagram is the beginning of a semantic network but this can be improved by more closely defining the nature of the relationships. April 15, 2017

17 Inheritance Inheritance is concerned with how one object inherits the properties of another object. In the diagram you created in the previous activities, identify from which classes Mary and Joe inherit properties. You should have been able to recognize that Mary, in being a trainer, inherits the properties of the consultant class and that Joe, in being a programmer, inherits the properties of the employee class. April 15, 2017

18 Inheritance April 15, 2017

19 Inheritance You should have been able to recognize that from this semantic network it would be possible to conclude that the grass snake Slither is a vegetarian and Slither eats meat. Clearly, these conclusions are contradictory. Which conclusion we reach depends where in the network we start and which links we follow. This process is unreliable. Thus, to perform inference using a semantic network you must understand the meaning of the links and follow the correct links. As the links can be many, and varied, performing inference using a semantic network is complex and unreliable. April 15, 2017

20 Example Mammal is a kind of animal that has vertebrata. Cat, Bear and whale are mammal. Cat and Bear has fur. Fish is a type of animal. Whale is a Fish and Fish lives in water. Vertebrata Cat Fur Animal Mammal Bear Fish Water Whale is-an is-a Lives-in Is-a has Has-a April 15, 2017

21 Advantages Explicit in visualization and easy to understand
Often used as a communication tool between the knowledge engineer and the expert during the knowledge acquisition phase SNs are particularly good at representing knowledge in the form of hierarchies Knowledge is hierarchically categorized (classified) Quick inference possible Supports default reasoning in finite time April 15, 2017

22 Disadvantages No interpretation standard – Lack well-defined semantics
They are less reliable than other knowledge representation techniques because inferring becomes a process of searching across the diagram. Quite limited inference possible Diagrams can become very complex. April 15, 2017

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