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>In We need a rule that will let us prove a conditional. What should the rule be?

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2 >In We need a rule that will let us prove a conditional. What should the rule be?

3 We need a rule that will let us prove a conditional. What should the rule be? If a doctor is CALLED then the police will find ME. If they find ME, then I will go to JAIL. So: If a doctor is CALLED, I will go to JAIL. C>M M>J C>J What rule could allow us to get this? >In

4 If a doctor is CALLED then the police will find ME. If they find ME, then I will go to JAIL. So: If a doctor is CALLED, I will go to JAIL. C>M M>J C>J >In

5 If a doctor is CALLED then the police will find ME. If they find ME, then I will go to JAIL. So: If a doctor is CALLED, I will go to JAIL. C>M M>J C>J C S’pose this >In

6 If a doctor is CALLED then the police will find ME. If they find ME, then I will go to JAIL. So: If a doctor is CALLED, I will go to JAIL. C>M M>J C>J C S’pose this M >O >In

7 If a doctor is CALLED then the police will find ME. If they find ME, then I will go to JAIL. So: If a doctor is CALLED, I will go to JAIL. C>M M>J C>J C S’pose this M >O J >O >In

8 If a doctor is CALLED then the police will find ME. If they find ME, then I will go to JAIL. So: If a doctor is CALLED, I will go to JAIL. C>M M>J C>J C S’pose this M >O J >O This follows because from C, I was able to derive J. >In

9 If a doctor is CALLED then the police will find ME. If they find ME, then I will go to JAIL. So: If a doctor is CALLED, I will go to JAIL. An Official Proof >In 1) C>M 2) M>J 3) C 4) M 5) J 6) C>J A PA 1,3 >O 2,4 >O 3-5 >I

10 If a doctor is CALLED then the police will find ME. If they find ME, then I will go to JAIL. So: If a doctor is CALLED, I will go to JAIL. A subproof >In An Official Proof 1) C>M 2) M>J 3) C 4) M 5) J 6) C>J A PA 1,3 >O 2,4 >O 3-5 >I

11 If a doctor is CALLED then the police will find ME. If they find ME, then I will go to JAIL. So: If a doctor is CALLED, I will go to JAIL. >In A PA : C A>C For more click here >In An Official Proof 1) C>M 2) M>J 3) C 4) M 5) J 6) C>J A PA 1,3 >O 2,4 >O 3-5 >I

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