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Use these infinitives: chanter to sing jouer au foot to play football choisir un CD to choose a CD vendre la veste to sell the jacket 1.I am going to play.

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Presentation on theme: "Use these infinitives: chanter to sing jouer au foot to play football choisir un CD to choose a CD vendre la veste to sell the jacket 1.I am going to play."— Presentation transcript:

1 Use these infinitives: chanter to sing jouer au foot to play football choisir un CD to choose a CD vendre la veste to sell the jacket 1.I am going to play football. 2.He is going to choose a CD. 3.We are going to sell a jacket. 4.You (sg.) are going to sing. 5.They (f.) are going to sing. 6.You (pl.) are going to play football.

2 Use these infinitives: écrire to write lire un livre to read a book regarder la télé to watch TV prendre un café to have a cup of coffee 1.He is going to read a book 2.They (m.) are going to watch TV. 3.You (sg.) are going to have a cup of coffee. 4.She is going to write. 5.I am going to watch TV. 6.You (pl.) are going to read a book.

3 Use these infinitives: chanter to sing jouer au foot to play football choisir un CD to choose a CD vendre la veste to sell the jacket 1.Marine is going to play football. 2.Julien is going to sing. 3.Bart and Alain-Marcel are going to sell the jacket. 4.Alice-Marie and I are going to choose a CD.

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