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Course Expectations WSI Course On-time Prepared Have all materials & equipment Respect for classmates 100% course attendance 100% participation Proof of.

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Presentation on theme: "Course Expectations WSI Course On-time Prepared Have all materials & equipment Respect for classmates 100% course attendance 100% participation Proof of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Course Expectations WSI Course On-time Prepared Have all materials & equipment Respect for classmates 100% course attendance 100% participation Proof of prerequisites

2 Planning Daily Lesson Plans – a plan for each lesson in the set Long-Term Plans – a plan for the entire set of lessons

3 Long-Term Plans Identifies the skills & knowledge your swimmers need by the end of the lessons Need to reflect the progression for skill development Need to identify 3 activities in your plans:  New Learning  Practise  Review

4 Daily Lessons Plans About your swimmers – includes needs, wants, interests and abilities Includes screening for previous abilities & knowledge 5 important factors to consider  Safety (class management, formations & safety equipment)  People (# of swimmers, ages, special needs, those repeating the level)  Learning  Teaching (methods, strategies & activities)  Content of lesson

5 Creating a Daily Lesson Plan 1. Skills – what is your focus 2. Abilities – consider everyone’s ability 3. Formations 4. Equipment 5. Teaching Method & Activities 6. Back Up Plan

6 Planning Considerations How much time to be spent on activities Avoid teaching too much, too soon Avoid teaching items that are too advanced Do use logical progressions

7 Using Your Lesson Plan Before the lesson During the lesson After the lesson

8 Preschool Planning Considerations Are you using a theme? What are you planning to teach? What is the age of my swimmers? How long is my lesson? Will there be parents in my lesson?

9 Planning with Themes Choose a theme (Bubble Day) Choose your skills for that lesson (blowing bubbles) Choose songs, games and activities that tie in with your theme

10 Considerations for Adult Lesson Plans Review the registration forms for important health-related info Did each swimmer complete the Adult-Learning Inventory Questionnaire Did you discuss with the swimmer his/her personal goal Will your activities appeal to the social needs of the group Have you reviewed your progressions to ensure your swimmers will experience small successes Did you plan a warm-up activity

11 Planning for Multi-Level Classes Consider the combinations is they pose a safety risk Consider your experience Is the class size manageable? What is the range in ages & abilities? Is your space large enough to accommodate the swimmers and the combination of skills you are teaching?

12 Red Cross Swim Preschool There is a need for organized activities and supervised recreational times for caregivers and their very young children There is a need for safety education for the caregivers of this age group

13 Mascot for each level 7-level program for children from 4 months to 5 years of age Sunfish  For engaging and fun learning (through activities and songs) Starfish Duck Sea Turtle Salamander Crocodile Whale

14 Role of Caregiver in Red Cross Swim Preschool Participate Ensure her child is safe and comfortable in the water Assist his child in the development of safety & movement skills Supervise her child Understand individual children develop at different rates

15 Role of the Red Cross Swim Preschool Instructor Supervise the children Supervise the caregivers Establish a routine Ensure your class enters & exits the water safely

16 Red Cross Swim Kids For children over the age of 6 Children can enter with or without experience from Red Cross Swim Preschool 10 Levels

17 AquaAdults Developed for adolescents & adults to gain knowledge & skills in swimming & water safety in a safe environment  Develop swimming skills according to their ability & interests  To provide water safety skills according to their ability and interests  To create a positive learning env’t  To provide encouragement & flexible opportunities

18 Adult Learning Characteristics 1. Motivation – why is the person doing this 2. Previous Experience 3. Self-Concept 4. Physical State – aging, physical limitations 5. Learning Limits – physical & psychological

19 Evaluation After You Instruct Track the swimmer’s progress every lesson Mark the level COMPLETE when the swimmer successfully completes all of the performance criteria Provide the appropriate recognition

20 Why Evaluate? To screen abilities To help improve abilities To decide to complete or incomplete for each item within the level

21 Completing a Level Based on ability to:  demonstrate the specific item and meet the performance criteria  be safe & prepared for the next level

22 Continuous Evaluation Teach individuals as well as the group Know standards for each skill Recognize when a swimmer performs the skill correctly 3 separate times

23 3X Rule Demonstrate skill/stroke on three separate occasions and ability to achieve the performance criteria each time to successfully complete the item

24 Evaluating Red Cross Swim Preschool Starfish & Duck – Parent & Tot participation levels; evaluation is based on participation Sea Turtle- transition level, can be used as a Parent & Tot (participation) & beginning of preschool levels (evaluated based upon performance criteria) Salamander, Sunfish, Crocodile & Whale – evaluation is based on performance criteria

25 Evaluating Red Cross Swim Kids Based on the performance criteria – found on the back side of the worksheet (page two) and in the WSI manual, Chapter 5 Red Cross Swim Kids

26 Recognition Items Red Cross Swim Preschool Progress Booklet Completion stickers (one per level) Participation sticker –

27 Recognition Items Red Cross Swim Kids Progress Card Recognition badges (one per level) Personal Best Sticker, Distance (optional) – for levels 1-5 Completion medal (optional) Personal Best Sticker, Time (optional) – for levels 6-10 Completion certificate (optional)

28 Comments Print legibly Spelling counts Honest, positive, specific (avoid psychic predictions) Sign your name

29 Paper Work Finish filling in all of your worksheets Hand in your worksheets to the program supervisor

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