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So you think you are a team player?

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Presentation on theme: "So you think you are a team player?"ā€” Presentation transcript:

1 So you think you are a team player?
Teamworking So you think you are a team player?

2 Rationale Human achievement is limited Teams achieve more
people need to work together Teams achieve more than individual efforts combined this is called synergy Team success depends on how members work together not just skills of individual members

3 There is no ā€œIā€ in the word TEAM
Together Everyone Achieves More

4 What is a Team? A group of people do not necessarily make a team
A team is a group of people with a high degree of interdependence focused on joint achievement of a goal or task The group agrees on the goal & process of achievement

5 Key Principles Each team has common Members are interdependent
mission or goal purpose Members are interdependent need each other to achieve purpose bring in experts when needed Agree to work together effectively to reach common goal Failure of one will result in team failure

6 Interdependence Interdependent Dependent Independent

7 Team Behaviours Competitive Collaborative Task-oriented Strategic
working against other teams Collaborative working with other teams Task-oriented focused on the job Strategic seeing big picture Challenging effectively disagreeing

8 formalities are preserved & members are treated as strangers
Team Development Forming Storming Norming Performing formalities are preserved & members are treated as strangers members start to communicate but probably still do not view themselves as part of a team. They attack others insular attitudes while guarding their own people feel part of the team & realise that they can achieve work if they accept other viewpoints the team works in an open & trusting atmosphere where flexibility is the key & hierarchy is of little importance

9 Essential Skills for Teamwork
Listening Members in team listen to each other's ideas Members build off each other's ideas Questioning Members question each other Members interact, discuss & pose questions Persuading Members use persuasion Members exchange, defend & rethink ideas

10 Essential Skills for Teamwork
Respecting Members respect opinions of others Members encourage & support ideas & others efforts Helping Members help each other Sharing Members share & offer ideas & report their findings Participating All members contribute to task at hand

11 Tips for Teambuilding Form teams to solve real work issues & improve real work processes provide the team with teamwork training focus on accomplishing the project not on how to work together as a team Hold meetings to review projects & progress recognize when a group is not developing a healthy relationship examine the team's progress see if the team has difficulties in agreeing on best approach

12 Tips for Teambuilding Build fun & shared experiences into agenda
help team think as a unit within a fun work environment ensure everyone on the team feels involved & appreciated sponsor company dinners or sporting events or team retreats Use icebreakers & time-limited fun team-building exercises use icebreakers & group activities to promote interaction & camaraderie Celebrate group successes publicly recognize group as a whole for accomplishments not just individuals within the group constructive group praise is best policy

13 Goal Setting Specific Measurable Achievable Realistic Time Bound
Make team goals SMART Specific Measurable Achievable Realistic Time Bound

14 Types of Teams Basic team ad hoc task force or committee
Team Leader Task Managers Staff members ad hoc task force or committee formed for specific purpose limited time period Experts from different disciplines new product development new system or process

15 Team Dimensions Purpose Duration Membership Product development
Quality assurance Marketing strategy/plan systems development Policy formulation etc. Duration permanent ad hoc ā€“ limited time period Membership Functional Cross functional

16 Discussion Points What is the best definition of a team player?
What role would you like to play in a team? How do you support team members who are struggling? What is the first thing a team should do? What team do you admire the most? What is better ā€“ a team working together, or individuals working to a common aim?

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