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Differentiating Activities & Resources. Use this time to investigate the activities that are on display. On your hand out there are a number of different.

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Presentation on theme: "Differentiating Activities & Resources. Use this time to investigate the activities that are on display. On your hand out there are a number of different."— Presentation transcript:

1 Differentiating Activities & Resources

2 Use this time to investigate the activities that are on display. On your hand out there are a number of different ways to play each game or use the resource. Decide what stage in the learning framework the activities are designed for. Remember that to move students on to the next stage in the framework, they must be working on activities at the next stage (eg/ perceptual students complete figurative activities) Activities in the classroom Many activities can be adapted to suit each stage in the learning framework, by changing the type of questioning, resources or method of recording every student in the classroom can be playing the same game or working on the same activity.

3 There are many activities that can be extended or simplified to suit the range of needs within a class. Students can be participating in the same games / activities but have them modified to suit their stage within the learning framework. Adapting an Activity Across the Framework Dice Games 2 sided counters DENS games 10 Frames Dominoes

4 ActivityEmergentPerceptualFigurativeCounting OnFacile Dice toss Teddies on a board 2 dot dice – add together 2 dice – One numeral die & one dotted die 2 dice – One numeral die 1-20 & one dotted die 3 dice toss – using mental strategies Place Value Dice & dotted die Activities across the framework ActivitiesEmergentPerceptualFigurativeCounting OnFacile Teddy Race Singles teddy race Doubles teddy race Teddy race skip counting

5 Activities across the framework ActivitiesEmergentPerceptualFigurativeCounting OnFacile 2 Sided Counters Throw and count Throw 10 counters. Work out pairs to ten. Write numbers Throw 10 counters. Record pairs to ten as a number sentence Hidden counters Throw counters to 20. Write down different combinations Hidden counters ActivitiesEmergentPerceptualFigurativeCounting OnFacile Birds Nest Roll dice place counters on game Roll 2 dot dice add together Roll 2 dice one dot and one number Roll 2 number dice Roll 2 dice add together & subtract the counters from the nest

6 Activities across the framework ActivitiesEmergentPerceptualFigurativeCounting OnFacile Tens Frames Match counters to ten frames Concentration Match pairs to ten How many more? Display in symbolic form and record number sentences ActivitiesEmergentPerceptualFigurativeCounting OnFacile Buses Roll a dice place that many teddies on the bus Roll 2 dice add together and place teddies on the bus Use 10 as a base and add on Skip counting

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