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Lecture 2 Basics of Java Programming Language Slides produced by Antonio Martinez Java Programming: From the Ground Up.

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1 Lecture 2 Basics of Java Programming Language Slides produced by Antonio Martinez Java Programming: From the Ground Up

2 Content First & Simple Java Program Data Types and Expressions

3 What is a computer program? A computer program or application is a set of instructions, written in a programming language, that enables a computer to perform some specified task.

4 A First Program Problem statement Write program that displays the line of text: “UNIMAS Gemilang !!!”

5 Java Solution 1. // This application prints “UNIMAS Gemilang !!!" on the screen 2. public class Gemilang 3. { 4. public static void main(String[] args)‏ 5. { 6. System.out.println (“UNIMAS Gemilang !!!"); 7. } 8. } Output : UNIMAS Gemilang !!!

6 Line numbers are not part of a Java program and appear only for reference. Discussion

7 Line 1 1. // This application prints “UNIMAS Gemilang !!!" on the screen Line 1 is a comment. A comment explains or clarifies the meaning of some section of a program. A single line comment begins with the compound symbol // (two forward slashes). Once the compiler recognizes the beginning of a single line comment, the compiler skips all subsequent text on that line.

8 Line 2 2. public class Gemilang Line 2 begins with two special words – public and class. For now, a class is an application or program and every class begins with the words public and class followed by the class name. Gemilang is the name of the class. The class name must be a valid Java identifier. A valid Java identifier is a "word" of arbitrary length composed of letters and/or digits and/or two special characters $ (dollar sign) and _ (underscore), where the first character must be a letter. Examples: R2D2 or HarryPotter

9 Line 2 Java is case sensitive. The name Gemilang is considered different than GEmilang. Keywords or reserved words are words that may not be used as Java identifiers. A class name begins with an uppercase letter. Spaces may not be part of a name. Uppercase letters are commonly used to separate "words“, e.g. MyFirstProgram.

10 Lines 3 and 8 {…..} The curly braces “{“ and “}” on lines 3 and 8 mark the beginning and the end of the Gemilang class that comprises our application. A group of statements or instructions enclosed by curly braces is called a block. The body or executable section of a class is contained within these matching braces.

11 Lines 3 and 8 The general structure of a class is: public class ClassName { // class body of block }

12 Lines 4, 5, 7 4. public static void main(String[] args)‏ 5. { 7. } The line “public static void main ( String[] args)” is the first line or the heading of the class’s main method. A method is a named section of a class that performs a task.

13 Lines 4, 5, and 7 The main method is automatically executed when a program runs. The statements of the main method are executed first. The main method is the starting point of every program. Every application must have a main method. Every main method begins with the same first line. The curly braces of lines 5 and 7 mark the beginning and the end of the main method. The actions that the main method performs are included between these curly braces.

14 Lines 4, 5, and 7 A simple Java program has the following skeletal format: public class ProgramName { public static void main (String args [])‏ { // executable statements go here }

15 Line 6 6. System.out.println (“UNIMAS Gemilang !!!"); This line instructs the computer to print “UNIMAS Gemilang !!!” on the screen. The quoted text (“UNIMAS Gemilang !!!") is called a string literal or more simply a string. A string literal must be contained on a single line.

16 Line 6 The quotation marks are not part of the string literal. The quotation marks indicate the beginning and the end of the string. This line instructs the computer to display the string literal on the screen. The statement also prints the newline character, that is, it advances the cursor to the next line.

17 Line 6 All statements are terminated with a semi-colon. The program must be saved in a file named

18 Variation 1. // This program prints “UNIMAS Gemilang !!!" on the screen 2. public class Gemilang2 3. { 4. public static void main( String[] args)‏ 5. { 6. System.out.print (“UNIMAS"); // print, NOT println 7. System.out.print (“Gemilang !!!"); 8. } 9. }

19 Output UNIMAS Gemilang !!! Output using print instead of println does not include the newline character.

20 Data Types and Expressions Exercise Write an application that calculates the number of minutes in a leap year using the fact that there are 525,600 minutes in a 365 day year.

21 Solution 1. // Calculates the number of minutes in a leap year 2. // Uses the fact that there are 525,600 minutes in a 365 day year 3. public class LeapYearMinutes 4. { 5. public static void main(String[] args)‏ 6. { 7. System.out.print( "The number of minutes in a leap year is "); 8. System.out.println(60*24 + 525600); // 60 min/hr x 24 hr/day + 525600 min 9. } 10. } Output: The number of minutes in a leap year is 527040.

22 Discussion The argument supplied to the println method is a numerical expression: 60 * 24 + 525600. An expression is sequence of symbols that denotes, represents, or signifies a value. The value of the expression 60 * 24 + 525600 is 527040. 60 and 24 are multiplied and the product is added to 525600. 527040, is given to the println method. * and + are called operators and the numbers 60, 24, and 525600 are called operands.

23 Identifiers and Reserved Words identifiers to name variables, methods, classes, interfaces, and packages. However, some of these identifiers are reserved for Java's exclusive use. These reserved identifiers are known as reserved words.

24 Identifiers  consist of uppercase letters (A through Z, or equivalent uppercase letters in other languages),  lowercase letters (a through z, or equivalent lowercase letters in other languages),  digits (0 through 9, or equivalent digits in other languages)  a handful of special characters such as the dollar sign ($) and underscore (_).  first character must be a letter, a dollar sign (or other currency character), or an underscore (or other connecting punctuation character). Any other character will result in a compiler error.

25 Valid of invalid Identifiers?? $amount _total salary counter6 number_of_tickets 6tally my*name first name

26 Reserved words

27 Data Types A data type is a set of values together with an associated collection of operators for manipulating those values.

28 Type int The values associated with the data type int are integers in the range: –2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647 The associated operators that manipulate integers are: + addition – subtraction * multiplication / division % modulus

29 Type int The / operator denotes integer division a/b evaluates to a divided by b, discarding any remainder 5/2 evaluates to 2 −23/6 evaluates to −3 4/43 has the value 0 The expression a%b evaluates to the remainder of a divided by b 5%2 has the value 1 −23%3 has the value −2

30 Operator Precedence The order in which operations are performed is the same as in ordinary arithmetic. For integer expressions, operations are performed according to the following precedence (priority) rules:

31 Operator Precedence *, /, and % have the highest precedence *, /, and % are equal in precedence + and − are equal in precedence but lower than *, / and % Operations of equal precedence have left to right associativity

32 Operator Precedence You may explicitly change the order of operations by inserting parentheses into an expression. An expression enclosed by parentheses must always be fully evaluated before it can be used in a larger expression. Examples: 2 + 3 * 4 / 2 – 1 = 7 (2 + 3) * 4 / 2 – 1 = 9 (2 + 3) * 4 / (2 – 1) = 20

33 Type double The values are decimal numbers in the range −1.7 x 10 308 … 1.7 x 10 308 with 14 significant digits of accuracy. The operators associated with type double are + addition - subtraction * multiplication / division The division operator (/) denotes decimal or floating point division rather than integer division; so 5.0/2.0 has the value 2.5 but 5/2 has the value 2

34 Type char Type char is the set of all characters found on the standard keyboard (in addition to thousands of other characters that are used for displaying text in languages that do not use the English alphabet). A value of type char is enclosed in single quotes: '5' is a value of type char, "5" is a string literal, and 5 is an integer.

35 Type char The ASCII code assigns a non-negative integer between 0 and 127 to each character. These values are stored as binary numbers, typically a leading 0 followed by a 7-bit code number between 0 to 127. ASCII values can be stored using a single byte of memory; that is, one character requires just one byte of storage.

36 Type char Java uses the Unicode character set and allocates two bytes of memory for each character. Using two bytes allows 65,536 characters. Unicode set includes English characters and also characters for many other languages. By design, the ASCII character set is a subset of Unicode.

37 Type char Type char includes several special characters: \nnewline \t tab \b backspace \r carriage return \' single quote \\ backslash

38 Type boolean Type boolean has two values: true and false The associated operators: '&&' and '||' or '!' not

39 Type boolean 'true && true' has the value true 'false || true' has the value true '!true' has the value false

40 Type boolean x && y is true if both operands are true. x || y is false when both operands are false. ! (not) has highest precedence, followed by && and finally ||.

41 Relational Operators Java provides a set of relational operators, used in expressions that evaluate to true or false. Each relational operator requires two operands, which may be two integers, two decimal numbers, or two characters.

42 Relational Operators The relational operators are: < less than <= less than or equal > greater than >= greater than or equal == equals (has the same value)‏ != not equal

43 Relational Operators Character data are compared based upon Unicode / ASCII integer values. ‘A’ has the code value 65 and ‘C’ the value 67. ‘A’ < ‘C’ evaluates to true since 65 < 67.

44 Relational Operators

45 Examples: 1. 5 2 false || true has the value true 2. 1 + 14 % 5 == 0 false 3. 'A' < 'B' true (code for 'A' is 65; for B it is 66 : 65 < 66)‏ 4. 'Z' < 'a' true (code for ‘Z’ is 90; and for 'a' it is 97)‏ 5. 1+1 == 2 || 1+1 == 3 true || false has the value true

46 6. 37/3 >.3333 true 7. 2<3 && 4<5 || 7<=5 && 2==3 true || false has the value true 8. 2<3 && (4<5 || 7<=5) && 2==3 true && true && false has the value false 9. false == false true 10. true != false true

47 Relational Operators Expressions such as 2<3<4 are incorrect. Java attempts to evaluate this expression as: (2<3) < 4 true < 4 'true < 4' is invalid and generates an error The Java equivalent of 2<3<4 is (2<3) && (3<4)

48 Relational Operators Exercise “A leap year is any year divisible by four except those years divisible by 100 unless the year is also divisible by 400.” Write a program that determines whether or not 1800 was a leap year.

49 Relational Operators 1. // A leap year is a year that is divisible by 4 but not 100 unless it is divisible by 400 2. // This program determines whether or not 1800 meets all conditions of a leap year 3. public class LeapYear 4. { 5. public static void main(String[] args)‏ 6. { 7. System.out.print("The year 1800 is a leap year? True or false: "); 8. // (divisible by 4 and not by 100) or (divisible by 400)‏ 9. System.out.println(1800%4 == 0 && 1800%100 != 0 || 1800%400 == 0); 10. } 11. }

50 Relational Operators Output The year 1800 is a leap year? True or false: false Here is a fully parenthesized version of the expression on line 9: (((1800%4) == 0) && ((1800 %100) != 0)) || ((1800%400 ) == 0)‏)

51 Short Circuit Evaluation Evaluates expressions involving operators && and ||. Java stops the evaluation of an expression once the value of the expression is determined. Example: 1<2 || 2<3 || 3<4 The value of this expression is true. This value can be determined after evaluating 1<2. No more of the expression need be considered.

52 Mixing Data Types in a Numerical Expression A Java expression can be constructed from data of several different types. The expression (22+3.0)/4 contains both integers (int) and decimal numbers (double)‏. Java first promotes or casts the operand of the “smaller” data type to the data type of the other operand. The range of values determines the “size” of a data type. Thus char is smaller than int, which, in turn, is smaller than double.

53 Mixing Data Types in a Numerical Expression Example: The expression (22+3.0)/4 has the value 6.25. The expression is evaluated as follows: (22+3.0)/4The expression consists of decimal and integer types. (22.0 +3.0)/4The integer 22 is cast to 22.0 (an int is cast to a double). 25.0/4 This is floating point addition (22.0+3.0). 25.0/4.0 The integer 4 is cast to 4.0. 6.25Double type!

54 Mixing Data Types in a Numerical Expression The expression 'A' + 1 has the value 66. The expression is evaluated as follows: 'A' + 1 The expression consists of character and integer data. 65 + 1 The character 'A' is cast to the integer 65 -- its ASCII code value. 66 This is integer addition.

55 Mixing Data Types in a Numerical Expression The expression 'A' + 1.0 has the value 66.0. The expression is evaluated as follows: 'A' + 1.0 The expression consists of character and a decimal data. 65 + 1.0 The integer 65 is the ASCII code for ‘A’ i.e., ‘A’ is stored as 65. 65.0 + 1.0The integer 65 is cast to 65.0. 66.0 This is floating point addition.

56 Mixing Data Types in a Numerical Expression Numerical operators can be used with character operands. Both operands are treated as integers. Example: The expression 'A'+ 'Z' has the value 155 since the ASCII values for 'A' and 'Z' are 65 and 90, respectively. Similarly, 'A' – 'Z' has the value −25. The expression “A”+ “B” does not have the value 155. In this case, “A” and “B” are not character data but strings. The + operator may be used with strings but the result is not an integer.

57 The + Operator and Strings If both operands, A and B, are strings then the expression A+B evaluates to another string, which is the concatenation (joining together) of A and B. If only one operand is a string, then the other operand is first cast to a string and the value of the expression is the concatenation of two strings.

58 The + Operator and Strings Joining two strings: "Bibbidi " + "Bobbidi " evaluates to a new string "Bibbidi Bobbidi ", which is formed by joining, i.e. concatenating, "Bibbidi " and "Bobbidi ". " Bibbidi " + "Bobbidi " + "Boo" evaluates to the string "Bibbidi Bobbidi Boo" which is formed by first joining "Bibbidi " and "Bobbidi " and then concatenating the result with "Boo".

59 The + Operator and Strings Joining a string and a number: The expression: 2147483647 + " is not only the largest value of type int but also a prime number!" evaluates to the string: "2147483647 is not only the largest value of type int but also a prime number!" The first operand is the integer 2147483647, which is cast to the string "2147483647" and then the two strings are concatenated.

60 The + Operator and Strings Joining a string and a numerical expression: The expression "The sum of the two dice is " + (5+2) evaluates to the string: “The sum of the two dice is 7” The expression in parentheses is evaluated first. Parentheses can force a change in the usual precedence.

61 The + Operator and Strings If the parentheses are omitted then the expression: "The sum of the two dice is "+ 5 + 2 evaluates to the string: "The sum of the two dice is 52"

62 The + Operator and Strings "The sum of the two dice is " + 5 + 2 ("The sum of the two dice is " + "5") + 2 The integer 5 is cast to string "5". ("The sum of the two dice is 5") + 2 "The sum of the two dice is " and "5“ are joined. ("The sum of the two dice is 5")+ "2" The integer 2 is cast to "2". "The sum of the two dice is 52" "The sum of the two dice is 5" is concatenated with "2". Numerical addition is not performed.

63 The + Operator and Strings The expression: "The product of the two dice is " + 5*2 Evaluates to the string: "The product of the two dice is 10." The * operation is performed first since * has higher precedence than +.

64 The + Operator and Strings The expression "The difference of the two dice is" + 5 – 2 is ill formed and causes an error. Left to right the expression is evaluated as: ("The difference of the two dice is " + 5) − 2 ("The difference of the two dice is " + "5") − 2 "The difference of the two dice is 5" − 2 Error occurs: the (−) operator cannot be applied to strings.

65 The + Operator and Strings To produce the output: The cost of 15 begs is 75 dollars. an application might include three instructions: 1. System.out.print ("The cost of 15 begs is "); 2. System.out.print (15 * 5); 3. System.out.println (" dollars.");

66 The + Operator and Strings Java specifies that the print and println methods accept a single argument of any type. Statements 1 and 3: the arguments are a string literal Statement 2: the argument is an integer (75)‏ The three lines of code can also be condensed to a single line: System.out.print ("The cost of 15 begs is " + (15*5) + " dollars."); or System.out.println ("The cost of 15 begs is " + (15*5) + " dollars.");

67 The + Operator and Strings The mixed expression: "The cost of 15 begs is " + (15*5) + " dollars"; evaluates to the string: "The cost of 15 begs is 75 dollars" It is this string that is the argument to the print or println method.

68 The + Operator and Strings Examples: 1. 'A'+ 'B' is 131 (int)‏ 2. 'A'+ "B" is AB (string)‏ 3. "A"+ "B" is AB (string)‏ 4. ""+'A'+ 'B' is AB (string)‏ 5. 'A'+ 'B'+"" is 131 (string)‏ 6. 3+4+"" is 7 (string)‏ 7. ""+3+4 is 34 (string)‏

69 Bugs Initial versions of almost every program commonly contain errors or bugs. There are three categories of errors: 1. Compilation errors. 2. Runtime errors. 3. Logical errors.

70 Compilation Errors A compilation error occurs when a program violates one of the rules of Java, such as the omission of a semi-colon, a string's quotation mark, or a closing curly brace. The compiler flags the error and tells you where the error occurs. A program must be free of such errors before it can be translated into bytecode.

71 Runtime Errors A runtime error occurs during program execution. A runtime error can occur when the program attempts some invalid operation such as division by zero. A runtime error results in program termination.

72 Logical Errors Even if the Java compiler detects no errors and a program runs to completion, a program may not do what it is supposed to do. E.g: A program that converts degrees Fahrenheit to degrees Celsius using the erroneous expression: (5/9)(F – 32), where F represents a Fahrenheit temperature; // evaluates to 0 since 5/9 = 0 (integer division)‏ rather than: (5.0)/9.0)(F – 32) // correct, uses floating point division

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