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Dig Deeper with Projects in Design Thinking A presentation deck for training educators on the Project MASH design thinking process Full day version.

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Presentation on theme: "Dig Deeper with Projects in Design Thinking A presentation deck for training educators on the Project MASH design thinking process Full day version."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dig Deeper with Projects in Design Thinking A presentation deck for training educators on the Project MASH design thinking process Full day version

2 Pick one of the spaces below. In a small group, have a contest to brainstorm the weirdest ideas for how that space might be used. Cafeteria Classroom Playground Hallways Library Media center Science lab Parking lot Teachers’ lounge Main office Quick Challenge TIME5 minutes

3 Gain an in-depth understanding design thinking. Discuss how you can use this project (and other design thinking experiences) in your classroom. Experience design thinking first-hand through the School (re)Design project and other Project MASH activities. Today’s explorations

4 What is design thinking?

5 How Design Thinking Can Empower Young People from Is School Enough? A video series on Edutopia

6 Design thinking is a creative and collaborative process for identifying problems and their innovative solutions. Design thinking is one of several teaching strategies that inform the educational content and experiences available on Project MASH, a social network for learning.

7 Design thinking engages students in an active, meaningful process that connects core content to the real world.

8 Design thinking facilitates project-based learning. It is naturally interdisciplinary and provides relevant opportunities to improve verbal, written, and visual communication skills.

9 Design thinking is civically charged.

10 The design thinking process




14 Ready to Dig Deeper? Explore the design thinking process with a project from Project MASH.

15 School (re)Design Project A Design Thinking Project from Project MASH Needfinding Scavenger Hunt For today’s design thinking workshop, we’ll explore the School (re)Design Project. We’ll also incorporate other activities available for students on Project MASH, including: BrainCooker Empathy Dice Game

16 Take your ideas about how to make your school better and use design thinking to take action! During this activity you will: Identify a problem space and turn it into your opportunity. Develop a unique way to make it better. School (re)Design Project A Design Thinking Project from Project MASH

17 TIME GOAL 5 minutes To identify an area of interest. Have a quick conversation with your team about the following question: Is there a space (cafeteria, schoolyard, classroom, halls) or a need (student boredom, lack of parental involvement, others) that is of interest to you? Share responses and record a list to keep track of interests. STEPDiscover

18 TIME GOAL 45 minutes To discover a need in your school using the Needfinding Scavenger Hunt from Project MASH (Part 1). Make a list (5 minutes): Who are the stakeholders in your school community? This may include students, teachers, parents, custodial staff, cafeteria staff, community members, nearby businesses. Choose 1 to 2 types of stakeholders to focus on and then conduct as many interviews as possible. STEPDiscover (cont.)

19 What are your favorite places on the school campus? What characteristics make those spaces special? What do you like about this community? What are your hopes and dreams for its future? Needfinding Scavenger Hunt Sample interview questions for your community stakeholders

20 TIME GOAL 20 minutes To analyze your data from the Needfinding Scavenger Hunt (Par 2). Review your needfinding interview results. Sort the results into categories. What patterns emerge? Identify one key need or a related set of needs you’d like to focus on moving forward. STEPDiscover (cont.)

21 TIME GOAL 45 minutes To develop empathy for your target audience using the Empathy Dice Game activity from Project MASH. Based on your identified need, choose a target audience (i.e. specific student or staff member). Develop six questions for your empathy dice and conduct your interview(s). Roll your dice for the first question and then listen carefully to the answers. Keep in mind: Empathy helps us value and understand why people feel & think a certain way. STEPDig Deeper

22 What is one of your favorite quotes? If you could paint a picture of any scenery you’ve seen before, what would you paint? When you have 30 minutes of free time, how do you pass the time? What is the best part of waking up for you? Empathy Dice Game Sample empathy-building questions

23 TIME GOAL 15 minutes To develop a design statement that articulates your problem or need using the Design Statement Mad Lib activity from Project MASH. A design statement clearly frames the challenge, your point of view, and the opportunities you’ve discovered through research. Before writing your statement, identify: Specific problem, Specific audience, and Underlying causes of the problem or need. STEPDig Deeper (cont.)

24 Design Statement Mad Lib Design statement sample language

25 TIME GOALTo brainstorm possible solutions to your problem or need using the BrainCooker activity from Project MASH. Get your Braincooker template and complete it by filling in brainstorming prompts. Cut out the die and play Braincooker. o Embrace wild & wacky ideas. o List as many possibilities as you can imagine. 20 minutes STEPBrainstorm

26 List three random words associated with your problem/need. Then, come up with a description that links two of the words. List five random words associated with your problem. Create a chain, or relationship, that links them in order. Think of the absolute craziest possible solution to the problem (while still tied to the research made in the “Dig Deeper” steps). BrainCooker Sample prompts

27 TIME GOAL To sort the results from your brainstorming session using the Pros vs. Cons activity from Project MASH. Create a T-chart on a wall or table and write “Pros” on one column and “Cons” on the other. Write your Design Statement at the top of the T-chart. Pick a Post-it note color and write each idea on a separate sticky-note. Place your ideas directly underneath your problem statement. Pick two other colors; one of these will be for the pros and one will be for the cons. 20 minutes STEPDefine

28 Pros vs. Cons Example T-chart

29 TIME GOAL To develop a plan for executing your solution (Part 1). Choose your best idea (or a combination of two to three “best” ideas) and make a plan! Consider: o Assigning Roles: Divide and conquer the various tasks. o Timing: You’ll have 45 minutes to create a prototype or sketch for sharing. 15 minutes STEP Plan It Out

30 TIME GOAL To create a prototype for gathering feedback (Part 2). Create a prototype that is either: o Illustrative: A sketch or rough design o 3D: A model of the design using materials or modelling tools This is the time to start implementing your project plan! Have fun, and remember to focus on the process and not on perfection. 30 minutes STEP Plan It Out (cont.)

31 TIME20 minutes GOALTo create a prototype for gathering feedback (Part 3). Take turns sharing your prototype with another team. Ask them what they like, what questions they have, and what suggestions they have for improvement. Revise your prototype and get ready to (re)design! STEP Plan It Out (cont.)

32 TIME GOALTo create a 3D design to share. Use the materials available to make your design 3D! Think about how materials can function differently. Assign team roles to ensure you get it done! 45 minutes STEP Get It Done

33 What are your general findings from the School (re)Design project? Summarize these. What opportunity did you identify? What 3D prototype did you design to respond to the problem or need? How might your students further address the opportunity? TIME15 minutes Project Share

34 How else might you use the School (re)Design project? What skills and content did you cover today? If this was adapted to your subject area, what skills or content could you cover using this approach? What role does technology play? How is this role distinct from the simple notion of “technology integration”? TIME 20 minutes Reflection & Discussion

35 In a small group, brainstorm how the School (re)Design project connects to the Common Core State Standards. Choose one area to brainstorm. Think about your experience today, as well as how the project could be expanded in a classroom setting: TIME30 minutes Reading & writing across the disciplines Integration of informational text Task appropriate to purpose & audience Point of view & multiple perspectives A value for evidence (words & data) Using the right tools for problem solving Common Core Connections

36 Design thinking is an approach to teaching and learning at the heart of Project MASH, a social network for educators, students, and the organizations that serve them. Visit for student activities and projects that rely on design thinking and other unique teaching strategies.

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