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Do Now Log onto learn open the syllabus Announcements – Grading and second semester Download Water Cycle Vocab.

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Presentation on theme: "Do Now Log onto learn open the syllabus Announcements – Grading and second semester Download Water Cycle Vocab."— Presentation transcript:

1 Do Now Log onto learn open the syllabus Announcements – Grading and second semester Download Water Cycle Vocab

2 Log onto learn and use the Link for Linoit Chat with Stickies Sticky Question - 1. How many processes can you name from the animation?

3 A. Locally B. Globally C. I’d have to guess 3

4  Watch as a class, and define the following terms on your vocab sheet:  Evaporation  Condensation  Precipitation  Tim said that if you were one drop of water, how many years could you have been on earth?

5  Each Lab Group gets 3 bottles. Make sure they are all CLEAR, and the SAME SHAPE.  Remove the outside labels on the bottle, write your period number and group number on the bottom of each bottle  We will need to cut the bottles in order to do our experiment.  Keep the lids!

6 Bottle 1: Cut the top off, at the point where the bottle begins to curve. Bottle 2 : Cut the bottom off, at the point where the bottle begins to curve. Bottle 3: Cut the bottom off, at the point where the bottle begins to curve.

7  Define Transpiration on your vocab sheet – think about how transpiration occurs, where is water starting and where is it moving to?  Is plant taking in or releasing water?  What part of the plant is loosing the water?

8  Does water occur in different forms or phases in the water cycle?  What is another word for water in a gaseous phase? Vapor Phase



11 Why is most of Earth’s freshwater not available for people to use? What percent of water is available?

12  Let’s take the quiz as a class  Open it up and take the quiz  Some of this we covered and some of this is a tell me what you think you know  Pay attention to what you know!  Write down any questions you don’t know

13  To start look at your station and make a prediction on your paper – Where in the water cycle do you think you might go from here? 1. Each person takes a marker from their station 2. You will write down where you move through the water cycle on your paper at each station. Number it, so you remember where you went 1 st to last. 3. Roll the dice. Collect a marker from that station, and record your movement on your paper. When I give the signal follow the movement instructions and move to the next station. 4. If the instructions from the dice were to stay, collect another tracker and also record that you stayed there on your paper. Roll the dice with everyone that just moved to that station during that turn. 5. At each turn – collect a tracker and record your movement.

14  You will need the “history” of where you moved, SO SAVE YOUR PAPERS.  You would loose 15 points on the assignment if you loose your paper.

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