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SEGREGATION Group 1: Egle, Runa, Morten and Guro.

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Presentation on theme: "SEGREGATION Group 1: Egle, Runa, Morten and Guro."— Presentation transcript:

1 SEGREGATION Group 1: Egle, Runa, Morten and Guro

2 In General/ Frames 9th Grade in English  Cross-curriculum project (ex. English, History, Social Science) 3 Hours a Week Used to Cooperative Method Class delt with Topic of Segregation in the Native Language Subject before

3 Week 1, 2, 3 and 4 Week 1: Introduction Week 2: Black and White Week 3: The Wave Week 4: Experiment

4 Way of Presentation Week 1: 1.Presentation of «Imaginary Lesson» 2.Zoom into one Activity Week 2: 1.Presentation of «Imaginary Lesson» 2.…

5 Learning Styles Karri  smart learner Lil-Grethe  aveage learner Astrid  average learner Paulius  slow learner Dorthe  slow learner Kaisa and Ari  average learner Line  smart learner Søren  smart learner Justina  average learner Laura  average learner Arttu  slow learner Salomeja  average learner Christin  smart learner Katherine  smart learner Juuso  average learner Anja  average learner Dovile  slow learner Ole  average learner Sondre  smart learner Karin  average learner Monica  average learner Amelie  slow learner Inger and Kim  average learners Autitory Group 2 Visual Group 3 Tactile Group 4 Kinesthetic Group 5

6 Week 1 Introduction Fresh up the background knowledge about segregation. (American history and apartheid: read in a school book and see some movie clips) The circles that shows the difference about segregation, exclusion, inclusion and integration. Thinking map – what the pupils think is connected to segregation and integration/inclusion to see the differences. Make sure that they understand that segregation is not only a topic in politics but also in our everyday life. Power Point: look at some pictures that describe some words, and talk about it with the pupils. Ex; Segregation: toilet sign in south- Africa Station one: Crosswords Station two: Memory game (Connect word and definition) Station three: Alias (Explaining without using the exact word) Station four: Dice activity (role a dice do whatever is connected to a certain number)1&2: Explain words - 3&4: "Act" the word - 5&6: Draw the word Station five: Table tennis activity: Throw a ball and say a word connected to the topic segregation - and then the receiver of the ball is saying another word connected to the topic. (The pupils have done this activities before, so they don`t need alot of explenations)

7 Exclusion, Separation, Integration and Inclusion

8 Word Activities 1.Memory 2.Crossword

9 Week 2 Black and White Watch M. Jackson- “They don’t care about us” (prison version) video. Ask students how they feel after the song. Give students the lyrics of the song, explain all the words (in pairs). Watch the video again with the lyrics for better understanding of the song. Divide students into the groups and use vocabulary strategies from week 1. Still picture method: students are divided into 5 groups, given few lines from the lyrics, they have to imitate them and the others have to guess which line is imitated.

10 Michael Jackson

11 Song Lines Do me, sue me, everybody do me Kick me, strike me, don't you black or white me

12 Still Picture

13 Week 3 The Wave Talking about dictatorship (provoke with question “Could something similar to world war II happen again?”) Movie “The Wave”/ “Die Welle” Ask the same question again and have a discussion going (observe in which direction it goes and decide on further ways of discussion); Ask what this film has got to do with our topic “Inclusion” (in pairs) Choose between a poem and a drawing exercise (thoughts, feelings, impressions) Match pictures and poems (all together in a circle)

14 Trailer of «The Wave»

15 Example of a picture

16 Example of a poem An experiment. Creating togetherness and unity. Creating motivation and development. …then everybody goes crazy… The experiment becomes dictation. Togetherness and unity become leader and soldiers. Motivation and dictation become war. How close are integration and separation?

17 Week 4 Experiment Experiment Discussion Write an essay

18 Week 1, 2, 3 and 4 Week 1: Introduction Week 2: Black and White Week 3: The Wave Week 4: Experiment

19 Didactic Presentation Link for the didactical part of our presentation team-1/ team-1/

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