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Implementing folderless document management using metadata.

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Presentation on theme: "Implementing folderless document management using metadata."— Presentation transcript:

1 Implementing folderless document management using metadata


3 introduction Kjeld Stipsen Manager – Information Management Office: +31 (0)20 593 9195 Mobile: +31 (0)6 2220 1049

4 Today’s topics

5 Why metadata instead of folders? The case for change Metadata vs Folders Governance of metadata

6 The case for change

7 Metadata vs Folders in SharePoint

8 Multi-dimensional navigation.

9 Paradigm-shift: How different is metadata?

10 background

11 User community

12 How we position SharePoint Managing Information SharePoint as single document management solution Collaboration SharePoint as enabled for state-of-the-art collaboration Applications SharePoint as Application hosting platform Notes: Satellites are examples only

13 Our SharePoint – information architecture model

14 Building a metadata taxonomy


16 Design of the metadata sets Identify Business Process Owner Identify Data Definition Owner Determine Attribute names and values Build metadata set in SP2010 test environment Sign off and formalize model document site design Master Data Management Enterprise Process Model Enterprise Metadata Framework Business Users Records Management

17 Metadata frameworks Work-flow for Creating a Metadata set (1) Assign Process DVO Analyze Metadata Design Metadata set Build Metadata set on test Sign-off Metadata set Hand-over Metadata set to Developer Workstream & Process Owner Provide input on Metadata Process Owner Process Data Value Owner Business Readiness Workstream Developer Workstream Determine attribute names and values Determine list of Metadata sets and identify Process Owners Endorse list of Metadata sets Process & Data Architects Validate Metadata set Business Readiness Focal Point

18 Metadata frameworks Work-flow for Creating a Metadata set (2) 1. Confirm names of Process Owners (via Process Architects and/or Business Readiness Focal Points2. Contact Process Owners to confirm list of Metadata sets for specific process3. Update Business Readiness Checklist accordingly Actions: Link to Business Readiness ChecklistBusiness Readiness Checklist

19 Metadata frameworks Work-flow for Creating a Metadata set (3) Actions: 1. In discussion with Process & Data Architects and DVO define the site and document attributes for the Metadata sets (including GRM mapping) 2. Contact Process Owners to confirm list of Metadata sets for specific process3. Update Business Readiness Checklist accordingly Link to Business Readiness ChecklistBusiness Readiness Checklist

20 Metadata frameworks Work-flow for Creating a Metadata set (4) Actions: 1. Create demo Metadata set based on agreed definition2. Validate content with DVO and Process Owner. Also check ‘user-friendliness’ with BR Lead.3. Secure sign-off by Process Owner4. Update Business Readiness Checklist, Demo site and Site Definition as COMPLETE Link to Business Readiness ChecklistBusiness Readiness Checklist

21 Standardizing the metadata analysis phase

22 Metadata framework End goal Site Columns Managed Keywords This is the only specific metadata for your process: the rest will be provided automatically Site Columns and Managed Keywords are for that Document Library only, to make it fit better with your day-to- day document managemen t processes. 1.Project stage 2.Project docType 3.Project activity

23 Implementation of folderless document management

24 2 approaches

25 Based on a process model

26 governance

27 Governance – examples roles & processes Strategic Level Tactical Level Operational Level Change Request processesSupport processes Records Management processes Request for new metadata Request to change metadata Request to delete metadata Support on faults in Metadata Emergency Escalation process Metadata alignment with RM Metadata mapping with RM

28 Metadata replicator

29 The metadata replicator (1)

30 The metadata replicator (2)

31 Success stories

32 Challenges during creation of metadata ProduceProduce 334455661122 -Business processes or organizational hierarchy? - what level of detail to pick? -Hardest part!!! - quality of metadata is subject to quality of SME input. - subjective vs objective criteria. -Much easier to guide the SME and have experienced analysts do this, than to train the SMEs in doing this. - other benefit is consistency. -SharePoint technically not able to filter out inconsistencies. - manual exercise. - don’t abbreviate -It should all fit together. - work done on separate classes (term sets) should fall under the umbrella defined in step 1. -Enterprise taxonomy doesn’t mean its useful for everyone. - Compliance driven versus user driven. - How to establish governance?



35 Ontology Ontologies are a semantic way of describing related terms that have no hierarchical relationship but a many-to-many relationship Not supported by SharePoint2010 Example: The term “Tiger” may be linked to the term “Asia” or “Golf” Taxonomy, Ontology, Folksonomy and Thesaurus Folksonomy (keyword tags) Folksonomies are used for social tagging of content, using unstructured and unrelated keywords SharePoint2010 can also manage this centrally, using a managed keywords repository. Example: You can tag a document with your own name, a specific topic and a buzzword that makes it easier to retrieve. Thesaurus Can be seen as synonyms and replacement words. By default supported by SharePoint2010 via the FAST search engine. Example: Searching for “DS”, “Downstream” and “Downstrm” will all lead to the same search results. This is what Metadata sets are based on Managed keywords

36 references

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