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R UIMTELIJK P LAN B UREAU NETHERLANDS INSTITUTE FOR SPATIAL RESEARCH Decision making about Wind farms; The Case of the largest French Wind farm in the.

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Presentation on theme: "R UIMTELIJK P LAN B UREAU NETHERLANDS INSTITUTE FOR SPATIAL RESEARCH Decision making about Wind farms; The Case of the largest French Wind farm in the."— Presentation transcript:

1 R UIMTELIJK P LAN B UREAU NETHERLANDS INSTITUTE FOR SPATIAL RESEARCH Decision making about Wind farms; The Case of the largest French Wind farm in the Canton of Fruges Presentation to the Multi Criteria Decision Analysis workshop on Renewable Energy Systems January 30 2004 Free University Amsterdam Hugo Gordijn Netherlands Institute for Spatial Research

2 OBR 14 Okt 2003 2 The project 225 MW (2003 France 220 MW) 134 plants on 18000 hectare Ostwind German developer 108 REPOWER (DE) 28 Jeumont (FR) 250 MEuro Two ridges on the plateau Canton Fruges 7500 inhabitants

3 OBR 14 Okt 2003 3 In Favour Canton of Fruges : –Employment (JOBS) –Tourism –Taxes –Dynamics Municipalities –Taxes –Dynamics

4 OBR 14 Okt 2003 4 Against Local farmers being jealous because of high amount of indemnification Those afraid of “Patrimoine” Those afraid of any change at all Those afraid of noise, hindrance etc.

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8 8 The French System A very well defined system of consent Impact analysis on many themes –Landscape –Sound –Environment –Flora and Fauna –Historic amenities –Montagne ou Littoral en een

9 OBR 14 Okt 2003 9 Conclusions Direct concerned : In favour because of –Money for use of site (individual site- owners/ farmers / land-owners) –Money for the communities (Taxes on invested capital) Against ; because of jealousy, landscape (patrimoine), non-solicited operations, hindrance, money, birds, sound

10 OBR 14 Okt 2003 10 Conclusions 2 Indirect concerned In Favor because of –Climate / sustainable development –Energy dependency –Exhaustion of materials –Employment and industry Against because of –Landscape in general –Ecology in general –Money in general

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