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Medieval Ages Golden Age of Faith & Crusades. The Church The Church’s influence could be found in all facets of people’s everyday lives in medieval society.

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1 Medieval Ages Golden Age of Faith & Crusades

2 The Church The Church’s influence could be found in all facets of people’s everyday lives in medieval society 1504 – officially split into two branches

3 Two branches Church of the East Headed by the archbishop of Constantinople Church of the West Roman Catholic Church Ruled by the pope, bishop of Rome

4 Powers of the Church were great Own laws and courts Kings and emperors were afraid to disobey The Church became a major landowner and gathered a great deal of money by collecting rents and fees

5 The Crusades Jerusalem was considered holy by Jewish, Christian, and Muslim peoples By end of the 11 th century Muslims gained control of this region Arab Muslims were tolerant of Jews and Christians Seljuks, a Turkish tribe, destroyed Christian shrines and made it dangerous to go to Jerusalem

6 Eastern and Western branches of the Christian Church had better relations and joined together Pope Urban II pleaded for recovery of the Holy Land Thousands of men were recruited to fight The cross was their badge of honor Called themselves “crusaders”

7 The Crusades The crusaders captured Nicaea and Antioch They stormed Jerusalem and massacred Muslims and Jews Seven more crusades over the next two centuries Richard the Lion Heart led the Third Crusade in 1187

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