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Published byRosa Sutton Modified over 9 years ago
Project “ My social responsibility ” LLIV-322 “ My response ” Subsidy C ontract No. LV-LT/2.1./LLIV-322/2012/11 Latvia-Lithuania cross-border cooperation programme 2007-2013 Kurzeme planning region (KPR) LP 16.04.2012.
“ My response ” Project details TOTAL budget EUR 1,137,609.23 Programm finansing 85% = EUR 966,967.85 Partner finansing 15% = EUR 170,641.38 Investments in infrastructure = 60,88% Finansing for Latvia partners = EUR 606,636.25, Finansing for Lithuania partners = EUR 530,973.98 Time of project 2nd of April 2012 – 1st of April 2014 13 Partners 8 form Latvia and 5 from Lithuania
“ My response ” Project partners 1.Kurzeme Planning Region 2.Ventspils City Municipality Body „The Social Service of Ventspils City Council” 3.Liepaja City Council 4.Kuldiga County municipal agency “Social service office” 5.Dundaga County Council 6.Nica County Council 7.Skrunda County Council 8.Saldus Amalgamated Municipality 9.PI "Siauliai region develompent agency" 10.NGO EDUCATIONAL PROJECTS 11.Joniskis "Saules" basic school 12.BI Klaipeda City Social Support Centre 13.Klaipeda City Municipality Administration
“ My response ” Goal of project: To promote equal approach practicing and social integration of people with disabilities In order to prevent discrimination against disabled people, to promote an equal treatment of disabled people and to improve their social integration, specific activities are planned to create attractive environment for living (among that for integration) and to develop sustainable society. The project includes explorative, educating, environment adapting, new social services developing, experience exchanging, information distributing and also existing social service quality and accessibility improving activities. WP1 - Project management and coordination WP2 - Joint social services WP3 - Universal design WP4 - Information and publicity
“My response” WP1 - Project management and coordination ACT1 Management team and Work group Management team consists of 3 persons: Project manager, Project assistant, Financial manager. Management team (KPR) holds monthly meetings. Management team organises Work group and Steering group meetings Work group consists of Management team and Partner’s coordinators. Work group meetings every 2nd month. Meetings will be face-to-face and video-conferences. Kuldiga, video, Kuldiga, video, Liepaja, video, Klaipeda, video, Klaipeda, video, Ventspils, Siauliai ACT2 Steering Group Steering Group would consist of Project Management team and Representatives of all partners. Meetings planned 4 times (Kuldiga 16.04.2012, video Oct 2012, video June 2013, Siauliai March 2014)
“ My response ” WP2 - Joint social services ACT1 Research on accessibility of social service provision and social integration of people with disabilities (accessibility providing at – institutions providing social services and public places), ACT2 Seminar „Needs and integration opportunities for people with disabilities” 32h Training on work with disabled persons and persons equivalent to specific client group (persons with physical, vision, hearing impairments, mental development disorders and mental illnesses, blind and/or deaf people, persons with dementia, persons suffering from incurable diseases (cancer, AIDS), persons suffering from addictions, etc.), ACT3 Development of new social service – companion-assistant of person with functional impairments for social integration practicing, ACT4 Development of new alternative social service – short-time stay service (up to 30 days per year) for persons with mental impairments
“ My response ” WP2 – Joint social services ACT1 Research on accessibility of social service provision and social integration of people with disabilities (accessibility providing at – institutions providing social services and public places) PP9 Latvia and Lithuania will carry-out research in each country – at institutions providing social services (for example, governmental and municipal social care institutions for adults and children, social service offices, day care centres, support and/or crisis centres, etc) and public places (bus station, shop, post office, house manager’s office, municipal premises, library, recreation centre, gym, theatre, cinema, swimming pool, public beach/swimming place, educational /medical care institutions, etc). Identify and analyze existing situation, evaluate pros and cons (+/-), and collect information about best practice examples in the country. Research will be made in 3 levels: in 1 nationally significant city, 1 regionally significant county, and 1 small county. Result – 1 combined research on accessibility (in English, Latvian, Lithuanian)
“ My response ” WP2 – Joint social services ACT2 Seminar „Needs and integration opportunities for people with disabilities” 32h Training on work with (persons with physical, vision, hearing impairments, mental development disorders and mental illnesses, blind and/or deaf people, persons with dementia, persons suffering from incurable diseases (cancer, AIDS), persons suffering from addictions, etc.) LP, PP9, PP12 The seminar in two parts 2days+2days (including 2 overnight stays). Expert of partner country lectures on 1-2 topics (of 8). joint programme developed in 2 days by 2 experts from LV and 2 from LT materials developed in 2 days by 2 experts from LV and 2 from LT Seminar organisation (23 seminars: 5 in Latvia and 13+5 in Lithuania) at several places in Kurzeme region (Kuldiga, Talsi, Ventspils, Liepaja) and Šiauliai and Klaipeda regions Target groups –employers of social care institutions for adults and children, social service offices, NGOs, other social service providers (like day centres, crisis centres, group flats), educational, health care and municipal institutions 550 participants
“ My response ” WP2 – Joint social services ACT3 Development of new social service – companion- assistant of person with functional impairments for social integration practicing 3.1. Evaluation of former experience, including from abroad, providing companion-assistant services and make summary 1Focus group (3h) and 2 study visits, 1 review PP10 3.2. 2-days workshop (leaded by experts from Latvia, Lithuania, potentially Sweden and the UK) on experience providing companion-assistant services in their countries (presenting functional mechanisms, financing and salary system, staff requirements, documentations, limitations working with clients, achievements, difficulties, pros and cons providing this service, etc.) The event takes place in LV or LT, target audience - 20 persons from both countries. Day 1 - listening country’s experience providing the service and Day 2 - learning is organised in 2 task groups (LV/LT): analyzing heard information (what is or is not suitable for developing service in Latvia/Lithuania), and forming draft of service providing concept. LP 3.3. Develop practical service providing concept, concretizing companion-assistant functions and tasks, fixing potential working time, locations and ways, defining requirements for employees or volunteers: level of knowledge, experience, competence, skills. Also identifying potential cooperation partners (persons, organizations, etc), and developing documentation forms, planning payment principles for employees/volunteers and/or services costs, making piloting agreement with responsible organizations in each country (for example – Liepaja municipality in LV). (160h during 3-4 months) 1 concept PP10
“ My response ” WP2 – Joint social services ACT3 Development of new social service – companion- assistant of person with functional impairments for social integration practicing 3.4. Recruitment of companion-assistants (recruited 30 persons) PP2, PP3, PP4, PP6, PP8, PP12 3.5. Training of assistants (1 programme, 3 days, 30 assistants) companion-assistants training (training in 2countries x 3days 1 joint training programme PP10 3.6. New service piloting (in cooperation with NGOs and municipalities), piloting to gain more precise data on service providing demand Piloting in 6 municipalities 8919h PP2, PP3, PP4, PP6, PP8, PP12/PP13 INVESTMENTS 3.7. Development of sustainable cooperation plan between companion-assistant service providers of Latvian and Lithuanian (for example, plan that 1-2 companion-assistants from each country know or learn language of other country, and can provide service for persons with disabilities from partner country, organize regular client-exchange programmes, inform other social services providers and tourism specialists about available services). 1 cooperation plan PP10
“ My response ” WP2 – Joint social services ACT4 Development of new alternative social service – short-time stay service (up to 30 days per year) for persons with mental impairments Like special group house-guest house. Clients from other or partner country could receive such service when visiting the country – something like hotel. The premises must be adapted for overnight stays, food preparation, laundry and washing works, with bathing and toilet facilities and rest area. The premises should be in accordance with UD principles, as people with mental impairments could also have other functional impairments (physical, hearing, visual, etc). 4.1. Evaluation of former experience, including from abroad, providing such or similar services and summarize materials 1Focus group (3h) and 2 study visits, 1 review PP10 4.2. Experience exchange trip for representatives of interested municipalities (20 participants) LP 4.3. Development of service concept, develop drafts of documentation regulating conditions of receiving and payment system of such service. 1 concept LP 4.4. Personal recruitment. Needed staff recrited by PP5, PP7, PP11 4.5. Piloting of service in 3 municipalities 3110days PP5, PP7, PP11 INVESTMENTS 4.6. Development of sustainable cooperation plan of short-time stay service providers. 1 cooperation plan LP
“ My response ” WP3 - Universal design ACT1 Training (seminars un consultations) on providing social integration of people with disabilities by using principles of universal design (UD) (concept of UD, marks of usage, changing environment (premises and territory) in compliance with UD principles, required time and material contributions), ACT2 Adaptions in municipalities Forming attractive living environment – providing accessibility and promoting social integration using UD principles in premises and/or agreeable territory of municipality ACT3 Experience exchange roundtrip to disseminate best practice of implementation UD principles, ACT4 Closing conference, presenting best practices, experience and risks implementing UD in LV and LT.
“ My response ” WP3 – Universal design ACT1 Training (seminars un consultations) on providing social integration of people with disabilities by using principles of universal design (UD)(concept of UD, marks of usage, changing environment (premises and territory) in compliance with UD principles, required time and material contributions) LP, PP9, PP12 3 day seminar days 1 and 2 would be educating on the UD, then learning in practice would follow - assessing situation at working place-institution (detailed evaluation of accessibility of premises and territory on current day). Day 3 - practical part (built on evaluation) participants would prepare action plans (for 1-5 years) - list of needed changes for implementing UD principles (indicating works to be done, required financial and other investments, terms and responsible person. joint programme developed in 2 days by 2 experts from LV and 2 from LT materials developed in 2 days by 2 experts from LV and 2 from LT Seminar organisation (23 seminars: 5 in Latvia and 13+5 in Lithuania) at several places in Kurzeme region (Kuldiga, Talsi, Ventspils, Liepaja) and Šiauliai and Klaipeda regions Target groups – managers, employers and where applicable clients of social care institutions for adults and children, social service offices, NGO’s, other social service providers (like day centres, crisis centres, group flats), educational, health care and municipal (like spatial planers) institutions. 530 participants
“ My response ” WP3 – Universal design ACT1 Training (seminars un consultations) on providing social integration of people with disabilities by using principles of universal design (UD)(concept of UD, marks of usage, changing environment (premises and territory) in compliance with UD principles, required time and material contributions) LP 80 Consultations for organizations or instituions in UD adaptions –provided by expert –during assessment of environmental accessibility at working place (average 3h in each place)
“ My response ” WP3 – Universal design ACT2 Adaptions in municipalities Forming attractive living environment – providing accessibility and promoting social integration using UD principles in premises and/or agreeable territory of municipality INVESTMENTS IN MUNICIPALITIES PP2, PP3, PP4, PP5, PP6, PP7, PP11, PP13 8 municipalities: 5 reconstructions for companion – assistant service 3-for short-time stay service adapted places will be used publicly more than 5 years after project end
“ My response ” WP3 – Universa l design ACT3 Experience exchange roundtrip to disseminate best practice of implementation UD principles LP joint 3days roundtrip to places-municipalities in LV and LT, where environment were adapted using UD principles during the Project 40 participants (incl. winners of competitions) participates at the event.
“ My response ” WP3 – Universal design ACT4 Closing conference, presenting best practices, experience and risks implementing UD in LV and LT LP Development of UD principles’ implementation strategies for involved regions is planned. Working groups will think of recommendations for developing laws and regulations regarding implementation of UD principles on regional and/or national levels. Target audience: representatives of partners, organizations, municipalities, regional and national level politicians from both countries, representatives of responsible institutions (for example, employees of Ministries of Welfare, Education, Economics, institution responsible for municipal affairs,). Conference duration - 1 day. 1 day, 120 participants, recommendations
“ My response ” ACT1 Information in partners web pages (~1x3month) –13 web sites, information at least once in 3 month and when event/activity organised –including 12 press releases –PR Specialist ACT2 Universal Design sections in partners webpages, –section on 2 partners web sites (LP and PP9), links to these ACT3 Forum „Common view providing accessibility for all people – UD as social integration promoting factor” –1 day, 40 participants PP9 ACT4 Articles in mass media –15 LV+15LT articles, Article's competitions for different audiences will be organized LP, PP9 WP4 - Information and publicity
“ My response ” WP4 - Information and publicity ACT5 Society campaign in municipalities –1 compaign, 1 day, 5000 participants (information stands, kind of handouts and materials for practical work) LP, PP9 with other PP ACT6 Making TV broadcasts and broadcasting –2 broadcastings (2 movies, broadcasting in net and TV -5 in LV and 5 in LT ) PP9 with other PP ACT7 Information campaign in social networks –1 compaign: interactive puzzles, mind-set games related to universal design issues for a week at social networks and, 5000 participants LP with other PP ACT8 Publicity events (posters) and Mobile exhibition –50 posters, 5000 participants, PP12 with other PP ACT9 Social service data base and virtual map –1 joint data base with virtual map (Virtual map is easy to understand and use. It will be placed on web pages of regional level partners (PP9 and LP)) PP9 with other PP
Lead partner Kurzeme planning region Contactperson: Inga Kalniņa E-mail: Phone: +371 67338738
Thanks! Kurzeme planning region administration Elizabetes street 4-1, Riga Pulkveža Brieža street 4, floor 3 (from May 2012) E-mail: Phone: +371 67331492
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