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Fundamental Symmetries in Nuclear Physics Michael Ramsey-Musolf, Chicago, January, 2007 Fifty years of parity-violation in nuclear physics Nuclear physics.

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Presentation on theme: "Fundamental Symmetries in Nuclear Physics Michael Ramsey-Musolf, Chicago, January, 2007 Fifty years of parity-violation in nuclear physics Nuclear physics."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fundamental Symmetries in Nuclear Physics Michael Ramsey-Musolf, Chicago, January, 2007 Fifty years of parity-violation in nuclear physics Nuclear physics studies of fundamental symmetries played an essential role in developing & confirming the Standard Model Our role has been broadly recognized within and beyond NP The next decade presents NP with a historic opportunity to build on this legacy in developing the “new Standard Model” The value of our contribution will be broadly recognized outside the field

2 Pre-Town Meeting Caltech Dec. 7-8, 2006 This Town Meeting White paper Community Input Substantial work by the organizing committee

3 Fundamental Symmetries & Cosmic History Beyond the SMSM symmetry (broken) Electroweak symmetry breaking: Higgs ?

4 Fundamental Symmetries & Cosmic History Standard Model puzzlesStandard Model successes to explain the microphysics of the present universe It utilizes a simple and elegant symmetry principle SU(3) c x SU(2) L x U(1) Y Big Bang Nucleosynthesis (BBN) & light element abundances Weak interactions in stars & solar burning Supernovae & neutron stars Sea quarks & gluons Weak NN interaction SM Unfinished Business Electroweak probes can provide new insights

5 Fundamental Symmetries & Cosmic History Beyond the SMSM symmetry (broken) Electroweak symmetry breaking: Higgs ? Puzzles the Standard Model can’t solve 1.Origin of matter 2.Unification & gravity 3.Weak scale stability 4.Neutrinos What are the symmetries (forces) of the early universe beyond those of the SM? Supersymmetry ? New gauge interactions? Extra dimensions ?

6 Scientific Questions, Achievements & Challenges

7 Scientific Questions Why is there more matter than antimatter in the present universe? EDM, DM, LFV,  13 … What are the unseen forces that disappeared from view as the universe cooled? Weak decays, PVES, g  -2,… What are the masses of neutrinos and how have they shaped the evolution of the universe?  decay,  13,  decay,… What is the internal landscape of the proton? PVES, hadronic PV, scattering,… Tribble report

8 Scientific Achievements World’s most precise measurement of (g  -2) Possible first indications of supersymmetry; over 800 citations Most precise measurement of sin 2  W off the Z 0 resonance using PV Moller scattering; constrains new physics at the TeV scale (Z’, RPV SUSY…) Definitive determinations of strange quark contributions to nucleon EM form factors using PV electron-proton & electron-nucleus scattering; confirmed theoretical estimates of hadronic effects in electroweak radiative corrections

9 Scientific Achievements Quark-lepton universality tested to 0.05% using superallowed nuclear  -decay, yielding most precise value of any CKM matrix element (V ud ) 2006 Bonner Prize in Nuclear Physics recognizing work of Towner & Hardy Completion of a comprehensive set of computations of supersymmetric effects in low- energy electroweak observables; 2005 Dissertation Award in Nuclear Physics to A. Kurylov Reduction in the theoretical hadronic uncertainty in extraction of V ud from neutron and nuclear  -decay

10 Scientific Achievements Development of a EFT treatments of parity violation in the nucleon-nucleon interaction that will guide the future experimental program at the SNS and NIST Substantial technical developments opening the way for searches for the permanent EDMs of the neutron, neutral atoms, deuteron and electron with 2-4 orders of magnitude greater sensitivity

11 Technological Achievements & Investments Fundamental Neutron Physics Beamline at SNS 1.4 MW, 1 GeV H - beam on L Hg Also new capabilities at LANSCE, NIST… CEBAF 12 GeV Up-grade Muon storage ring at BNL ISAAC, RIAcino….

12 Challenges: What role can low energy studies play in the LHC era ? Two frontiers in the search for new physics Collider experiments (pp, e + e -, etc) at higher energies (E >> M Z ) High energy physics Particle, nuclear & atomic physics CERN Ultra cold neutronsLarge Hadron Collider Indirect searches at lower energies (E < M Z ) but high precision

13 The Origin of Matter New Forces in the Early Universe Electroweak Probes of QCD Scientific Opportunities

14 The Origin of Matter & Energy Beyond the SMSM symmetry (broken) Electroweak symmetry breaking: Higgs ? Cosmic Energy Budget ? Baryogenesis: When? CPV? SUSY? Neutrinos? WIMPy D.M.: Related to baryogenesis? “New gravity”? Lorentz violation? Grav baryogen ? Weak scale baryogenesis can be tested experimentally “Known Unknowns” Nuclear Science mission: explain the origin, evolution, & structure of the baryonic component

15 Baryogenesis: New Electroweak Physics Weak Scale Baryogenesis B violation C & CP violation Nonequilibrium dynamics Sakharov, 1967 Unbroken phase Broken phase CP Violation Topological transitions 1st order phase transition Is it viable? Can experiment constrain it? How reliably can we compute it? 90’s: Cohen, Kaplan, Nelson Joyce, Prokopec, Turok

16 EDM Probes of New CP Violation f d SM d exp d future CKM If new EWK CP violation is responsible for abundance of matter, will these experiments see an EDM? Also 225 Ra, 129 Xe, d  SNS, ILL, PSI  Yale, Indiana, Amherst  ANL, Princeton, TRIUMF…  BNL

17 Baryogenesis: EDMs & Colliders Prospective d e Present d e Prospective d e LHC reach Present d e Prospective d e LHC reach LEP II excl d n similar Theory progress & challenge: refined computations of baryon asymmetry & EDMs ILC reach baryogenesis

18 Dark Matter & Baryogenesis: Solar s baryogenesis Cirigliano, Profumo, R-M Gravitational capture in sun followed by annihilation into high energy neutrinos No signal in SuperK detector Assuming    CDM Future Ice Cube

19 Precision Probes of New Symmetries Beyond the SMSM symmetry (broken) Electroweak symmetry breaking: Higgs ? New Symmetries 1.Origin of Matter 2.Unification & gravity 3.Weak scale stability 4.Neutrinos ?

20 Precision Electroweak Measurements and Collider Searches are Complementary Precision measurements predicted a range for m t before top quark discovery m t >> m b ! m t is consistent with that range It didn’t have to be that way Radiative corrections Direct Measurements Stunning SM Success J. Ellison, UCI Probing Fundamental Symmetries beyond the SM: Use precision low- energy measurements to probe virtual effects of new symmetries & compare with collider results

21 Weak decays   -decay SM theory input Recent Marciano & Sirlin

22 CKM Summary: PDG04 UCNA

23 CKM Summary: New V us &  n ? New  n !! UCNA New 0+ info ? V us & V ud theory ?

24 Weak decays & new physics SUSY Correlations Non (V-A) x (V-A) interactions: m e /E SNS, NIST, LANSCE, RIA? V ud from neutron decay: LANSCE, SNS, NIST Similarly unique probes of new physics in muon and pion decay SUSY models CKM, (g-2)   M W, M t

25 Weak Mixing in the Standard Model Scale-dependence of Weak Mixing JLab Future SLAC Moller Parity-violating electron scattering Z 0 pole tension

26 Probing SUSY with PV Electron Scattering  Q W P, SUSY / Q W P, SM RPV: No SUSY DM Majorana s SUSY Loops  Q W e, SUSY / Q W e, SM g  -2  12 GeV  6 GeV E158

27 Muon Anomalous Magnetic Moment    QED Z Weak Had LbL Had VP  SUSY Loops SM LoopsFuture goal

28 Fundamental Symmetries & Cosmic History Standard Model puzzlesStandard Model successes to explain the microphysics of the present universe It utilizes a simple and elegant symmetry principle SU(3) c x SU(2) L x U(1) Y Big Bang Nucleosynthesis (BBN) & light element abundances Weak interactions in stars & solar burning Supernovae & neutron stars Sea quarks & gluons Weak NN interaction SM Unfinished Business Electroweak probes can provide new insights

29 Deep Inelastic PV: Beyond the Parton Model & SM  12 GeV  6 GeV e-e- N X e-e- Z*Z* ** d(x)/u(x): large x Electroweak test: e-q couplings & sin 2  W Higher Twist: qq and qqg correlations Charge sym in pdfs

30 Parity-Violating NN Interaction T=1 force T=0 force Long range:  -exchange? Effective Field Theory Model Independent (7 LECs) Few-body systems (SNS, NIST…) QCD: weak qq interactions in strong int environment Weak Int in nuclei (0  decay)

31 Fundamental Symmetries in Nuclear Physics: Opportunities for Great Impact Fifty years of parity-violation in nuclear physics Support university rsch (exp’t & th’y) EDMs ! Magnets for SNS Electroweak program at JLab (6 & 12 GeV) Muon g-2 Cross disciplines: DM & LFV Let’s continue the legacy !

32 Back Matter

33 Organizing Committee Neutrino SubcommitteeSymmetries Subcommittee Greene Geoff Oak Ridge Nationa Lab/U. Tennessee /Caltech

34 Participants Group A: ~ 28 Group B: ~ 13 Group C: ~ 27 TOTAL: ~ 45

35 Working Groups Group A: Precision Studies of Standard Model Electroweak Processes Bill Marciano* Dave Hertzog (weak decays, PVES, g  -2,…) Brad Filippone Group B: Electroweak Probes of Hadron and Nuclear Structure Geoff Greene* Barry Holstein (PVES, hadronic PV,…) Group C: Rare and Forbidden Processes Allena Opper* Paul Huffman (EDM, LFV, dark matter,…) Other: Dark Matter (joint with Neutrinos) Spencer Klein George Fuller (in Chicago)

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