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Presentation on City infrastructure improvements planned for CWG 2010 by Government of NCT of Delhi Timelines for various projects.

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Presentation on theme: "Presentation on City infrastructure improvements planned for CWG 2010 by Government of NCT of Delhi Timelines for various projects."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presentation on City infrastructure improvements planned for CWG 2010 by Government of NCT of Delhi Timelines for various projects

2 Govt. of NCT of Delhi had earlier demanded funds to the tune of Rs. 1314.40 Crores for improving infrastructure, for example connectivity, traffic management and parking, power, health care, civic amenities and general arrangements in Delhi. After meeting with Minister MYAS and Secretary MYAS this amount has been brought down to Rs. 770 Crores. The remaining schemes of Rs. 582.20 Crores will be undertaken in the regular Plan Schemes of GNCTD. The Planning Commission has given its approval for Rs. 770 Crores. The role of private sector participation is being explored in following fields : i)Radio Taxis ii)Parking on BOT basis iii)Improvement of bus fleet operated by private operators

3 Public Works Department S.NO SchemeCost of work ( Crores) Present status of work Date of award of work Date of completion Remarks 1.Bypass at Massodpur & Mahipalpur (3.7 Kms.) 30.00Proposal for both the bypasses submitted to TC- DDA on 1/06 for approval; EFC by 08/06, tender floating 09/06 12/0612/08 2.Tunnel by pass Connecting NH 24/ Ring Road intersection and Neela Gumbad near Nizummdin (2.2 kms.) 135.00DPR by 2/07. Reports received from Geometric design consultants & sent to various deptts., designs to be finalized May 07, clearances required from TC, DDA, ASI, DUAC before Oct. 06 May 2007Dec. 2009

4 Municipal Corporation of Delhi S.NO SchemeCost of work Present status of work Date of award of work Date of completion Remarks 1.Railway under bridge near Vivek Vihar 40.00Cleared by technical committee, DDA; estimates finalised 03/0703/09To be executed by MCD/ Railways, date of award- March 07 2.Improvement i) JLN Marg from Ring Road to Thompson Marg ii) Mehrauli Gurgaon Road iii) Roads near Siri Fort & Asiad Village Complex 4.55Already approved by Corporation 04/08 04/09 March 2010 -do-

5 Municipal Corporation of Delhi S.NO. SchemeCost of work Present status of work Date of award of work Date of completion Remarks 1.Improvement of surrounding of Old and New Delhi Railway Station, improvement of parking area, bus stand 5.00Already approved by Corporation; estimates finalized 04/0803/10 - 2.50 Mechanical sweeper,fancy dustbins, fluorescent overcoats 15.00Already approved by Corporation 04/08 -0903/10- 3.Face lifting and beautification by Horticulture Deptt. 5.00-08-0903/10-

6 Transport department S.NO. SchemeCost of work Present status of work Date of award of work Date of completion Remarks 1.1100 new modern air conditioned /deluxe/mini buses for participants/ managers/officers and for park & ride facility 260.00 Finalization of tender date, details, designs, specifications being done. 2008-09March 2010 2.Renovation/ dev. of ISBTs. Dwarka Kashmiri Gate Anand Vihar Narela Sarai Kale Khan 10.00 Tenders ready DPR 04/07 DPR 06/07 DPR 03/07 10/06 10/07 12/07 04/08 04/09 07/09 12/09 03/09 Temporary ISBT Sarai Kale Khan is ready (PWD)

7 Health & Family Welfare S.NO.SchemeCost of work Present status of work Date of award of work Date of completion Remarks 1.Setting up 12 health posts 6.00-07/09March 2010Setting up of first post at each stadia 2.Poly clinic at Games Village 4.00Putting up proposal for SFC 04/08March 2010 3.Ambulance Services5.00-04/09March 2010Procurement of ambulances by 2009 4.Upgradation of GTB, LBS,DHAS,Malviya Nagar, AAA Hospital/ Sushruta Trauma centre 31.00Expecting proposals from different hospitals for upgradation 04/08March 2010Target to be fine tuned. 5.Training/disaster preparedness 3.00Training to trainees Sep.- Oct. 2006; 702 trainees to be trained Oct. 06March 2010Training on basic emergency, disaster management; the trainees will be kept ready.

8 New Delhi Municipal Council S.NO.SchemeCost of work Present status of work Date of award of work Date of completion Remarks 1.Upgradation of Talkatora Stadium & Shivaji Stadium 14.20Statutory approval to be applied by 10/06 02/0703/09Approval expected by 12/06 & inviting tender bids by 01/07 Consultant appointed & EKS to give detailed technical specification 2.Improvement of major road around stadia 19.55Proposal to DUAC by 01/07 03/0703/09---- 3.Upgradation of Central Vista and its environs To be finalized Proposal to be submitted to DUAC by 01/07 08/0712/09Approval expected by 04/07.

9 Delhi Jal Board S.NO. SchemeCost of work Present status of work Date of award of work Date of completion Remarks 1.Upgradation of water supply at I.G. Stadium Ambedkar Stadium Chattersal Stadium JLN Stadium Sirifort Stadium DLTA Stadium 1 MGD STP 16.50Clearance received from Technical committee Tender recd.for consultant 06/2008 06/2009 04/2007 06/2008 04/2007 9/2008 09/2009 01/2008 12/2008 03/2009 Additional demand is being received from concerned authority 2.1 STP23.50Apptt. of consultant to be initiated 04/200703/2009Land is yet to be allotted.

10 Education Department S.NO. SchemeCost of work Present status of work Date of award of work Date of completion Remarks 1.Tyagraj Nagar Sport Complex Net Ball 35.00Bid for design consultants invited. Consultant to be finalized by 10/2006 March 2007March 2009PWD is constructing the stadium. Details of technical required to be provided by EKS/OC 2.Chhatrasal Stadium (Training venue) 5.00---Decision whether the stadium is to be remodeled or only improvement s are required, is to be taken

11 State Plan Flyovers / Bridges providing connectivity to Games Village / Venues / Hospitals 1 (A) Flyovers Cost Connectivity Completion Date (Rs. Cr.) 1ITO Chungi (underpass) 70 Games Village to IG Stadium 12/08 2Rao Tula Ram Marg 40 Airport to Village/Venues12/08 3R.K. Puram / 40--do— 12/08 Nelson Mandela Marg 4Africa Avenue / 40 --do—12/08 Aruna Asaf Ali Road 5Neela Haus on 50--do--03/08 Aruna Asaf Ali Road

12 Flyovers atCost Connectivity Completion Target (Rs. Cr.) 6Geeta Colony Bridge130 Games Village to I.G. Stadium, 02/08 7Raja Ram Kohli Marg 35 Chhatarsal Stadium & Delhi 12/08 8 Shastri Park Pushta 40University Sports Complex 12/08 (Disused canal) 9BSZ Marg150Games Village /Venues to LNJP & 12/09 G.B. Pant Hospital 10Ring Road bypass200 Games Village to I.G. Stadium, 03/09 Salimgarh Fort to Chhatarsal Stadium & Delhi Velodrome Road University Sports Complex (Shantivan & Rajghat) 11Elevated East West 325Games Village to Talkatora 12/09 Corridor from Games & Shivaji Stadium Village to Rajiv Chowk Total1120 All the above flyovers are six lane except Geeta Colony Bridge which is 8 lane corridor. Contd…

13 Flyovers / Bridges for intracity connectivity Flyovers atCost (Rs.Cr.) 1.Naraina125 2.Shastri Park 40 3.Azadpur120 4.Mangolpuri 40 5.Mukerba Chowk200 6.ISBT Anand Vihar & NH-24 near (Gazipur drain) 90 7. Shyamlal College 40 8.Apsara Border 50 9.U P Link Road on NH-24 crossing 60 10.Nangloi 80 11.Behra Enclave 30 12.Road over bridge on Road no.63 35 13.Road under bridge connecting road no. 58 & 64 35 Total945 These flyovers will be completed progressively by Dec. 2009

14 Thank You

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