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National Bioethics Commission (KBN) of Indonesia an Introduction First Meeting of The European Commission International Dialogue on Bioethics. Brussel,

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Presentation on theme: "National Bioethics Commission (KBN) of Indonesia an Introduction First Meeting of The European Commission International Dialogue on Bioethics. Brussel,"— Presentation transcript:

1 National Bioethics Commission (KBN) of Indonesia an Introduction First Meeting of The European Commission International Dialogue on Bioethics. Brussel, 19 th February 2009, Belgium Umar Anggara Jenie Immidiate Past Chairman of KBN

2 Introduction National Bioethics Commission (Komisi Bioetika Nasional, KBN) was established in September 17,2004; by joint-three Ministerial Decree of Ministers of Research and Technology, Health and Agriculture. The KBN is aimed to be a place where bioethicists could discuss all matters concerning bioethical issues; and give advise to the Governments and society concerning these issues.

3 Joint Decree MoRT, MoH, and MoA No 108/M/Kp/IX/2004 No 1045/Menkes/SKB/IX/2004 No 540.1/Kpst/OT.160/9/2004 on the establishment of Komisi Bioetika Nasional Chapter I Verse 2: Duty The duty of the KBN is to carry out comprehensive and progressive examination relating to bioethical principles, to give advice to the Government on bioethical aspects of research, development and application of science and technology which based on biological sciences, and to disseminate bioethics comprehensiveness to society at large.

4 STRUCTURAL ORGANIZATION OF KBN Structure Organization of KBN consists of: CHAIRMAN (3) VICE CHAIRMAN (Representing from MoRT, MoH and MoA) SECRETARY and Secreatraiat MEMBERS There are 32 members of KBN, including Chairman, Vice Chairmans, and Secretary. Members of KBN representing academicians (including medical doctors, molecular biologists, geneticists, chemists, biologists, etc), ethicists (bioethicists), religious scholars ( from 6 religions which are recognized by the Government, namely Islam, Catholic, Protestant, Buddhism, Hindu and Confusianism), businessmen, educators, and lawyers.

5 ACTIVITIES OF NATIONAL BIOETHICS COMMISSION (KBN) Three Working-groups set out by KBN Working-group on Stem Cells Research Working-group on Genetics Resources Working-group on Bioethics Education KBN Secretariat: 1.Publishing PEWARTA, a short communication letters on bioethical information. 2.Translating 3 UNESCO Declarations into Indonesian language. 3.Disseminating Bioethics principles through cooperation with universities and other concerned stakeholders. 4.Producing a booklet on bioethical guidelines for concerned stakeholders.

6 Indonesian Standpoints on Some Bioethical Issues: KBN Standpoints on Stem Cells Experiment Life must be respected right from the beginning of conception, i.e., since fertilization of egg by sperm. Research, development and application of stem cells are so importance to be developed in Indonesia, including setting up of their policies and regulations which derived from universal bioethics principles, or at least internationally acceptable rules. Therapeutic cloning using non-embryonic stem cells is allowed and could be carried out in Indonesia by whether domestic or overseas researchers, as far as informed consent and best clinical practices in accordance with Indonesian regulations or laws be fulfilled

7 Indonesian Standpoints on Some Bioethical Issues: KBN Standpoints on Genetic Resources Genetic Resources are substances found in every living organisms (animals, plants, microbes, whether they are terrestrial or marine based). They regulate specific nature and mortality of these organisms, and can be transmitted to their descendants; and they are part of the biodiversity, known as germplasms Bioethical issues on genetic resources include accessibility and utility of the resources, traditional knowledge, biodiversity, biosphere and environments. Therefore, managing the genetic resources of Indonesia has to be based on National interests and regulated according to National regulations and internationally ratified convention or declarations, such as the CBD (Convention on Biological Diversity), The Manila Declaration Concerning Utilization of Biological Resources, and The UNESCO Declarations, such as UD-HGHR (1997), the ID-HGD (2003), and UD-BHR (2005).

8 Indonesian Standpoints on Some Bioethical Issues: KBN Standpoints on Genetic Resources (continued) Advancing and encouraging policy makers, researchers, teachers as well as field workers to understand comprehensively the bioethics principles and genetic resources issues.

9 Other main activities of KBN KBN has translated UNESCO International/Universal Declarations concerning bioethics, into Indonesia Language (Bahasa Indonesia). Those Declarations are: Universal Declaration on Human Genome and Human Rights (1997), International Declaration on Human genetic Data (2003) and Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights (2005). KBN hosted the 9 th Asian Bioethics Conference (9 th ABC) on 3 rd - 7 th November 2008, at Yogyakarta, Indonesia. The Theme of the 9 th ABC was Bioethics in Asia: Healthy and Productive Life in Harmony with Nature. Around 150-200 participants attended the Conference.

10 Other Information on KBN KBN was accepted as a member of the Asian Bioethics Association (ABA) on the 6 th Asian Bioethics Conference (ABC-6) at Sanliurfa, Turkey, 2005 KBN is a member of Intergovernmental Bioetics Committee (IGBC) of UNESCO, from 2007-2011 Prof. Sunarto Sastrowiyoto, a member of KBN, is appointed as a member of International Bioethics Committee (IBC) by DG of UNESCO. KBN is actively involving in bioethical discussions at international level, such as: (1) Biennial UNESCO General Conference, (2) Asian Bioethics Conference, (3) ILSI’s 1st International Conference on Nutrigenomic, Opportrunities in Asia, 7-9 December 2005, Singapore, (4) Workshop on the Development of Biotechnology in Islamic Countries, 19-23 March 2006, etc.

11 Thank you !!

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