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Mandatos con nosotros Just as in the Ud. and Uds. command forms, the nosotros command form is in the subjuctive for both positive and negative commands.

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Presentation on theme: "Mandatos con nosotros Just as in the Ud. and Uds. command forms, the nosotros command form is in the subjuctive for both positive and negative commands."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mandatos con nosotros Just as in the Ud. and Uds. command forms, the nosotros command form is in the subjuctive for both positive and negative commands – Let’s go – Let’s read – Let’s not tell her » WE are doing the action…

2 Think of the rules of forming the subjunctive in the nosotros form Put verb into present tense “yo” form, drop – o; add opposite nosotros endings -amos/ -emos

3 Irregularities to remember Think about –ar/-er stem changing verbs – Encontremos/ perdamos (no stem change) Think about –ir stem-changing verbs – Durmamos/ sintamos (o>u;e>i) The irregular “yo” forms and subjunctive maintain their changes throughout – Conzcamos/ tengamos Think about the six irregular subjunctive forms – Hayamos/ vayamos/ seamos/ sepamos/ demos/ estemos

4 ¡Excepción Excepción! Let’s go : Vamos! (not subjunctive!)

5 Pronouns Just like with all the other command forms, with positive nosotros commands the pronoun in attached and an accent is added over the amos/ emos – ¡Digámosle! When the command is negative the pronoun goes before the conjugated verb – ¡No le digamos!

6 OJO ~ Reflexive pronouns Will be using the “nos” pronoun because the action in being done to us Positive commands ~ add “monos” on the end Drop the “s”: ¡levantémonos!/ ¡durmámonos!

7 ¡Pratiquemos! Hacer Bailar Jugar Ser Comer No mostrar No participar Ponerse Cepillarse No ducharse

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