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Published byJasmine Parsons Modified over 11 years ago
Identifying Priority Areas for Conservation Actions in the South of Ecuador
Gioconda Remache B.
Introduction In the 1950’s and 1960’s, biological ecosystems were considered stable and predictable Researches related to Tropical Ecosystems Functioning determine nature is unstable and dynamic Conservation networks: capacity to maintain ecosystems processes capacity of resilience Identification of Priority Areas: tools to preserve and manage natural and disturbed areas During 50 and 60 decades, biological ecosystems were considered stable and predictable. HOWEVER Researches related to Tropical Ecosystems Functioning DETERMINED (nature is unstable and dynamic). THAT IS THE REASON WHY PEOPLE NOW IS WORKING ON Conservation networks with the capacity to maintain ecosystems processes and capacity of resilience. HOW? CONSIDERING THE IDENTIFICATION OF Priority areas as tools to preserve and manage natural and disturbed areas.
General Overview Identify Priority Areas: Indicators selection
Ecological Analysis Pressures-Threatens Analysis Define the priority areas Nucleus Zones Identification TO Identify Priority Areas for Conservation Actions in Podocarpus –Yacuambi -Sabanilla zone I WANT TO MENTION THE GENERAL STRUCTURE OF THIS WORK: FIRST OF ALL I WILL TALK ABOUT THE Ecological Analysis THEN THE Pressures-Threatens Analysis BASED ON THE PREVIOUS ANALYSES, WE WILL Define the priority areas WHERE I FOUNND RESTORATION, RECOVERY AND CONSERVATION AREAS AND FINALLY, INSIDE OF THE LAST AREA MENTIONED I IDENTIFIED FOCAL AREAS CALLED Nucleus Zones.
Study Area Southeast Ecuador 638,510.60 ha 800 - 3,880 m
64% denso, and chaparro forest; 10% herbaceous and shrubby paramo; remaining is disturbed area 8ºC - 20ºC 71% of PNP is inside THE STUDY AREA IS LOCATED IN THE South- east of Ecuador THE AREA COVERS ABOUT 638, ha. SIX HUNDRED THIRTY EIGHT THOUSAND HECTARES THE ALTITUD RANGE GOES FROM 800 TO 3,880 m. IN THE VEGETATION 64% FOREST denso, and chaparro forest; 10% herbaceous and shrubby PARAMO, and the remaining is disturbed area. TEMPERATURE ranges FROM 8ºC TO 20º CELCIUS. 71% of PNP is inside
Podocarpus National Park
Unique protected area in the south of the country. Floristic composition different from Northern and Central Andes. Relevant importance of endemism and biodiversity: 4% species are endemic of Ecuador 23% are exclusively in this area Important Bird Area (IBA): 628 bird species One of the most important areas to preserve viable populations of Andean bears Why was it relevant to do this study in this area? Unique protected area in the south of the country. Floristic composition different from Norther and Central Andes. Relevant importance of endemism and biodiversity: 4% species are endemic of Ecuador of which 23% are exclusively in this area We can find 628 bird species, FOR THAT REASON IT WAS DECLARATED AN Important Bird Area (IBA) ADDITIONALY One of the most important areas to preserve viable populations of Andean bears
During the time, the development of non sustainable human activities has degraded the natural environment and created fragmented landscapes. This research proposes the conservation of natural areas, promoting its connectivity, through the combination of priority areas identification methods, and GIS tools. The priority areas identification is based on the ecological analysis and pressures-threatens criteria.
Indicators Selection In this study I made two principal analyses.
A threaten-pressure analyses that consider three variables: accessibility, mining industry and distance to tows. These variables were selected because they have the most significant impacts in the study area. On the other hand, I made an ecological analysis considering function, composition and structure of the landscape. For these analyses the selection of the indicators include some aspects like : Representative in a set of indicators that explain similar phenomena Relevant to the study area Easy to interpret Replicate and measure in any place of the study area Simple to measure, calculate or collect WITH a high cost-benefit Enough cartographic resourses.
Ecological Analysis The ecological analyses is based on landscape ecology theories, which considers landscape’s function, composition and structure criteria. Moreover, it applies other concepts such as conservation corridors and umbrella species habitat modeling (by using multivariate statistical techniques).
Core Area Index Identifies internal areas that are not affected by external pressures Identifica áreas internas que no están expuestas al efecto de borde. Índice relativo que cuantifica el área interior como porcentaje del área total.
Area and density Identifies the extension and level of compaction of the patches Identifica la extensión y el grado de compactación de los fragmentos. Índice relativo cuantifica el grado de ocupación de cada categoría.
Remnant Vegetation Identifies natural remnant vegetation in each basin identified Identifica áreas naturales existentes en el área de estudio. Índice relativo que cuantifica la remanencia de vegetación natural como porcentaje del área de cada microcuenca.
Interspersion and Juxtaposition Index
Identifies the level of adjacency to other classes Identifica áreas que pueden constituirse en ecotonos por la mayor adyacencia a diversas condiciones ecológicas. Índice relativo que cuantifica la interrelación con las demás clases.
Shannon's Diversity Index
Measure of diversity in community ecology, applied here to landscapes. Identifica la riqueza de formaciones vegetales y su distribución en el área de estudio. Índice relativo que cuantifica las categorías presentes en cada unidad de paisaje.
Shannon's Evenness Index
Shows the evenness of the spatial distribution of the identified classes Identifica la homogeneidad en la distribución espacial de las diferentes clases. Índice relativo que cuantifica la proporción territorial de ocupación de cada categoría.
Patch Cohesion Index Defines the measures of the physical connectedness of the corresponding patch type Identifica el grado de conexión estructural de un paisaje o continuidad física de fragmentos para facilitar flujos ecológicos. Índice relativo que cuantifica la conectividad entre fragmentos.
Singularity Quantifies scenic beauty , diversity, and endemism
Cualifica una unidad paisajística, en función de las condiciones únicas que la caracterizan. Índice relativo que analiza cualitativamente el tipo de paisaje, bellezas escénicas, diversidad, endemismo.
Mahalanobis Distance
Ecological Analysis Ecological Integrity Max Min
Pressure and Threatens Analysis
On the other hand, the development of activities such as the mining industry, the presence of people with non conservationist culture, or simply the availability of roads in places closed to natural areas have fundamental roles in the landscape degradation framework. These activities become pressures and threats that attempt against the ecological integrity.
Accessibility Determines the facility or difficulty to access to vulnerable zones Determina la facilidad o dificultad de acceder a un sitio determinado identificando zonas vulnerables. Mide el tiempo necesario de desplazamiento en función de las condiciones de vialidad, uso del suelo y topografía.
Mining Industry Evaluates the presence or absence of mining industry
Actividad con mayores impactos en el sur del país. Evalúa la presencia o ausencia de actividad minera según categorías. en trámite. otorgada. con manifiesto de producción.
Distance to towns Identifies the habitants influence in the study area
Identifica la influencia directa de los habitantes sobre la integridad del área. La cercanía a zonas pobladas determina la vulnerabilidad del recurso. La presión ejercida sobre un recurso puede ser considerada directamente proporcional a la densidad de población.
Pressures-Threatens Analysis
Max Min
Priority Areas Restoration Areas Recovery Areas Conservation Areas
Restoration Areas Aim: Reforestation and revegetation
with native species that were extracted from the area. Priority Areas Restoration Areas Recovery Areas Conservation Areas Moderate integrity zones, high threats. Low integrity, with high, moderate, and low threats. It covers ,82 ha. 30.499,20 ha (91,05 %) are not in the category of protection.
Recovery Areas Aim: To take actions to recover or regenerate native vegetation. They surround high integrity zones, so they are buffer zones. Priority Areas Restoration Areas Recovery Areas Conservation Areas High integrity zones, with high and moderate threats. Moderate integrity, with low and moderate threats. It covers ,59 ha. ,22 ha (70,54 %) are not in the category of protection.
Conservation Areas Aim: To implement management, protection and/or preservation actions to maintain ecological integrity. Priority Areas Restoration Areas Recovery Areas Conservation Areas Very high integrity zones, with low, moderate and high threats. High integrity zones, low threats enclosed in very high and moderate integrity zones. It covers ,35 ha. ,55 ha (86,70 %) are not in the category of protection.
Nucleus Zones 108.396,39 ha Good connectivity
Critical importance zones identified inside of the conservation areas. Their propose is to consolidate and strength conservation zones through short term decision proposals Nucleus Zones ,39 ha Good connectivity 50% nucleus zones are inside of PNP.
Discussion Consider to maintain the viability of umbrella species (Andean bear). Socio-economic information is needed. High Integrity values are isolated. Nucleus zones will be considered for conservation actions.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Environmental Ministry ArcoIris Foundation
Fundatierra Foundation Environmental Geomatic Center (CINFA) Ecuadorian Foundation for Ecological Studies
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