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Exotic hadrons with heavy quarks 17-30 May. Shigehiro Yasui KEK.

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1 Exotic hadrons with heavy quarks 17-30 May. 2010@YITP Shigehiro Yasui KEK

2 Contents 1. Introduction Why do we use heavy quarks? 2. Exotic heavy hadrons from QGP ・ Diquarks in QGP ・ Tcc tetraquarks and others... ・ Charm/Bottom Nuclei 3. Discussion and Summary

3 1. Introduction Quantum Chromo Dynamics (QCD) Dynamical chiral symmetry breaking Confinement of quarks and gluons U(1) A anomaly Hadrons and Nuclei Quark Matter Quark-Gluon Plasma...... typical features in QCD Variety of states of QCD matter QCD matter

4 Variety of states of QCD matter 1. Introduction Quantum Chromo Dynamics (QCD) Dynamical chiral symmetry breaking Confinement of quarks and gluons U(1) A anomaly Hadrons and Nuclei Quark Matter Quark-Gluon Plasma...... typical features in QCD How can we understand them from QCD? → Very difficult for light quarks QCD matter

5 Heavy Quark Effective Theory (potential) non-relativistic QCD Heavy Meson Effective Theory Lattice QCD Heavy Quark Symmetry 1. Introduction M Q →∞ Heavy Quark

6 Heavy Quark Effective Theory (potential) non-relativistic QCD Heavy Meson Effective Theory Lattice QCD Heavy Quark Symmetry 1. Introduction Exotic Hadrons Charm/Bottom Nuclei Diquarks in QGP M Q →∞ Heavy Quark

7 Heavy Quark Effective Theory (potential) non-relativistic QCD Heavy Meson Effective Theory Lattice QCD Heavy Quark Symmetry 1. Introduction Exotic Hadrons Charm/Bottom Nuclei Diquarks in QGP → ud diquarks in sQGP M Q →∞ Heavy Quark

8 Heavy Quark Effective Theory (potential) non-relativistic QCD Heavy Meson Effective Theory Lattice QCD Heavy Quark Symmetry 1. Introduction Exotic Hadrons Charm/Bottom Nuclei Diquarks in QGP → ud diquarks in sQGP → Tcc, Θcs, Hc,... M Q →∞ Heavy Quark

9 Heavy Quark Effective Theory (potential) non-relativistic QCD Heavy Meson Effective Theory Lattice QCD Heavy Quark Symmetry 1. Introduction Exotic Hadrons Charm/Bottom Nuclei Diquarks in QGP → ud diquarks in sQGP → Tcc, Θcs, Hc,... → new exotic nuclei M Q →∞ Heavy Quark


11 Diquarks in QGP S. H. Lee, K. Ohnishi, SY, I.-K. Yoo, C.-M. Ko, Phy. Rev. Lett. 100, 222301 (2008) Y. Oh, C.-M. Ko, S. H. Lee, SY, Phys. Rev. C79, 044905 (2009)

12 2. Exotic heavy hadrons from QGP / Diquarks in QGP Diquarks in Baryons N Λ Λc d c u d u u ud diquark is isolated from c and b diquark (spin 0) interaction [MeV] ud -150 us -90 ds -90 uc -30 dc -30 sc -15 ub -10 db -10 sb -5 cb -2 d s u Λb d b u

13 2. Exotic heavy hadrons from QGP / Diquarks in QGP Phase diagram in sQGP Diquarks in QGP How to observe diquarks?

14 2. Exotic heavy hadrons from QGP / Diquarks in QGP Phase diagram in sQGP Λc c d u d c u ud diquark +→ Diquarks in QGP How to observe diquarks?

15 Phase diagram in sQGP Diquarks in QGP How to observe diquarks? 2. Exotic heavy hadrons from QGP / Diquarks in QGP Λc b d u ud diquark +→ d b u

16 Exotic Hadrons in Diquark Model S. H. Lee, SY, W. Liu, C.-M. Ko, Eur. Phys. J. C54, 259 (2008) S. H. Lee, SY, Eur. Phys. J. C64, 283 (2009)

17 2. Exotic heavy hadrons from QGP / Exotic Hadrons Tetraquark Tcc(udcc) c c d u T cc 1 c + D* - D0D0 u c B.E. -61 MeV -123 MeV T bb 1 B.E.T cc 1 S=0 S=-1 -4 MeV -74 MeV d 3f3f 3f3f

18 u b 2. Exotic heavy hadrons from QGP / Exotic Hadrons d u T bb 1 b b d + B* 0 b B+B+ B.E. -61 MeV -123 MeV T bb 1 B.E.T cc 1 S=0 S=-1 -4 MeV -74 MeV Tetraquark Tcc(udcc) 3f3f 3f3f

19 2. Exotic heavy hadrons from QGP / Exotic Hadrons d u T cb 1 B.E. +24 MeV -21 MeV T cb 0 B.E.T cb 1 S=0 S=-1 +3 MeV -59 MeV b c d + B* 0 D0D0 u c b B.E.T cc 1 S=0 S=-1 -4 MeV -74 MeV B.E. -61 MeV -123 MeV T bb 1 Tetraquark Tcc(udcc) 3f3f 3f3f

20 2. Exotic heavy hadrons from QGP / Exotic Hadrons Tetraquark Tcc(udcc) How to observe T cc in experiments? c c d u T cc 1 K + π - K + π - π - T cb 0 c d u b K + π -

21 c u 2. Exotic heavy hadrons from QGP / Exotic Hadrons Θ cs Λ d u s + s d u B.E.Θ bs B.E. S=-1 S=-2 Θ cs u c D0D0 +8 MeV -56 MeV Pentaquark Θcs(udusc) 3f3f

22 b u 2. Exotic heavy hadrons from QGP / Exotic Hadrons Θ bs Λ d u s + s d u B.E. S=-1 S=-2 +8 MeV Θ cs u b B+B+ B.E.Θ bs -56 MeV Pentaquark Θcs(udusc) 3f3f

23 HcHc 6f6f Dibaryon H c (udusuc) 2. Exotic heavy hadrons from QGP / Exotic Hadrons

24 HcHc HbHb 6f6f 6f6f Dibaryon H c (udusuc) 2. Exotic heavy hadrons from QGP / Exotic Hadrons

25 HcHc HbHb H’ cb 6f6f 6f6f 3f3f Dibaryon H c (udusuc) 2. Exotic heavy hadrons from QGP / Exotic Hadrons

26 HcHc HbHb H cb H’ cb 6f6f 6f6f 3f3f 15 f Dibaryon H c (udusuc) 2. Exotic heavy hadrons from QGP / Exotic Hadrons

27 HcHc HbHb H cb H’ cb H ccb 6f6f 6f6f 3f3f 15 f 8f8f Dibaryon H c (udusuc) 2. Exotic heavy hadrons from QGP / Exotic Hadrons

28 Exotic Charm/Bottom Nuclei SY and K. Sudoh, Phys. Rev. D80, 034008 (2009)

29 2. Exotic heavy hadrons from QGP / Exotic Charm/Bottom Nuclei Strangeness Proton # Neutron # Charm

30 2. Exotic heavy hadrons from QGP / Exotic Charm/Bottom Nuclei Nucleus proton neutron Strangeness (Hyperon/K)

31 2. Exotic heavy hadrons from QGP / Exotic Charm/Bottom Nuclei Hypernucleus proton neutron Hyperon/K

32 2. Exotic heavy hadrons from QGP / Exotic Charm/Bottom Nuclei Nucleus proton neutron Charm/Bottom (Λc, J/ψ, D,... Λb, Υ, B,...)

33 2. Exotic heavy hadrons from QGP / Exotic Charm/Bottom Nuclei Nucleus proton neutron ??? Charm/Bottom (Λc, J/ψ, D,... Λb, Υ, B,...)

34 2. Exotic heavy hadrons from QGP / Exotic Charm/Bottom Nuclei N D (B) ?? Q. What is the interaction between D (B) and N ?

35 2. Exotic heavy hadrons from QGP / Exotic Charm/Bottom Nuclei NK KN SU(3) ND DN NB BN Weinberg-Tomozawa SU(4)SU(5) Lutz-Kolomeitsev (2004), Hoffmann-Lutz (2005), Mizutani-Ramos (2006), Gamermann- Oset-Strottman-Vacas (2007), Haidenbauer-Krein-Meissner-Sibirtsev (2007),... Strangeness, Charm, Bottom,...

36 2. Exotic heavy hadrons from QGP / Exotic Charm/Bottom Nuclei DB K K* D* B* 400 MeV 140 MeV 45 MeV D* and B* are new ingredients! 500 MeV1870 MeV5280 MeV K* is almost irrelevant in dynamics. Strangeness, Charm, Bottom,...

37 2. Exotic heavy hadrons from QGP / Exotic Charm/Bottom Nuclei DB K K* D* B* 400 MeV 140 MeV 45 MeV D* and B* are new ingredients! Chiral SymmetryHeavy Quark Symmetry 500 MeV1870 MeV5280 MeV K* is almost irrelevant in dynamics. Strangeness, Charm, Bottom,...

38 KN interaction D(B)N interaction NK KN  Weinberg-Tomozawa One pion exchange potential (OPEP) ND D*N  NB B*N  One pion is absent. (short range force) One pion is present. (long range force) 2. Exotic heavy hadrons from QGP / Exotic Charm/Bottom Nuclei

39 NK KN  Weinberg-Tomozawa One pion exchange potential (OPEP) ND* DN  NB* BN  One pion is absent. (short range force) One pion is present. (long range force) KN interaction D(B)N interaction 2. Exotic heavy hadrons from QGP / Exotic Charm/Bottom Nuclei

40 NK KN  Weinberg-Tomozawa One pion exchange potential (OPEP) ND* N  NB* N  One pion is absent. (short range force) One pion is present. (long range force) KN interaction D(B)N interaction 2. Exotic heavy hadrons from QGP / Exotic Charm/Bottom Nuclei

41 One pion exchange potential (OPEP) NB B*N  2. Exotic heavy hadrons from QGP / Exotic Charm/Bottom Nuclei ND D*N  S-wave DN and BN bound states J P =1/2 - (I=0)

42 One pion exchange potential (OPEP) NB B*N  2. Exotic heavy hadrons from QGP / Exotic Charm/Bottom Nuclei ND D*N  S-wave D-wave S-wave DN and BN bound states J P =1/2 - (I=0)

43 One pion exchange potential (OPEP) NB* N  2. Exotic heavy hadrons from QGP / Exotic Charm/Bottom Nuclei ND* N  S-wave DN and BN bound states J P =1/2 - (I=0)

44 One pion exchange potential (OPEP) NB* N  2. Exotic heavy hadrons from QGP / Exotic Charm/Bottom Nuclei ND* N  S-wave D-wave S-wave DN and BN bound states J P =1/2 - (I=0)

45 One pion exchange potential (OPEP) NB* N  2. Exotic heavy hadrons from QGP / Exotic Charm/Bottom Nuclei ND* N  D-wave DN and BN bound states J P =1/2 - (I=0)

46 One pion exchange potential (OPEP) NB* N  2. Exotic heavy hadrons from QGP / Exotic Charm/Bottom Nuclei DN and BN bound states J P =1/2 - (I=0) ND* N  D-wave Similarly → J P =1/2 - (I=1) and J P =3/2 - (I=0, 1)

47 BN bound state 15 MeV 2 MeV KN (pentaquark?) threshold 100 MeV cqqqqbqqqqsqqqq StrangenessCharmBottom DN bound state 2. Exotic heavy hadrons from QGP / Exotic Charm/Bottom Nuclei DN and BN bound states J P =1/2 - (I=0)

48 BN bound state 15 MeV 2 MeV KN (pentaquark?) threshold 100 MeV cqqqqbqqqqsqqqq StrangenessCharmBottom DN bound state 2. Exotic heavy hadrons from QGP / Exotic Charm/Bottom Nuclei |DN; I=0> = |D - p> + |D 0 n> + |D* - p> + |D* 0 n> K+K+ π - p weak decay D*→Dπ is closed. DN and BN bound states J P =1/2 - (I=0)

49 2. Exotic heavy hadrons from QGP / Exotic Charm/Bottom Nuclei Λ(1405) KN πΣ 1433 MeV 1330 MeV ΞN ΛΛ 2255 MeV 2230MeV H dibaryon BN 6217MeV BN state DN 2807MeV DN state B.E. 15 MeV B.E. 2 MeV

50 2. Exotic heavy hadrons from QGP / Exotic Charm/Bottom Nuclei Λ(1405) KN πΣ 1433 MeV 1330 MeV ΞN ΛΛ 2255 MeV 2230MeV H dibaryon BN 6217MeV BN state DN 2807MeV DN state K nuclei Hypernuclei Charm/Bottom nuclei B.E. 15 MeV B.E. 2 MeV

51 Exotic Charm/Bottom Nuclei A=2 charmed (bottom) nucleus ? D (B) N N Q. Are there exotic nuclei with D (B) ? 2. Exotic heavy hadrons from QGP / Exotic Charm/Bottom Nuclei

52 DNN and BNN systems D(*)D(*) N N Classification of states J P =0 - J P =1 - I=1/2 I=3/2 I=1/2 I=3/2 |D(NN) S=0,I=1 > + |D*(NN) S=1,I=0 > |D(NN) S=0,I=1 > |D(NN) S=1,I=0 > + |D*(NN) S=1,I=0 > +|D*(NN) S=0,I=1 > |D(NN) S=0,I=1 > S=1/2 I=0 S=1/2 I=0 2. Exotic heavy hadrons from QGP / Exotic Charm/Bottom Nuclei

53 DNN and BNN systems Classification of states J P =0 - J P =1 - I=1/2 I=3/2 I=1/2 I=3/2 |D(NN) S=0,I=1 > + |D*(NN) S=1,I=0 > |D(NN) S=0,I=1 > |D(NN) S=1,I=0 > + |D*(NN) S=1,I=0 > +|D*(NN) S=0,I=1 > |D(NN) S=0,I=1 > 3/4 1/4 0 1/6 1/4 0 Fraction of (D ( * ) N) S=1/2,I=0 2. Exotic heavy hadrons from QGP / Exotic Charm/Bottom Nuclei D(*)D(*) N N S=1/2 I=0 S=1/2 I=0


55 3. Discussion and Summary Exotic Hadrons Charm/Bottom Nuclei Diquarks in QGP → ud diquarks in sQGP → Tcc, Θcs, Hc,... → DN and BN states Heavy Quark LHC Belle, Babar J-PARC GSI RHIC Λ 3 H in HIC → D 3 H, D 3 He ?


57 3. Discussion Symmetry Dynamics Matter SU(3) f HQS Flavorsc ( b) Chiral Dynamics HQET/NRQCD ??? Λ*, K-nuclei, Hypernuclei Mass0.12 GeV 1.3 (4.2) GeV What is difference between s and c (b)?

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