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Published byGavin Hardy Modified over 9 years ago
Support for Personalized Instruction Universal Design for Learning
Presented by Wendy Lochner RESA 8 School Improvement Specialist A recorded version of this presentation will be posted to
I’d like to welcome first year teachers and mentors to this session in a series of eight in our second year of our SEBTA webinar series. We would like to thank the National Center to Inform Policy and Practice (NCIPP) in Special Education Professional Development at the University of Florida. The partnership between the Office of Special Programs (OSP) and NCIPP will assist with the retention of special education teachers in West Virginia. “Our challenge as educators is to make sure that we provide all children in our public schools the opportunity for success. Teachers of children with special needs understand this challenge more than most. They are dedicated individuals who have a passion for teaching and high expectations that every child can learn given an opportunity.” – James B. Phares, Ed.D.
Universal Design for Learning
Success for ALL
What is Universal Design?
The concept of equitable access originated in architecture and was termed Universal Design. When you look at the building on this slide and think about access, what possible issues come to mind? Who might have access challenges? Possible answers to draw out of participants – those in wheelchairs, those on roller blades, those pushing a stroller, those use strolling laptop cases, those with lung capacity issues or paraplegics, etc
Universal Design Looking at the environment on the next slide, think about the access issues particular individuals could have. List as many as you can. This module opens with a Carousel Activity In this activity the large group is sub-divided into not more than 7 small groups. Each group gathers around a wall chart, with a picture of a building on it. A timer is used to allow each group to discuss and chart changes they might make to the displayed building that would make it more accessible. After 2-3 minutes the groups rotate clockwise. The facilitator listens to see if timing needs to be adjusted. When the groups return to their original building the process and the results are discussed.
You may have responded with Someone who is:
on crutches pushing a stroller suffers from emphysema in a wheelchair
Universal Design What are some of the drawbacks of retrofitting?
Legislation Impacting Physical Space What are some of the drawbacks of retrofitting? Each retrofit solves only one problem Retrofitting can be costly Many retrofits are UGLY! Then we go a little deeper. We use the problems of architectural retrofitting to build our case for planning. From this perspective, participants see the benefits of considering as many needs as possible before the lesson occurs.
Universal Design Defined…
“Consider the needs of the broadest possible range of users from the beginning” Architect, Ron Mace Here, an expert’s definition is offered because the participants have built a context within which it can begin to make sense.
Universal Design Summarized
It’s not one size fits all – but alternatives. Designed from the beginning, not added on later. Increases access opportunities These points have all been laid as a foundation. And so, we segue into Universal Design for Learning with this question: (Animate in the bottom textbox, includes the door.) What does UD have to do with education besides letting ALL students in the door?
What is Universal Design for Learning (UDL) ?
UDL is an educational approach to teaching, learning, and assessment. Questions: 1. What might Universal Design mean for teaching, learning and assessment? We read this statement about UDL. And ask the teachers to discuss these questions with a shoulder buddy. Animate in the two text boxes with the questions. We give about 2 minutes and then invite sharing. 2. UD in buildings is about access and environment. Is it the same or how might it be different in the learning environment?
What does research say about Universal Design for Learning (UDL) ?
UDL is… "scientifically valid framework for guiding educational practice," UDL facilitates the design and implementation of a flexible, responsive curriculum, UDL offers options for: - how information is presented - how students respond or demonstrate their knowledge and skills, and - how students are engaged in learning. UDL implementation provides the opportunity for all students to access, participate in, and progress in the education curriculum by reducing barriers to instruction. This slide provides the big rocks that research has to say about UDL. All of this is elaborated as we move forward, so this is offered as background. As you see in these bullets, the essence of UDL is flexibility that allows for alternatives that better address the myriad of variations in learners’ needs, styles, and preferences. With UDL, each student is addressed as an individual with unique needs, interests, and abilities.
Student does not know multiplication facts
Barriers? A building barrier can be stairs, the change made to the building could be a ramp. An instructional barrier can be a textbook, the change made in instruction could be an audio-book. An instructional barrier can be ___________, the change made in instruction could be ______________. Student does not know multiplication facts What are some barriers you addressed from the various buildings? Let’s complete these analogies together. Do this as a whole group activity and complete the blanks by calling on participants to fill them in. Next have them do the same with a shoulder buddy to generate more answers and ways to address barriers. Activity Instructions: With a peer partner, each of you will complete the set of analogies. After each of you has an opportunity to complete the analogy discuss with your partner why you selected the choices you used to fill in the blanks. multiplication chart
Universal Design for Learning (UDL)
The Center for Applied Special Technology (CAST) believes that… “barriers to learning are not, in fact, inherent in the capacities of learners, but instead arise in learners' interactions with inflexible educational goals, materials, methods, and assessments.” Teaching Every Student in the Digital Age, p. vi Dr. David Rose David Rose at CAST drives home that the challenge is not to “fix” the child who is struggling, but to “fix” the curriculum so that it will meet diverse learner needs. Background: Founded in 1984, CAST is a not-for-profit, educational research and development organization whose mission is to expand learning opportunities for all individuals, especially those with disabilities and at-risk learners, through innovative uses of technology and UDL. CAST = Center for Applied Special Technology
So what do we change? So, what do we change?
We change aspects of the curriculum to increase the learning. And, UDL is one of the ways we do that.
What is Universal Design for Learning?
UDL is not one size fits all – but IS alternatives for everyone. UDL is not added on later – but IS designed from the beginning. UDL is not access for some – but IS access for everyone. We offer these summary bullets about UDL and then engage table groups in a collaboration to come up with a strong definition of UDL.
UDL… BEFORE instruction
Get to know your students’ abilities, special needs, and learning styles After reviewing standards, determine learning needs Devise instructional approaches to reach greatest number of students Recognize individual needs of students Set curricular goals Determine learning supports Adapt methods and materials to individual student needs Select appropriate UDL strategies, tools, and features to adapt instruction. Here are the bullet descriptors of UDL practice that typically occur BEFORE instruction. For administrators how many of these do you consistently see during your walk-throughs?
UDL… DURING instruction
Differentiate instruction to reach students on their own levels Special educator and general educator consult with one another Use other methods and ongoing feedback to adjust instruction Use equitable, flexible, accessible methods to fit instruction to student needs Special educator and general educator collaborate to resolve residual problems Use UDL features to determine student progress for feedback and to adjust instruction During…
UDL… AFTER instruction
Employ ongoing or alternate assessments to determine progress, needs, and future direction of class Repeat planning cycle Make sure assessments reflect UDL characteristics Assess continuously through variety of formats to track student progress Adapt delivery of instruction as needed And after… We don’t have time to do this activity, but detailed directions are provided in the notes on the module slides.
What is wrong with this picture?
So, what is wrong with this picture? As educators because we want the same outcomes for every student achievement we often get stuck in a rut thinking how they get there has to be in the same way. What we have learned from universal design thus far is that we have to acknowledge that each and every student is unique and we have to offer options and alternatives. This picture exemplifies how UDL is part of Support for Personalized Learning.
To Summarize UDL Next,, we look at the UDL in video format; acknowledging our consideration of the diversity of our teacher learners and summarizing the ground covered, so far. View: 4 minute video which is a review and rap up of UDL that puts in a nice concise overview that is very on point and will reinforce and bring together all of what the participants have worked on up to this point. ***Should be about 1 hour to this point
WHAT …of learning HOW… of learning WHY… of learning
What do we mean by Learning? Recognition Multiple representations of information WHAT …of learning Strategic Multiple options for expression and action HOW… of learning You have a good understanding of the “Design” part of UDL, but what about the “Learning”? We begin with this model of what modern cognitive science tells us about learning. Our capacity to study the brain has changed dramatically – technology has given researchers an inside look at learning, via Pet scans, cat scans and MRIs. As the images show, they can “see” when, where and under what conditions the brain burns sugar – which is an indicator that those neural networks are firing. The 3 networks illustrated, represent the “what” ; the “how” and the “why” of learning. They are also the basis for the 3 guiding principles of Universal Design for Learning. Let’s take a closer look. Affective Multiple means of engagement WHY… of learning
Connecting to 3 Principles of UDL…
WHAT? Principle 1 Multiple Means of Representation – The educator provides flexibility in the ways information is presented, HOW? Principle 2 Multiple Means of Action & Expression – The educator provides flexibility in the ways students respond or demonstrate knowledge and skills, and WHY? Principle 3 Multiple Means of Engagement – The educator provides flexibility in the ways students are engaged. And, the 3 Principles of UDL correspond to these 3 clusters of neural activity. The goal is for educators to design learning experiences that flex in ways that accommodate differences in each of these three brain networks.
Representation Principle 1 Action and Expression Principle 2
Presenting information and course content in multiple formats so that all students can access it Action and Expression Principle 2 Allowing students alternatives to express or demonstrate their learning Engagement Principle 3 Stimulating students' interests and motivation for learning in a variety of ways Examples: • Provide alternatives for accessing information (e.g., visual, auditory) • Provide or activate background knowledge in multiple ways (e.g., pre-teaching concepts, using advanced organizers) Examples: • Provide options for responding (e.g., keyboard instead of pen to complete a writing assignment) • Provide options for completing assignments using different media (e.g., text, speech, film, music) Examples: • Provide options that increase the relevance and authenticity of instructional activities (e.g., using money to teach math) • Provide options that encourage collaboration and communication (e.g., peer tutoring) UDL sets the stage for great IPI scores. If students can not access the content and are able to express in multiple formats you will never get them to higher DOK. Worksheets get you “stuck” in Recall and skill drill.
Representation Principle 1 Action and Expression Principle 2
Educators present information and course content in multiple formats so that all students can access it Action and Expression Principle 2 Educators allow students alternatives to express or demonstrate their learning Engagement Principle 3 Educators stimulate students' interests and motivation for learning in a variety of ways Perception Language, expression and symbols Comprehension Physical action Expression and Communication Executive Function Recruiting and interest Sustaining effort and persistence Self-regulation Then, Participants pull out their UDL Guidelines 2.0 Groups are assigned sections to read Time is allowed for table discussion, and Groups report out UDL Guidelines 2.0
UDL Guidelines 2.0 The UDL Guidelines were designed to assist anyone planning lessons or developing curricula to… Reduce barriers Optimize levels of challenge and support Meet the needs of ALL learners from the start For a copy of the Guidelines go to “Supporting Links” I encourage you to download a copy of the UDL guidelines. It gives educators specific examples of how to modify the environment for the many different types of learners in the classroom. These guidelines may be found at or you can simply google UDL guidelines.
The UDL Checklist is another supporting document that is a quick reference that may be used when planning your lessons. It gives the educator concrete suggestions based on the guidelines that may be easily incorporated into lesson plans and learning environment.
UDL Checklist A full checklist may be found under “Supporting Links”.
From Theory to Practice…
What does it look like to implement the UDL framework into my daily teaching environment? I love this graphic an I hope that it stays with you as an educator. There is no greater truth than what is exemplified in this graphic. So often we get caught up in the content, that we think that is all that matters. You very well may be the smartest and brightest in your content area, but if the students “don’t get it” then we have lost the opportunity this great knowledge to be imparted on your students.
UDL in Practice… Let’s watch a clip of a teacher utilizing the UDL guidelines. We will watch a 1st grade class and a 6th grade class. Our next step towards implementation covers the same content, but with different representation. Animate in the 3 steps of the activity and say: If you skim through these directions, you can get the picture of this stage of our scaffold. The format is to show a lesson and then show a team of UDL experts commentating. This models and sets the stage for our teachers to look at lessons through the lens of the UDL checkpoints. We will wait while you take out a notepad. Please reflect on one practice that appeals to you and jot down some notes so that you can try it in your classroom.
How do I apply the UDL Guidelines in my lessons?
Use the UDL Guidelines to critique your own lesson: How many checkpoints are represented by your lesson plan? What’s the evidence? What changes will you make to your lesson plan ? For those teachers who bring lessons, opportunity is provided for self-assessment relative to the UDL Guidelines.
For More information on UDL…….
Top 4 UDL Websites What online resources are available? These links are listed under “Supporting Links” For More information on UDL……. Again, in an effort to sustain momentum for learning, before we leave this module, we share the Top 4 UDL Websites. We have copied the URLs for you onto a handout in your folders.
What technology tools can I use?
investigate a free online Technology Toolkit for UDL in All Classrooms. Every teacher should visit this site. Once at the website click on the content area and it will give the educator specific ways to provide a udl environment in the specific content areas.
And, of course, the CAST site that we have used and referenced today.
Office of Special Education Programs
US Dept of Ed Office of Special Education Programs The 1st website is Ideas that Work from the US Dept of Education.
35 National Center on UDL
Next, the National Center on UDL…
IRIS Center
Finally, the IRIS Center where the Sycamore MS scenario is located.
Thank you for your participation. At the conclusion of this webinar,
please download the NCIPP mentor-mentee attachments. If you require additional assistance please contact the Office of Special Programs We hope this information has been informative and helpful. Thank you for your participation, your questions and comment will be reviewed and taken into consideration before the next webinar. Please remember to complete the evaluation.
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