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2586 Essays France 1814-48.

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1 2586 Essays France

2 To what extent was the reign of Louis XVIII a failure?
Need to establish what Louis’s aims were If he was successful in achieving most of this aims then analysis is that he was successful If he failed in most areas then … Remember to include a conclusion

3 Issues to be considered
Problems facing Louis 100 Days & 2nd Treaty of Paris Pressure from Ultras White Terror Murder of Duc de Berri Increasing polarisation of politics Success/failures Regime well established by 1818 Charter important Ultra threat seen off (till 1820s) Failed to address land issue Regime becoming increasingly royalist

4 First argument Reign can be divided into 2; 1814-1820 & 1820-1824
Louis inherited strong economy though many of subjects unsure about him Despite own history & political ideology was prepared to follow path of conciliation- “All the efforts of my government are directed into the effort to forge the two peoples who exist only too much in fact into a single one.” (Louis XVIII 1817)

5 First Argument (continued)
Made mistakes – Flag, title, issue of Charter based on royal prerogative Charter was a good start! Fled from Napoleon’s return & 2nd restoration not well received! La Chambre Introuvable & White Terror threatened his policy Franchise altered & more moderate assembly elected

6 First Argument (continued)
By 1818 French able to pay indemnity Army of occupation withdrawn France joined Quadruple Alliance (the international community of Great Powers) National finances put on sound footing for the first time for many years First 5 years relatively successful – all change in 1820!

7 Second Argument 1820 growing threat from Bonapartists/Liberals
1820 year of revolutions across Europe Murder of de Berri Growing Ultra influence – appointment of de Villele Involvement in Spain 1822 Charbonniers : evidence of political polarisation By 1824 more authoritarian government in place

8 Conclusion Successful for first half of reign
Established stable regime after shaky start French finances put on sound footing which encouraged confidence in the regime After 1820 lost grip and allowed more authoritarian forces to take control “…slide from moderate policies and towards extreme Royalism had already begun before Charles X officially became king.” (Randell)

9 countryside and rising
To what extent was the economic recession of the main reason for the fall the July Monarchy? Parisian poor hit by rising prices & unemployment. Middle classes experiencing problems too. No action by the government- big mob developing in the capital Poor harvests and potato blight led to food shortages in countryside and rising prices. Falling demand for manufactured goods

10 Economic recession the main reason?
Spark for revolution was the cancellation of Reform Banquet in Feb 1848 Part of pressure campaign set up to bring about extension of franchise This resulted from key issue – LP’s refusal to allow any political changes LP wanted to rule and was prepared to use corrupt means

11 Foreign Policy Turned down chance to get control of Belgium in 1830 – did not go down well! Attempt to gain powerful ally in Near East (Mehemet Ali) failed – France isolated Spanish Marriages issue only lost him the support of GB Cautious foreign policy paled next to former glories BUT how big a deal?

12 Political Opposition L-P disliked by Legitimists – one failed rising in support of young de Berri Louis Napoleon Bonaparte staged 2 failed attempts to seize power Clearly the ‘Legend’ not effective Republicans most serious challenge – number of assassination attempts Lacked co-ordination

13 How much support did L-P have?
‘Bourgeois’ monarchy had very narrow basis of support Lack of social reform and heavy handed attitude towards unrest increased support for republicanism & socialism Middle classes began to support Reform campaign National Guard unwilling to fight in 1848

14 Conclusion To great extent July Monarchy just collapsed! – no one was prepared to fight Social problems were important – L-P did nothing to address them Refusal to allow political reform important Cautious foreign policy perhaps an irritant Recession was a trigger to the revolution NOT root cause

15 Much glory under Napoleon!
‘Neither popular nor successful’. How fair is this judgment on L-P’s foreign policy? French foreign policy limited by the restraints of Vienna Settlement – French expansion checked by ‘buffer states’ French had long tradition of being dominant military and political power in Europe Much glory under Napoleon!

16 Belgium 1830-39 Joined to Holland in 1815
Belgians treated as 2nd class citizens Overthrew Dutch rule in 1830 Crown offered to French prince Louis-Philippe chose to work with GB Helped Belgians to repel Dutch in 1831 German prince became King

17 Comment Belgium long been considered by French as their sphere of influence Unhappy at L-P’s actions Given circumstances was the only course of action!

18 Adventures in the Middle East
Conflict between MA & his master the Sultan of Turkey French opted to support MA Other GPs supported Sultan MA defeated – French lost valuable ally

19 Comment Considerable French investment in Egypt so naturally public opinion supported MA Thiers planned foreign policy to take advantage of this He threatened war against GPs but bluff called Resounding diplomatic defeat Thiers sacked!

20 The Spanish Marriages Guizot worked hard to create good relations with GB Deal made in 1846 over marriage of Queen Isabella of Spain Guizot scored brief victory through marriage of younger sister Victory hollow as Isabella had a son!

21 Algeria Guizot continued colonisation programme
By K French citizens in Algeria Venture was expensive in lives & money King showed little interest Many French only interested in European adventures

22 How far were the Ultras the greatest threat to the Bourbon Restoration?
Ultras led by Comte d’Artois – very organised! Won elections in 1815 – able to initiate White Terror after 100 Days After 1820 Ultras re-established influence over King Intervention in Spain clear evidence of this

23 Other Factors? Economic Problems? Poor government under Louis?
Legacy of the treaties? Lack of popular support? Threat from Bonaparte & followers? Fears of Pays Legal? Louis’s unwillingness to compromise

24 Conclusion The French historian Maurois wrote of the Ultras that
‘They dug deeper instead of filling the bloody trenches of revolution’

25 Comparison of LP’s foreign & domestic policies in leading to his downfall
From the beginning Louis Philippe regarded 1830 as a signal to conserve and not change the status quo Very limited changes made to the Charter He aimed to rule, not to be a figure head Appointed weak chief ministers Ruled corruptly

26 Problems Regime rested on narrow basis – made no attempt to widen appeal Pressure growing because of social problems caused by industrialisation & urbanisation Matters brought to head by recession of Rejection of calls for reform led to Reform Banquets

27 Foreign Policy French brought up on diet of glory
Rejected chance to add Belgium to territory in 1830 Best policy in circumstances but not popular with subjects Diplomatic defeat over Mehemet Ali Algeria successful but costly and won him little credit

28 Conclusion Foreign policy was perhaps uninspired and disappointing
But this would add to lack of popularity rather than cause downfall More important was resistance to change Refusal to listen to calls for political reform was major cause of decline in popularity

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